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Instrumentation, Digital Image Correlation, and Modeling to Monitor Bridge Behavior and Condition

Instrumentation, Digital Image Correlation, and Modeling to Monitor Bridge Behavior and Condition. Prepared by the University of New Hampshire Department of Civil Engineering for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. How to you measure the structural health of a bridge?.

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Instrumentation, Digital Image Correlation, and Modeling to Monitor Bridge Behavior and Condition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Instrumentation, Digital Image Correlation, and Modeling toMonitor Bridge Behavior and Condition Prepared by the University of New Hampshire Department of Civil Engineering for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation

  2. How to you measure the structural health of a bridge? • Strain gauges attached to the bridge steel • Good data • Attach to bare metal • Must remove protective coating You damaged my bridge paint Bridge Maintenance Engineer

  3. How to you measure the structural health of a bridge? • Digital cameras track pixel changes in images of chalk on the girders • Good data • Clamp on - easily deployed and removed • Chalk wipes off No damage to my bridge paint Bridge Maintenance Engineer

  4. Does it work?

  5. Comparing Strain Gauge to Digital Image Correlation • The processed data from the images correlates to the strain measurement collected with the strain gauges.

  6. What’s next for Digital Image Correlation? • Will be used as part of a larger gauging plan on Memorial Bridge in Portsmouth, NH • One method in a detailed lab study on the gusset-less connections of Memorial Bridge Perhaps coming to a bridge near you

  7. For more information on Digital Information • Beth Klemann, PE Asst. Research Engineer NHDOT eklemann@dot.state.nh.us • Prof. Erin SantiniBell,PE, PhD University of New Hampshire Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering erin.bell@unh.edu http://www.nh.gov/dot/org/projectdevelopment/ materials/research/projects/15680l.htm

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