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Which type of Car is better for Driving Lessons, an Automatic or a Manual?

Mitcham Driving School in Adelaide has attained a great reputation among driving Schools in Adelaide. Mitcham Driving School chooses instructors carefully so that you can be confident in having driving lessons in Adelaide with a fully qualified and friendly professional.

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Which type of Car is better for Driving Lessons, an Automatic or a Manual?

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  1. Which type of Car is better for Driving Lessons, an Automatic or a Manual?

  2. Difference between Automatic and Manual Driving Lessons

  3. It is fun to learn driving a vehicle for most people, but for a few it is a stressful activity. Yes, sometimes people want to finish it off as quickly as possible. They enjoy driving but avoid the process of learning. • Nowadays, driving schools do several marketing gimmicks to lure people. The competition is fierce, and everyone wants the most significant share of the pie. Hence no stone is left unturned to grab customers. • Offeringdriving lessons on an automatic car is one of the recent fads. While the idea looks fancy to some people, hardcore fans of annual driving outrightly reject it. They feel that it is not an appropriate way. • The debate can continue unendingly, but the article discusses the strong and weak points of both unbiasedly. It will help you in deciding which one to choose?

  4. Let’s understand the fundamental difference first • Gear is the most vital mechanism in a car. You must choose the right gear to run the car perfectly. It is a skill that needs excellent practice. • In the automatic car, you needn’t worry about changing the gears. The car does it for you. Depending on the speed of the car and driving conditions; it chooses the apt gear. • It is needless to mention which type of car driving is easy to learn in? It is an automatic car obviously.

  5. Why does everyone not learn driving on an automatic car? • The question must have popped up in your mind. If it is incredibly easy to learn automatic driving, then why does everyone not prefer it? • There is a catch. Once you master the skill of manual driving, it is very much possible to learn how to drive an automatic car? • However, the reverse is not true, unfortunately. A person skilled in automatic car driving can’t drive a manual car. • Manual driving teaches you the perfect balance of using gears and clutch. It develops a perfect synchronization between the mind and the body.

  6. Simultaneous use of accelerator, brakes, gears, and clutch develops multidimensional sensory motor skills. • All these benefits can’t be achieved if one learns car driving using an automatic car. It is quicker to learn and pass the test. Hence, the spending on the driving lesson is less. • In short, it is always better to join a driving school that uses the traditional manual driving. To learn how to drive an automatic car, you need only practice. • Mitcham Driving School in Adelaide has attained a great reputation among driving Schools in Adelaide. IT choose instructors carefully so that you can be confident in having driving lessons in Adelaide with a fully qualified and friendly professional.

  7. Contact US • 213 Green Hill Road Eastwood , Adelaide, South Australia • Phone No:- (08) 8271 8400 • E-mail ID:- mitchamdrivingschool@bigpond.com Website:- http://www.mitchamdrivingschool.com.au/

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