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The Brain and Learning

The Brain and Learning. www.simpsonstrivia.com.ar. http://bodyworksfitness.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/brain-left-right.jpg. An Introduction to Learning and the Nervous System. Brainstorm. What does it mean to be intelligent? Why do you think certain people are smarter than others?.

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The Brain and Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Brain and Learning www.simpsonstrivia.com.ar http://bodyworksfitness.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/brain-left-right.jpg An Introduction to Learning and the Nervous System

  2. Brainstorm • What does it mean to be intelligent? • Why do you think certain people are smarter than others?

  3. Just the Facts, Jack! • Read the article aloud, taking turns. • Write five facts that you as a group felt were important ideas from the reading. • Be prepared to present this information to the class.

  4. Learning Styles • Verbal/linguistic • Logical/Mathematical • Intrapersonal • Musical/Rhythmic • Interpersonal • Visual/Spatial • Bodily/Kinesthetic • Naturalist

  5. Hemisphere Dominance

  6. Left-brained – blue Right-brained - red Verbal/linguistic - orange Logical/Math - yellow Intrapersonal - green Musical/Rhythmic - purple Interpersonal - pink Visual/Spatial - black Bodily/Kinesthetic - white Naturalist - brown Sticker Key

  7. Picture Splash:What do you think this is? http://www.sfn.org/skins/main/images/brainbriefings/big.dec.jpg

  8. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl http://www.laum.uni-hannover.de/ilr/lehre/Ptm/Grafik/Gehirn.jpg

  9. http://www.morphonix.com/software/education/science/brain/game/specimens/images/neuron_parts.gifhttp://www.morphonix.com/software/education/science/brain/game/specimens/images/neuron_parts.gif http://www.ifi.uio.no/infneuro/Gamle/H2002/hafliger/fig/lightmicro_neuron.gif

  10. nervous system cell - neuron

  11. Tissue http://whyfiles.org/193prion/images/spongy_tissue.jpg www.sciencedaily.com

  12. Organ http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:t9ixIS0V2Tjz1M http://informl.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/brain_witelson.jpg

  13. Central nervous system – brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system – nerve cell pathways throughout organism Organ System http://msjensen.cehd.umn.edu/webanatomy/nervous/nerv_anatomyTV-head-nerves.jpg

  14. http://abdellab.sunderland.ac.uk/Lectures/Parmacology/Pics/anatomy/PNS.GIFhttp://abdellab.sunderland.ac.uk/Lectures/Parmacology/Pics/anatomy/PNS.GIF

  15. Whiteboard Activity

  16. Whiteboards, cont. • Fill in the blank: Cell - __________________ - organ – organ system – organism

  17. Whiteboards • What are the two major parts of the nervous system?

  18. Warm Up • Which part of the brain is most likely enhanced when a person is a visual learner? • What about a bodily/kinesthetic? • Logical/Mathematical EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.

  19. Personal Reflection Assignment • 1. Write a two paragraph reflection on what you have learned about the brain and learning. • Include: • 1. How you viewed intelligence before and after this unit (look back at your first homework assignment!) • 2. Your high and low preferences for learning styles and two examples of things about yourself that follow this criteria. • 3. Which parts of your brain are more developed than others? Make the connection between lobe and learner! • 4. How will you apply this to your life? What can you do to “train your brain”?

  20. Any questions about your reflection? www.aquahobby.com/magic/img/reflection.jpg

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