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ENU - NMUN Third Theory Session

ENU - NMUN Third Theory Session. Février 2019. Agenda for Today. Position Paper: General Presentation. For Each Topic the PP should -. Provide a succinct policy statement representing the relevant views of the country Key Issues for each topic

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ENU - NMUN Third Theory Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ENU - NMUNThird Theory Session Février 2019

  2. Agenda for Today

  3. Position Paper: General Presentation

  4. For Each Topic the PP should- • Provide a succinct policy statement representing the relevant views of the country • Key Issues for each topic • Identify and address international and regional conventions, treaties, declarations, resolutions relevant to the topic • What has been done by your state to address the issue at hand • Further recommendations

  5. First Paragraph: context • Proceed to providecontext to each topic- set the stage for it- whyitneeds to bediscussed- relevance to the country and world • Start witha brief introduction to your country and its history regarding the topic • State how the issue affects your country and the rest of the world- statistics, current affairs to set the relevance • Give relevant data that show the actual situation regarding the topic

  6. Second Paragraph: past actions • The second paragraph has to show the involvement of your country on the issue and actions taken in the past • Key Efforts undertaken to address and solve the issue • Cite conventions and resolutions that your country has signed or ratified- special committees • Cite UN actions that your country supported or opposed

  7. ThirdParagraph: future solutions • The last paragraph has to determinewhat your country believes should be done in the future and what it would like to accomplish • It must contain concrete measures your country would like to propose and not broad statements. • Be practical and inventive ! • Example: Avoid stating that you want to make peace in the world. Propose concrete solutions aiming at achieving your goals

  8. MUNL - Set Guidelines • Before writing the paragraphs, on the top left of each page: • Write the name of your country • Write the name of your committee • Write the topic Delegation of Afghanistan INTERPOL Protocol to suppress and punish human trafficking

  9. Position paper: Tips & Strategies • Make short sentences to keep your paper clear and straight to the point • Refer to real and concrete problems, propose relevant solutions • “Quote” official representatives from your country (or the UN) and cite previous laws or resolutions implemented either in your country or the international community • Topic Statements and Conclusion Statements • Its best to use ‘Member States’ than Countries, Nations etc. (Developing, Developed Nations –exception)

  10. Be the Winner – with exceptional pre-conference work

  11. Submission: 25th February Savethe date!

  12. Sources • https://www.reuters.com/ Reuters- Internationally the most reliable source for reference • http://www.un.org/• https://gadebate.un.org/en• https://www.crisisgroup.org/ various current issues• https://www.amnesty.org/en/ Independent Agency that investigates and exposes the facts, whenever and wherever abuses happen• https://www.transparency.org/ Global Coalition Against Corruption • http://www.globalissues.org/ current issues• https://www.cia.gov/library/• https://www.politico.com/• https://www.state.gov/r/pa/index.htm - https://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/• http://europa.eu/• BBC, New York Times, FlipBoard, The Guardian, The Economist, Le Monde


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