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Annual meeting with the MA of the ETC programmes - 22-23 April 2013 Financial management

Annual meeting with the MA of the ETC programmes - 22-23 April 2013 Financial management. Juan Lopez Lledo, Budget and Financial mangement, Unit REGIO.A.3. Overview. Commitments Pre-financing Payments in the framework of the accounting year Particularities of ETC programmes. Commitments.

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Annual meeting with the MA of the ETC programmes - 22-23 April 2013 Financial management

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  1. Annual meeting with the MA of the ETC programmes -22-23 April 2013Financial management Juan Lopez Lledo, Budget and Financial mangement, Unit REGIO.A.3

  2. Overview • Commitments • Pre-financing • Payments in the framework of the accounting year • Particularities of ETC programmes

  3. Commitments • First instalment of the budget commitment released automatically by the COM, following the adoption of the OP • Subsequent commitments will be made automatically before 1 May on the basis of the OP • De-commitment rule : n+3 (starting from 2014)

  4. Pre-financing • PF shallbeused for the purpose of the implementation of the operationsselected by the MA • Initial pre-financing : [1 % in 2014 and 2015 (1,5 % for MS receiving financial assistance since 2010); 1 % in 2016] – to be cleared at the closure of the programme • Annualpre-financing (< 1 July): • 2% in 2016; 2,5% in the years 2017 to 2023 – to beclearedin the context of the annualexamination and acceptance of accounts

  5. Payments • Link withAccountingyear : 1 July to 30 June (1st accountingyearfrom 01/01/2014 till 30/06/2015 • Aimis to align assurance receivedfrom MS with the assurance on the execution of the EU budget in a givenyear

  6. Timing Examination and acceptanceofaccounts Compulsory interim payment application Accounting year 15 Feb (1 Mar) N+1 Dec N 30 Jun N 1 Jul N -1 Dec N-1 31May N+1 30 Jun N+1 Preparation of the accounts covering the accounting year, management declaration +accompanyingreportincl. annual summary, audit opinion+ annual control report

  7. 1st application can be submitted by the MS after the notification to the COM on the designation of the MA and CA • Co-financing rate at the level of each priority axis • Information on Financial instruments & State aid should be included • Reimbursement of 90 % of requested amount within 60 days (compensated by annual PF) • Regular submission of applications with an obligatory final application for interim payment by 31 July (payment applications cumulative in the accounting year)

  8. The first application for interim payment for the next accounting year can only be submitted after the COM has received the final application for interim payment for the preceeding accounting year • The accounts are examined and accepted annually . On the basis of accepted accounts, the balance of the amounts shall be calculated (including clearing of annual PF) • No capping to cumulative total of payments to 95 %

  9. As the COM examines and accepts the accounts on annual basis, the closure of the programme should be lighter • Despite the changes in the process, the elements of the payment application are similar to the current programming

  10. Particularities ETC programmes Fund support ispaid in a single bankaccountwith no national sub-accounts. MA shallensurethatanyamountpaid as result of an irregularityisrecoveredfrom the lead or sole beneficiary and responsible for the reimbursement to the general budget of the Union

  11. Conversion into Euro (3 options available) : Use of monthly exchange rate of the COM in monththe expenditurewas : • Incurred • Submitted for verification to the MA or the controller • Reported to the lead beneficiary The methodchosenshallbe set out in the cooperation programme and be applicable to all beneficiaries. The MA or the controller has the obligation to verify the correct application of the conversion rate.

  12. No performance reserve for ETC programmes

  13. Thank you for your attention !

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