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Facilitating collaboration and coordination among ECE programs to prepare disadvantaged children for educational transitions. Comprehensive needs assessment for strategic planning, leveraging federal PDG funding.
Federal Goal from DHHS & DE: A strategic plan to facilitate collaboration and coordination among early childhood care and education (ECE) programs in a mixed delivery system to prepare low-income and disadvantaged children to transition into the local educational agency or elementary school.
“Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.” • Brings state government departments together to workcollaboratively to provide comprehensive services to young children and their families that respond to federal and state requirements and quality initiatives • Leads and facilitates strategic planning for early childhood care, education, and health across Iowa to strengthen services through data informed action steps to promote our vision • Leads development efforts to establish and strengthen program requirements for home visiting and parent education programs, child care programs, and preschool programs
“Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.”
How does PDG help actualize ECI Vision? Ensuring families are linked to full range of services they need B-5 Expanding parent choice & involvement Facilitating partnerships among programs within mixed delivery system Improving transitions between programs & with school entry Comprehensive needs assessment to identify gaps & strengths
PDG Statewide Needs Assessment should include: • Availability & quality of ECE • Unduplicated counts • Attention to vulnerable or underserved children & those in rural areas • Identified gaps in data or research & plan to fill them • Analysis of barriers to funding & ways for more efficient use of resources • Discussion of transition supports & gaps (between programs and between Prek and K) Requirements of the Federal PDG Funding Opportunity Announcement
2018 ECI Needs Assessment Key findings • Only 68% of kindergarteners meet basic early literacy benchmarks • Range of proficiency gaps for low-income & minority students • Rising minority populations & stagnant poverty rates • 41% of young children are in low-income families (< 200% FPL) • Child maltreatment rates above national averages *Uses mostly aggregate reports from publically available datasets
Individual Child and Family Risks Sources: US Census, American Community Survey; Centers for Disease Control; US Department of Justice; Iowa Department of Public Health; Iowa Department of Human Services; Iowa Department of Public Safety
What don’t we know? How many children have multiple risks? Are children with risks accessing services they need? What are the needs of children in rural areas? How do multiple risks relate to school readiness skills?
2018 ECI Needs Assessment Key findings • IA has one of the highest rates of both (or the only) parent working with young children under age 6 (child care needed for over 185k children) • 24% of population lives in Child Care Deserts • 35% of eligible children do NOT enroll in SWVPP Challenge? We don’t know exactly what/where our gaps are or how to strategically address them.
Where are our children? 25,000 in SWVPP 6,500 Head Start(4-5yo) 1,300 Shared Visions 14,000 Home Visiting 38% of eligible children DON’T enroll in state-funded programs
What don’t we know? How many children have multiple experiences? Are our PreK programs reaching the most vulnerable children? How many children have NONE? How do families receive information & make decisions about care? How do families experience transitions between programs? from PreK into K?
Where are our children? 25,000 in SWVPP 6,500 Head Start(4-5yo) 1,300 Shared Visions 14,000 Home Visiting 38% of eligible children DON’T enroll in state-funded programs
Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Builds on what we already know • Incorporates NEW information by INTEGRATING EXISTING data resources • Includes family voices & provider experiences
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Synthesize existing statewide assessments & strategic plans Integrated Data System (IDS) Approach Provider surveys & focus groups Family focus groups
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Synthesize existing statewide assessments & strategic plans Integrated Data System (IDS) Approach Provider surveys and focus groups Family focus groups
Integrated Data System? IS Is NOT • Creating new DEMANDS for programs or administrators to collect data • One, large SUPERCOMPUTER that warehouses all data ever collected on every individual from every source • Open, unlimited access to private data for any reason and for unlimited periods of time • System that USES data we already have in new and innovative ways • System that BRINGS TOGETHER data for time-limited purposes to answer specific, agency-prioritized questions • Legally governed to protect privacy and confidentiality according to federal and state laws
Generates Actionable Intelligence for Strategic Planning Integrates administrative records Analyzes integrated, limited datasets IDS
Integrated Data System (IDS) Taskforce: A subcommittee of ECI Results Accountability Workgroup: Jeff Anderson (DOM) Tammi Christ (DHS) Kelly Davydov (DHR) Cassandra Dorius (ISU) Marion Kresse(BooST, ECI-RA co-chair) Tom Rendon (DOE) Betsy Richey (DPH) Heather Rouse (ISU)Amanda Winslow (DOE)
Vision for Iowa IDS: Iowa’s early childhood system will be effectively and efficiently coordinated among health, social service, and education agencies to support healthy and successful families. This work will be informed by actionable intelligence derived from a statewide integrated data system that comprehensively identifies and addresses the needs of Iowa’s young children and their families.
