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Policy Training Program for the Lifecycle of an Account December, 2008. Account Management Day to Day Tasks “It Takes A Village. . . . . . . . . “ Presenters : Tammy Emilson and Mona Holdcraft Project Team : Cheryl Bluett, Melissa Guinn, Allison Harris, Kim Hoebel, Rupa Murali, Kathy
Policy Training Program for the Lifecycle of an Account December, 2008 Account Management Day to Day Tasks “It Takes A Village. . . . . . . . . “ Presenters: Tammy Emilson and Mona Holdcraft Project Team: Cheryl Bluett, Melissa Guinn, Allison Harris, Kim Hoebel, Rupa Murali, Kathy Vanderwall, Matt Westhuis, Cheryl Westlund
Introduction Backup Documentation Prior Approval Records Management Resources Course Content
Upon completion of this course you will: understand the importance of working together as a team to manage our accounts, recognize the importance of each transaction, learn about the resources available to determine if a transaction is allowable, understand the importance of documenting and maintaining institutional records, learn the definition and purpose of records management. Course Objectives
Federal laws, state laws, university policies and guidelines Control = customer service Every transaction counts Elevate issues Important Overarching Points
Why is it important to have good backup documentation and to provide complete and thorough explanations on your documents? Independent reviewer test Staff changes Backup Documentation
What should be included? Where should you keep it? Relevant to the transaction Demonstrates allocability, allowability, reasonableness Answers who, what, when, where, why Consistent with the transaction Prior approvals Attached to source document in the file Backup Documentation
Why is it important to keep a signature authorization form on file for your accounts? Department Heads Principal Investigators (PI’s) Comptroller/SPS Backup Documentation
Example 1 – JV Example 2 – Invoice Voucher Example 3 – PAR Example 4 – Contract Example 5 – Purchasing Card http://www.purdue.edu/ecco/pdf/CertificationforMissingHospitalityReceipt.pdf Example Docs – Any Problems?
What is prior approval? Prior approval is ensuring all appropriate authorizations are obtained before taking action Prior Approval
What resources do you have available? Cost accounting guidelines (https://www.purdue.edu/costing/BPM/doc/CostChargInstruct.doc) PRF guidelines (http://www.prf.org/financial/forms/Discrect%20Guidlines.pdf) Hospitality policy (http://www.purdue.edu/policies/pages/finances/ii_1_1.html) Donor letter or endowment agreement Sponsored budget, budget justification, notice of award SPS prior approval grid (http://www.purdue.edu/sps/accountmgmt/priorapproval/paguidelines.html) Provost prior approval guidelines (http://www.purdue.edu/provost/shtml/doc_and_forms/Delegations_08.doc) Account authorization forms (http://www.purdue.edu/sps/xls/Copy%20of%20Signature%20Authority.xls) Guidelines for summer session support (http://www.purdue.edu/provost/shtml/doc_and_forms/sum_sess_guidelines05.doc) Prior Approval
Can a cost be allowable at one institution but not at another? Driven by each university's disclosure statement https://www.purdue.edu/costing/BPM/doc/CostChargInstruct.doc Prior Approval
What can you do at proposal time to make management of the award easier and avoid delays in purchasing items, putting people on payroll, etc? Budget appropriately Be specific in the budget justification Justify unlike circumstances up front Prior Approval
What is the difference between academic and comptroller approvals? Why do we have different dollar levels of comptroller approval? Department head approval vs. comptroller approval Level of risk Prior Approval
A staff position is open in your department. The hiring supervisor comes to request the credit card so they can take the interviewee to lunch during their visit. While filling out the purchasing card request form, you hear her say that 15 people will be attending the lunch. Is this allowable and reasonable? http://www.purdue.edu/policies/pages/finances/ii_1_1.html Discussion Item #1
A faculty principal investigator (PI) has an Army Research Office grant and he wishes to travel to a conference in a foreign country when he did not originally budget foreign travel. Is this ok? http://www.purdue.edu/sps/xls/pa/doe.xls Discussion Item #2
A PI wishes to charge the salary of a person in the operations staff class who will be providing administrative support to her federally sponsored project. Is this ok? https://www.purdue.edu/costing/BPM/doc/CostChargInstruct.doc Discussion Item #3
A spouse of a faculty member has a business need to represent the Chemistry department at a gathering in Seattle. Are we allowed to reimburse the spouse’s travel costs? (link under construction) Discussion Item #4
A new faculty member submits an order for a $75,000 Mass Spec machine. The source of funds is $45K from a National Institute of Health grant and $30K from her general fund startup allocation. What types of questions do you need to ask? What do you need in order to approve this transaction? Who needs to approve? Discussion Item #5
Your undergraduate recruiting area would like to purchase 1,000 mouse pads to send to prospective students. Can you purchase these items? What are the rules? What type of funds can you use? What about other types of promotional items like pens, t-shirts, tote bags, M&M’s, coasters? http://www.purdue.edu/account/doc/Marketing%20promo%20revised.doc Discussion Item #6
My department head has to add a section of Comm 114 at the last minute and has requested to pay a current full-time continuing lecturer in English an overload to teach the extra course. What questions do I need to ask? What approvals do I need to get? (http://www.purdue.edu/provost/shtml/doc_and_forms/Delegations_08.doc) Discussion Item #7
What are University records? What is a records retention schedule? Why is it important to dispose of records in a timely manner per the records retention schedule? Records Management
What are University records? Any writing, paper, report, study, map, photograph, book, card, tape recording, or other material that is created, received, retained, maintained, or filed by or with the University. All University records are public records. Records are made or received by the University in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business. Records are the property of the University and not the property of the individual who generates or receives them. Records Management
Records Management • What is a records retention schedule? • Identifies the categories of records that we create or maintain during the normal course of business, as well as, the amount of time which these records must be retained to meet both legal and business requirements. • Current Link: http://www.purdue.edu/business/Quick_Links/records.xls • Coming Soon: www.purdue.edu/records
Why is it important to dispose of records in a timely manner per the records retention schedule? To meet the requirements of external regulations University records must be: Retained appropriately Disposed of in a timely manner Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure if we have prudent business policies and procedures for managing our records then during litigation we gain some protection from sanctions if we can show we complied with our policies and procedures. Records Management
Discussion Item #8 • It is July and you now have a little bit of time to clean out your electronic and paper files. How do you know which files you can destroy? http://www.purdue.edu/business/Quick_Links/records.xls
University Policy VI.4.2 - Retention & Disposal of University Records http://www.purdue.edu/policies/pages/records/vi_4_2.html Cheryl Westlund 494-9218 cwestlund@purdue.edu FREH For questions or assistance with: Records Retention Schedules Records Management (electronic, hard copy & microfilm) Public Records and subpoenas Where can I go for help with records management?
Remember, it takes a village. . . . . . . . . Use the on-line and written resources Use your people resources Thanks very much for your time and attention! We hope this was a useful session for you. Resources