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What is Happening with Anthropology? Recent Trends Regarding Faculty, Enrollment, Degrees Granted and Departments. Kathleen Terry-Sharp Director, Academic Relations and Practicing and Applied Programs November 19, 2011. What Do We Want to Know?. What is happening with faculty?
What is Happening with Anthropology?Recent Trends Regarding Faculty, Enrollment, Degrees Granted and Departments Kathleen Terry-Sharp Director, Academic Relations and Practicing and Applied Programs November 19, 2011
What Do We Want to Know? • What is happening with faculty? • What is happening with jobs? • What is happening with enrollments? • What is happening with degrees granted? • What is happening to departments in general?
How has the current economic crisis impacted higher education and anthropology, specifically? • Everyone has heard the rumors • Faculty furloughs • Salary freezes • Cancelled searches • Frozen positions • Less graduate/teaching assistant support • No jobs • Programs consolidating or closing
AAUP Data is based on data from the Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS) • Data is collected each academic year • Over 6,700 postsecondary institutions participate College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Data • 812 institutions participate and provide data on 214,155 faculty members • Data is collected each academic year BOTH use the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) published by the US Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
What can CUPA data tell us? • Salary trends for all faculty over the past 4 years • Social Science compared to other areas of study • Anthropology compared to other disciplines • However, it cannot give us information about gender or ethnicity differences • Fee for access to the summary reports and data
Private Independent Public 39% 28% Private Religious 33% Percent Distribution of Survey Respondents by Affiliation CUPA 2010-11 Survey Source: CUPA 2010-11
250 200 150 100 Number of Respondents 50 0 Doctoral Masters Bachelors Public 97 165 47 Private 53 198 189 Distribution of 2010-11 Survey Respondents by Highest Degree Granted and Public/Private Source: CUPA 2010-11
Percent Increase in Overall Average Salary by Public/Private 2010-11 Source: CUPA 2010-11
Percent Increase in Salary by Highest Degree Granted 2006-07 to 2010-11 Source: CUPA 2010-11
Percent Increase in Salary by Rank 2006-07 to 2010-11 Source: CUPA 2010-11
Faculty Salaries by Rank and Area of Study (CIP 2-digits) 2010-11 Source: CUPA 2010-11
Average Anthropology Faculty Salaries Public/Private for 2010-11 Source: CUPA 2010-11
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - 10% - 15% - 20% - 19% - 20% - 20% - 30% - 34% - 40% - 50% - 48% - 50% - 57% - 60% 2009 2010 Changes in Number of Job Ads Since 2008 By Discipline
NUMBER OF AAA JOB ADS AND REVENUE AY 04/05 - AY 10/11 $350,000 700 Number Revenue $300,000 600 $250,000 500 $200,000 400 $150,000 300 Ads $100,000 200 $50,000 100 $0 0 2004 - 05 2005 - 06 2006 - 07 2007 - 08 2008 - 09 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 Revenue Generated Number of Ads Placed Note: AY 10/11 data only thru April
AAA Job Ads by Subfield AY 04-05 to AY 10-11 Note: AY 10/11 data only thru April
Undergraduate Enrollment Trendsby Institution Type for 2009-11 (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Undergraduate Enrollment Trends by Public/Private for 2009-11 (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Graduate Enrollment Trends by Institution Type for 2009-11 (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Graduate Enrollment Trends by Public/Private for 2009-11 (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Percent Graduate Enrollment Trends by Highest Degree Granted for 2009-11 Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Anthropology and Archeology Graduates for All Degrees by CIP- 6-digit 2003-09 Source: IPEDS
50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Economics Criminology Anthropology & Archeology Political Science and Government Geography and Cartography International Relations and Affairs Sociology Number of Bachelors Degrees Granted Compared by Discipline 2003-09 Source: IPEDS
4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Criminology Economics Anthropology & Archeology International Relations and Affairs Political Science and Government Geography and Cartography Social Sciences, Other Sociology Number of Masters Degrees Granted Compared by Discipline 2003-2009 Source: IPEDS
1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Economics Criminology Anthropology & Archeology International Relations and Affairs Geography and Cartography Political Science and Government Sociology Number of Doctoral Degrees Granted Compared by Discipline2003 -2009 Source: IPEDS
State Budget Cuts in 2011 • At least 43 states have implemented cuts to public colleges and universities and/or made large increases in college tuition to make up for insufficient state funding. • Tuition hikes ranging from 8% to 32% • Furloughs • Layoffs • Academic reorganization • Position eliminations • Hiring fewer tenure-eligible faculty • Higher teaching loads Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities http://www.cbpp.org
Which Programs are Threatened? • A brief email survey was sent to approximately 512 departments in Spring 2011 • 219 departments responded (43% response rate) • We asked the following questions: • Has your department/program lost or gained faculty in the past 2 years? If so, by how many? • Has your department/program experienced an increase or decrease in undergraduate and/or graduate enrollment? If yes, please indicate the trend(s) you are experiencing. • Has your department/program been notified by your administration that it is in danger of being terminated, downsized or combined with another department? If so, please tell us what you expect to happen. • Are you aware of any other anthropology programs at other institutions that are being threatened or endangered? If so, please identify them for us.
Level of Threat by Institution Type (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Level of Threat by Public/Private (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011
Doctoral Masters Bachelors Associates Total % Strong 13.2 18.8 16.8 0.0 15.5 Not Threatened 72.7 59.4 65.5 75.0 67.1 Maybe Threatened 12.1 18.8 11.5 25.0 13.2 Threatened 1.5 0.0 5.3 0.0 3.2 No Answer 0 3.1 0.9 1 TOTAL % 30.1 14.6 51.6 3.7 100 Level of Threat byHighest Degree Granted (%) Source: AAA Survey Spring 2011