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SVF Virtue of the Month 2013-2014. Forming our character!.
Forming our character! At St. Vincent Ferrer we recognize the importance of practicing virtue and building good Character. This enables us to be Jesus to one another. We aim to see the needs of our neighbor, and respond with love and service! Our focus this year is on: Responsibility,Charity,Gratitude,Generosity,Faithfulness, Humility, Patience,Courage and Diligence
September: Responsibility Blessed Virgin Mary Feast Day: Sept. 8th Sept.15th Responsibility is doing what God asks me to do. What are my responsibilities at the beginning of this new school year? To be a good son/daughter, student, friend, neighbor. Mary always did what God asked her to do, to the best of her ability - even when it was very difficult for her. She didn’t complain or grumble. She always asked God for His help, and she was able to do remarkable things. Reflection: “Mary, as this new school year begins help me to be responsible and set a good example for those around me! Help me make good choices and give Glory to God!” “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38
October: Charity St. Therese of the Child Jesus Feast Day: Oct. 1st Charity is love of God and love of our neighbor. We can become “loving” people, one good deed at a time! We can work on trying to help someone whenever we see a need. We can decide to only saying nice things about other people - to build them up and encourage them. Reflection: “St. Therese you had so much love in your heart for Jesus. Help me to see Jesus in all the people I encounter each day!” “Live in love, as Christ loved us!” Ephesians 5:2
November: Gratitude St. Martin of Tours Feast day: November 11th Gratitude is being thankful for all I have been given – my family, my faith, my home, my school, my friends, my gifts and talents. St. Martin recognized all God had given him and was quick to share what he had with others. Reflection: “St. Martin, teach me to have an attitude of gratitude and to remember to share what I have with those who are without. Help me remember to give thanks to God each day!” “Give thanks always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father!” Ephesians 5:20
December: Generosity Mother Teresa of Calcutta Feast Day: Sept.5th This month we are reminded that God gave us His greatest treasure – His only Son, to be our Savior. We want to give back for all we have been given, to focus more on giving than getting! This month we can remember the poor and the Missionary Childhood Association! Mother Teresa said, “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love is put in the giving!” She spent her life giving of herself so that other’s might experience love. Reflection: “Mother Teresa, thank you for your witness of love. Your life is a reminder of the power of love. Teach us how to love and give.” “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Proverbs 19:17
January: Faithfulness St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day: Jan.4th Faithfulness is a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is a gift He gives to help us be faithful to Him and all He asks of us. At the beginning of this New Year, we resolve to be the disciples Jesus calls us to be. This year our Catholic School’s Week theme is: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is a saint who listed to God’s plan for her and helped establish the first Catholic School in America! Reflection: “St. Elizabeth, you understood the value of Catholic Education and spent much of your life trying to help give children that gift. Help us make St. Vincent Ferrer a strong community of Faith, Knowledge and Service!” “Serve the Lord faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you” Samuel 12:24
February: Humility St. Josephine Bakhita Feast Day: Feb. 8th Humility is a virtue that enables us to recognize all our talents and abilities as gifts from our loving Creator! It means we avoid bragging about our success, and instead thank God for them. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis St. Josephine Bakhita was a slave who won her freedom and decided to serve God in the religious life. She was known for her humility, simplicity and constant smile won the hearts of all who knew her. Reflection: “St. Josephine, please help us to always use our gifts and talents to bring Glory to God!” “He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.” Psalm 25:9
March: Patience St. Patrick Feast Day: March 17th Patience is a difficult virtue to master, because we usually want things when we want them. Patience is learning self control and to remain calm in the face of difficulty. St. Patrick was very patient as he worked in pagan Ireland. He didn’t quit when he didn’t see results. After years of preaching and teaching the people of Ireland eventually accepted Christianity. Reflection: “St. Patrick, please teach us the value of hard work, and how to wait for the things we want.” “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalm 37
April: Courage St. Vincent Ferrer Feast Day: April 5th The word "courage" comes from the Latin word for "heart," and it basically means that you are bravehearted. People are courageous when they do the right thing. They know God will help them. St. Vincent Ferrer courageously preached in Europe for 20 years. He felt God was calling him to help prepare people for their Final Judgment. His courage brought many people back to Christ. Reflection: “St. Vincent Ferrer, help us never be afraid to do what is right!” “Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the LORD.” psalm 31:24
May:Diligence St. Joseph the worker Feast Day: May 1st Diligence is the virtue that helps us to fulfill our duties in life, even if they get to be tiresome. These duties include the responsibilities we have to our families, our school, our Church and community. St. Joseph understood the value of hard work. He took his responsibilities very seriously. Reflection: “St. Joseph, as the school year draws to an end, help me persevere and continue to give my best in all that I do.” “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Talents to Service… In response to our Holy Father’s Challenge to know our faith and put it into practice, each class is adopting a charity that will become part of that classes mission/focus for years to come. Pre-K– Ronald McDonald House Kindergarten- SVF Family Promise 1stGrade - Little Servant Sisters 2ndGrade - The Achievement center in Delray 3rdGrade - Forgotten Soldiers 4th Grade - St. Vincent Ferrer Care Ministry 5thGrade – Making cards for the people our parish serves. 6thGrade - Birthline/Lifeline 7thGrade - The Food Pantry in Delray 8th Grade - Caring Kitchen in Delray