AISP National Network of High Functioning IDS Minnesota Washington Wisconsin Massachusetts Milwaukee RhodeIsland Michigan Chicago NYC Pittsburg Philadelphia Utah Cleveland AISP Baltimore Virginia Charleston Los Angeles South Carolina Texas Florida Map Key ★Existing Sites Developing Sites Hawaii
Iowa’s IDSDevelopment Timeline Data/Policy Meetings Demonstration Project (PDG) Board Support for Governance DSAs & MOA Board Approved IDS Taskforce Vision/Mission/Principles Join AISP You are Here ECI Area Board Engagement ECI Results Accountability Workgroup Mini-Summit of Stakeholders YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3
Cyclical Inquiry Process with Integrated Data Comprehensive, coordinated, & effective services for children 0-5
Cyclical Inquiry Process with Integrated Data Are our PreK programs reaching the most vulnerable children? Who are our underserved populations, including those eligible that are not enrolling and those living in rural areas? Comprehensive, coordinated, & effective services for children 0-5 Does program participation relate to the outcomes we aim to influence? What are the unduplicated counts of children across programs?
Cyclical Inquiry Process with Integrated Data Gaps Analysis – “who are we missing?” “Touch points” in B-5 systems (e.g., unduplicated counts) Comprehensive, coordinated, & effective services for children 0-5 Who are children B-5? + Preschool (SWVPP, SV, Head Start), Child Care Assistance, home visiting (e.g., DAISEY) Birth Records + Kindergarten Enrollment
Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Builds on what we already know • Incorporates NEW information by INTEGRATING EXISTING data resources • Includes family voices & provider experiences
“back to our target” A strategic plan to facilitate collaboration and coordination among early childhood care and education (ECE) programs in a mixed delivery system to prepare low-income and disadvantaged children to transition into the local educational agency or elementary school.
Year 1 Success? • Strategic Plan for years 2 – 4 that is: • informed by a comprehensive needs assessment • incorporates the best ideas generated through this “planning and pilot” year • strengthens our ECI mission and momentum toward a fully coordinated B-5 system that supports vulnerable and underserved young children and their families
Comprehensive, coordinated, & effective services for children 0-5
ISU Partners for Needs Assessment & Strategic Plan Heather Rouse Hlrouse@iastate.edu Cassandra Doriuscdorius@iastate.edu Carla Peterson carlapet@iastate.edu Ji Young Choi jychoi@iastate.edu Christine Lippardmaynard1@iastate.edu
Workgroup Charge in 2 parts: Part I: Brainstorm Proposed Activities Part II: Roles, Relationships, & Initial Planning
Professional Development Family Engagement (i.e., Maximizing Parent Choice & Knowledge) GOAL: Ensure families are provided timely, accurate information in culturally and linguistically sensitive ways that promote and increase involvement in the development and education of their children (i.e., Sharing Best Practices) GOAL: Reduce duplication of effort, leverage financial/other resources, and increase program quality, collaboration, and efficiency of B-5 services, including improving transitions • Family Focus Groups • Expand IFSN Website • Communication Plan • Pilot Strategies with ECI local boards • IELS Training & Distribution • Provider Feedback/Focus Groups • Communication Plan • Career Trajectories
Part I: • Introductions • “highlighter” • Discussion questions
Part II: • Prioritize • Stakeholder Map • SWOT • Next Steps