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Effective Techniques for Guessing the Meaning of Words in Reading Comprehension

This topic focuses on the skill of guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words while reading. It covers techniques such as using context clues, word analysis, synonyms, and multiple choice questions. By mastering these techniques, students can improve their reading comprehension abilities.

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Effective Techniques for Guessing the Meaning of Words in Reading Comprehension

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  1. Welcome to our class 高三英语备课组

  2. If you come across new words when reading, What will you do ?

  3. Look them up in the dictionary • Ignore them and continue reading • Guess the meaning

  4. 阅读专题--- 猜测词义句意

  5. 学习目标 1、明确高考考试说明中关于阅读理解试题的考查要求; 2、掌握阅读理解试题中关于猜测词义的基本解题技巧; 3、运用所学的解题技巧进行课堂训练,巩固对解题技巧的理解与运用。

  6. 考试说明中关于阅读理解的要求: 要求考生读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、 公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志及各类媒体中关 于一般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。 考生应能: 1、理解主旨要义;  2、理解文中具体信息; 3、根据上下文提供的线索推测生词的词义; 4、根据文中事实和线索作出简单判断和理解;  5、理解文章的宏观结构和文脉逻辑关系;  6、理解作者的观点、意图和态度; 7、提炼文章提纲、概括主要内容、理解关键信息

  7. 抓主旨 明细节 猜词义 做推断

  8. 常见的设问形式: 1. The underlined word “ … ” refers to/ probably means/ could best be replaced by . What does the underlined word/phrase/sentence mean? “___”, as is used in the passage, can be defined as _____. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word “ … ”? What do you think the expression "..." stands for? By saying “…” we mean _____.

  9. Howto guess the meanings of words ?

  10. 猜测词义句意: 解题技巧 猜测词义句意 语境 context 词汇 word

  11. 解题技巧一: 词 汇 解 题

  12. 词汇解题:1. 构词法 Q: Are you familiar with these words? unconditional 无条件的 postwar 战后的 ex-wife 前妻 irregular 无规律的 courageous 勇敢的 changeable 易变的 ill-treat 虐待 pickpocket 扒手

  13. 词汇解题:1. 构词法 1.常见的否定前/后缀: dissatisfaction illegal impossible incorrect mislead nonstop malnutrition poisonous 2.表示人的后缀: employer inventor interviewee Chinese(国民) technician psychologistparticipant actress(女性) 3.其他常见词缀: interact(相互) telephone(远程的) biology(生物) troublesome(有…特点的) unavoidable(能够…的) submarine(下面的) subtitle(副的) automobile(自动的) antigovernment(反对) widen(使…)enlarge(使…) simplify(使…化) socialize(使成为) bicycle(两个) triangle(三个)multicultural(多个的) hydroelectricity(水) 非法的 误导 营养不良 心理学家 互动 不可避免的 副标题 加宽 简化 三角形

  14. 错题再现: (15年如东县学情检测卷 ) Captain Alfred Edwin McKay joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916. He downed ten enemy planes, outlived his entire squadron (中队) as a WWI flyer, spent some time as a flying instructor in England, then returned to the front, where he was eventually shot down over Belgium and killed in December 1917. What does the word “outlive” mean in the passage? A. equal B. defeat C. survive D. pass “out-”: 在外面; 超过 outlive sb. = survive sb. 比sb. 活得长

  15. 词汇解题:2. 同/近义词 Q: Can you find a word which has the similar meaning to the underlined one in each sentence? 1.The new tax law supersedes, or replaces, the law that was in effect last year. 2. Doctors believe that smoking is detrimentalto people's health. They also regard drinking as harmful. 3. All the other members are of the same opinion. They are unanimous. 取代 有害的 意见一致的 Tip 同/近义词的常见信号词:and, or, like , namely, as, as …as, the same as, that is,that is to say 等

  16. 错题再现:(15届高三阅读限时训练六 ) And then there's the "thousand-talent scheme": this new government program is intended to improve technological modernization by attracting top foreign-trained scientists to the mainland with big money. The underlined word "scheme" means _____. A. timetable B. theme C. project D. policy

