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The DCWAC aims to create a comprehensive master plan for the Dominguez Channel Watershed to protect and improve its environment and beneficial uses. This plan will address background and existing conditions, issues and concerns, and prioritize project concepts to enhance the watershed.
- DCWAC - Where we’ve come from, Where we are, Where we’re headed
Goal Statement: To create a Watershed Management Master Plan for the Dominguez Channel Watershed that will establish sound measures to protect and improve its environment and beneficial uses.
History • February 1, 2001 - LACDPW submits application to State Water Board requesting $200,000 as part of Prop 13 money to create a Watershed Management Master Plan for the Dominguez Channel Watershed. • February 6, 2001 - 27 individuals representing 18 agencies met at the City of Carson to discuss happenings in the Dominguez Channel Watershed and LACDPW’s desire to form a working group to create a watershed management master plan - DCWAC is born. • May 8, 2001 - Established four committees within the DCWAC to tackle various tasks within the scope of watershed management; TMDLs, outline/scope of master plan, funding, technical. • May 18, 2001 - Prop 13 money approved for award to DCWAC to help fund the Dominguez Channel Watershed Management Master Plan.
Present • August 1, 2001 - As of today there are approximately 100 individuals involved in some way with the DCWAC representing over 40 organizations • The DCWAC is currently involved in two primary tasks: • 1. Developing the Watershed Management Master Plan • 2. Assisting the Regional Board in TMDL development for the Dominguez Channel Watershed.
Future (proposed for outline/scope committee) • The Master Plan is scheduled to be completed by December 2003 and can be divided into three basic components. 1. Background and Existing Conditions of the Watershed 2. Issues/Concerns/Problems addressed by stakeholders, identified by local government and regulated by governing agencies. 3. Prioritized list of project concepts to address issues, correct problems and improve conditions of the watershed.
Future (proposed for outline/scope committee) 1. Background and Existing conditions of the watershed • Include geography, geology, seismology, topography, land uses, hydrology, hydraulics, natural and imported resources, environmental and socioeconomic conditions, designated and desired beneficial uses...etc. • Propose bringing a consultant on board to compile existing info and discover missing pieces. • Complete background section by Jan 2003.
Future (proposed for outline/scope committee) 2. Issues/Concerns/Problems addressed or identified by stakeholders and regulating agencies. • Between now and June 2003, compile problem statements based on input from all those interested in or part of Dominguez Channel-LA/LB Harbor Watershed • Proactive solicitation of public input and involvement • As the Background and Existing Conditions portions of the plan are completed, these goals, issues and problem statements can be adjusted to more thoroughly address the state of the watershed. • Completed by mid 2003.
Future (proposed for outline/scope committee) 3. Prioritized list of project concepts to address issues, correct problems and improve conditions of the watershed. • Between January and September 2003, develop project concepts based on existing conditions and identified problems. • Consultant pulls together all project concepts and completes final draft of Master Plan by December 2003. • DCWAC coordinates efforts of all stakeholders to secure funding and implement Master Plan, updating it as necessary.
Propose/design projects for Watershed Solicit and Develop input on Issues/Problems/Goals for Watershed Future (proposed for outline/scope committee) Implement Plan Project concepts submitted to consultant Sept 2003 Master Plan completed Dec 2003 Background finished Jan 2003 stakeholders consultant 1st draft background June 2002 Consultant selected-Jan 2002
Next Steps (proposed for outline/scope committee) • 1. Prepare draft RFP for consultant by August 22. • Gather and compile Background and Existing Conditions info • Discover data gaps - suggest plans to fill gaps • Coordinate with outline committee • Solicit input and involvement of the public • Assist in conducting public meetings • Suggest issues/goals/problems for the watershed • Write Master Plan • 2. Review of RFP • Outline committee review • Available for comment by next DCWAC meeting - 9/5 • 3. RFP on street by 10/1 • 4. Consultant on board by Dec/Jan.