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From ILC to CLIC: Working with Detectors. André, Jacob , Katja, Peter. Outline. Beam-Beam Background Tracking Detectors Particle Flow Algorithms (PFA) Hadronic Calorimeter. Incoherent pairs produced in a single bunch crossing (BX).
From ILC to CLIC:Working with Detectors André, Jacob, Katja, Peter
Outline • Beam-Beam Background • Tracking Detectors • Particle Flow Algorithms (PFA) • Hadronic Calorimeter
Incoherent pairs produced in a single bunch crossing (BX) Radial position of incoherent pairs. Have to move Vertex Detector outward to avoid getting hit. Beam-Beam Background at ILC and CLIC SiD ECAL ILD tracking ILD ECAL Plots by D. Schulte
Beam-Beam Background II • Different Crossing Angle • 14 (ILC) to 20 (CLIC) mrad • Larger Background • Coherent Pairs (108) Larger aperture for outgoing beams • Have to reduce backscattering • Magnetic Field • Can’t use AntiDID because it lowers Luminosity by 20% Hits mm-2 Hit distribution on the ILD-flavor VXD from 10 BX at CLIC Plots by André Sailer
Tracking Detectors • Increased Beam Beam Background • Move Vertex Detector Outward • Still more hits from Background • Pattern Recognition (B Tagging) might be hurt • Different Bunch structure (0.5 ns) might require time stamping • Still has to be shown that TPC works, might be easier with Silicon Trackers
For CLIC separation between neutral and charged particles is reduced Adds Confusion, reduces jet energy resolution Particle Flow Plot by M. Thomson
In order to keep a good energy resolution at higher energies requires more radiation length in the HCal To keep it short (Coil diameter) use tungsten (or something heavy) In the end Particle Flow performance is more crucial and not too dependent on HCal resolution, but leakage has to be avoided. HCal Plots by Peter Speckmayer
Conclusions • Both SiD and ILD are being optimized for ILC • With some changes both concepts can be adapted to CLIC • Still ongoing work at the LCD group at CERN
References • www.ilcild.org • www.silicondetector.org • http://lcd.web.cern.ch • www.linearcollider.org