  17. 词汇解题:3. 熟词生义 Q: Can you guess the exact meaning of each underlined word? 1.There was a comfortable air about her room. (n.气氛) 2.I’m about to explode! He broke my violin. (v.勃然大怒)  3.I use all my might to open the door.(n.力量) 4.I related my adventure to my family.(v.讲述) 5.The news traveled  fast. (v.以某速度传播) 6.You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. (v. 利用)

  18. 错题再现: (15年南师大附中期中检测卷) Extrovert: A person mainly concerned with things outside himself or herself; a sociable and outgoing person. Extrovert was coined by the eminent psychologist C.G. Jung in the early 20th century. The opposite personality type, in Jung‟s view, was the introvert. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “coined”? A. spoken   B. earned  C. praised   D. invented

  19. 解题技巧二: 语 境 解 题

  20. 语境解题:1. 定义解释法 Q: Can you guess each underlined word’s meaning? 1. His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 2. The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. 3. Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently. 动物学家 牧羊人 语义学 Tips 信号词:be, be called, means, be defined as, refer to 标点:逗号、冒号、破折号 句型:同位语、定语从句、同位语从句

  21. 错题再现: (15届高三阅读限时训练一) All of a sudden, a young man got inside the cab. He took her handbag in which she put her visa, passport, and all the money for the trip. The cab driver, who was in collusion with the robber, left her in the exactly middle of a dark street. The underlined phrase “was in collusion with” probably means________. A. was forced B. was fighting bravely against C. was doing one’s best to beg D. had cooperated with

  22. 语境解题:2. 举例法 家禽 1. On the farm they mainly raise poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, for their eggs and meat. such as 2. Although the hazards of the trip were many --- for example, the unbearable heat, the lack of water, the possibility of getting lost, the presence of wild animals and poisonous snakes ---- Collins nevertheless decided that she must go. The word “hazards” refer to______ A. pleasures B. conveniences C. equipmentD. dangers for example Tip 常见的信号词: such as, like, for example, for instance 等

  23. 错题再现: (14年南通一模卷) Yassi is a living example of a person with a vision for a grand future, who does not allow minor problems of today to deter her from achieving her dreams. The underlined word “deter” most probably means “________”. A. free B. protect C. forbid D. prevent

  24. 语境解题:3. 经验常识 1. When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, he usually gives an anaestheticto make him unconscious, because he does not want his patient to feel pain or to know what is happening to him. 2. Metal expands when heated and contracts when cooled. 3. In old days, when girls from rich families were married to their husbands, they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry. 麻 药 膨 胀 收 缩 嫁 妆 Tip 根据自身的直接或间接的经验,运用生活中的基本常识以及英美国家的风俗习惯,宗教信仰等推测词义。

  25. 错题再现: (15年海门市三校联盟卷) • Socializing(交际) with friends and relatives was much looked forward to. However, this is no longer the case. In fact, the majority of people can hardly find time, nor do they have the  • inclination towards socializing outside home. They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs, and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button. • The underlined word “inclination” most probably means “________”. • A. destination     B. tendency      • C. attitude              D. approach

  26. 语境解题:4.上下文逻辑关系 上下文逻辑关系的信号词: 因果关系:so, thus, for, since, because, therefore, so that, cause, so/ such…that… 等 对比或转折关系:but, while, however, yet, unlike,instead of, rather than, otherwise, though, on the contrary, on the other hand,in contrast 等

  27. 语境解题:4. 上下文:因果关系 1. Since I could not afford to purchase the original painting, I bought a replica. An inexperienced eye could not tell the difference. 2. The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow. 3. Since you are my superior(上级), it would bepresumptuous of me to tell you what to do . A. full of respect B. too confident and rude C. lacking in experience D. too shy and quiet 仿制品 浑浊的

  28. 错题再现: (14年扬州一模卷) Parents only have so much time, attention, and money. The more kids they have, the more these things are divided. First-borns initially get the entire parental-time pic. What’s more,the ratio(比例) of grown-ups to kids decreases with each new baby. So the younger ones are surrounded by more children’s language on average than the older kids. What is implied by “the younger ones are surrounded by more children’s language on average than the older kids”? A. Younger children need parental rather than siblings’ attention.B. Younger children need siblings’ rather than parental attention.C. Younger children feel uncomfortable with more siblings.D. Younger children have less chance to talk with their parents.

