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Osiris. By Geena. Introduction. Pendahuluan. I chose Osiris, because he looked really cool and then when I found out a little bit about him he sounded really interesting too, he is the ruler of the underworld, king of the dead and god of vegetation, so I wanted to learn more. Description.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Osiris By Geena

  2. Introduction Pendahuluan I chose Osiris, because he looked really cool and then when I found out a little bit about him he sounded really interesting too, he is the ruler of the underworld, king of the dead and god of vegetation, so I wanted to learn more.

  3. Description Egyptian god of the underworld and of vegetation, the ancient Egyptian people believe that he created barley. Son of Nut and Geb. He was born in Rosetau in the necropolis west of Memphis. Brother of Harmachis, Seth and Nephthys, who gave birth to his first child Anubis, and the brother and husband of Isis. Isis gave birth to Horus after Osiris’ death. Osiris was depicted in human form wrapped up as a mummy, holding the crook and flail. He was often depicted with green skin, alluding to his role as a god of vegetation. He wore a crown known as the 'atef', composed of the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt with red plumes on each side. Osiris’ death and rebirth also represented the rising and setting of the sun.

  4. Keterangan Dewa Mesir dari neraka dan vegetasi, maka orang-orang Mesir kuno percaya bahwa ia menciptakan jali-jali. Anak laki-laki Nut dan Geb. Dia dilahirkan di Rosetau di pekuburan barat Memphis. Saudara Harmachis, Seth dan Nephthys, yang telah melahirkan anak yang pertama Anubis, dan saudara laki-laki dan suami dari Isis. Isis telah melahirkan Horus setelah kematian Osiris. Osiris ini digambarkan dalam bentuk manusia terbungkus sebagai ibu, memegang lengkung dan memukul. Dia sering digambarkan dengan kulit berwarna hijau, terlihat dari perannya sebagai dewa dari vegetasi. Dia memakai sebuah mahkota yang dikenal sebagai 'Atef', terdiri dari mahkota tinggi yang berbentuk kerucut putih dari Mesir dengan lengkungan-lengkungan merah bergaris pada setiap sisi. Kematian Osiris dan kebangkitan disamakan dengan siang dan malam.

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