  29. 语境解题:4. 上下文: 对比或转折关系 1. If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”. 2. Rather than liking the movie, as I expected them to, all my friends abhorred it. 3. In the past the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now, however, everything seems to be in a state of turmoil. 不同意 厌恶,憎恨 混 乱

  30. 错题再现: (15届高三阅读限时训练五) Honesty comes in many forms. First there’s self-honesty. Is what people see the real article or do you appear through smoke and mirrors? The underlined part “appear through smoke and mirrors” in the paragraph means ''_____________''. A. to be honest   B. to be unreal   C. to become clear    D. to come from an imagined world

  31. 课 堂 回 顾: How to guess unknown words in reading? 语境 context 词汇 word

  32. Practice makes perfect

  33. Keys:

  34. 高考链接: 1.(2008年全国卷) The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater. The underlined word “fixture” in the paragraph probably refers to something ______. A. that people enjoy eating B. that is always present C. that is difficult to get D. that people use as a gift B

  35. 高考链接: 2. (2011年安徽卷) Of course, the good of oxen is not limited to plowing. In fact, they are seen as “boats on land” for their ability to carry loads. The words “boats on land” underlined in the paragraph refer to _______ A. animals for taking goods B. creatures for pulling plows C. treasures of the folk culture D. tools in the farming economy A

  36. 高考链接: 3.(2012年天津卷) Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habits died hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost. What does the underlined phrase “die hard” probably mean? ______ A. Change suddenly. B. Change significantly. C. Disappear mysteriously D. Disappear very slowly. D

  37. 高考链接: 4.(2013年陕西卷) Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don’t hold water, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives’ tales The phrase “hold water” in the paragraph most probably means “_______”. A. to be believable B. to be valuable C. to be admirable D. to be suitable A

  38. 高考链接: 5.(2010年上海卷) Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them—a form of favourtism will replace equality. The word “favouritism” is used to describe the phenomenon that________. A. bright children also need certificates go get satisfying jobs. B. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs C. poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success B

  39. 高考链接: 6. (2008年江苏卷) We can allow time to slip by and let it be our enemy. Or we can take control of it and make it our ally. The underlined word “ally” most likely means somebody or something that is ______. A. your slave and serves you B. your supporter and helps you C. under your control and obeys you D. under your influence and follows you B

  40. 总结做题心得: 如何对待阅读中的生词? (1)摆正心态,消除紧张。 (2)养成猜词习惯,尽量少翻词典。 (3)掌握猜词技巧,培养猜词能力。

  41. Homework: • 1. Go over what we learned in this period. • 2. Finish the additional exercises

  42. Enjoy English, Enjoy life! Thank you for your attention!

  43. 高考链接: 5. (四川卷) Finally, over many years, the energy benefit from burning ethanol would make up for the forest loss. But by then, climate change would have progressed so far that it might not help. The underlined word “it” in the paragraph refers to “______”. A. the energy benefit B. the forest loss C. climate change D. burning ethanol A

  44. 高考链接: 1.(山东卷) When Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers. The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means __________. A. discouraging B. interesting C. creative D. unbearable A

  45. 高考链接: 4. (浙江卷) She smiled. It was a nice smile — warm and reassuring—and I retuned her gift by smiling back. What does the underlined phrase “her gift” refer to? ______ A. her words B. her smile C. her flowers D. her politeness B

  46. 猜测词义: 单词的猜测能力是阅读理解能力的主要组成部分,历年高考都把这一项阅读技能列入试题,考查学生对文中关键词语(实词、短语、代词等)的理解以及对某一句子的深沉含义推理,而且所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上。 所谓“词不离句,句不离章”,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落密切相关,有着互相制约的关系。我们可以利用语境(各种已知信息:构词法,语境)推测、判断某些生词的词义。

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