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PVC coated Laminated Tarpaulin

PVC Coated polyester tarpaulin sheets are made from nylon and polyester<br>fabric, coated with Polyethylene resin which makes these plastic tirpals 100%<br>water-proof and windproof. These UV-stabilized plastic tripals are able to<br>protect goods from all natural hazards.<br>

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PVC coated Laminated Tarpaulin

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  1. USENOHOOKS PREMIUMQUALITYHEAVY DUTYPVCTARPAULIN PVCCoatedpolyestertarpaulinsheetsaremadefromnylonandpolyester fabric,coatedwithPolyethyleneresinwhichmakestheseplastictirpals100% water-proofandwindproof.TheseUV-stabilizedplastictripalsareableto protectgoodsfromallnaturalhazards.Moreover,thecoatenhancesthe fabricstrengthfurtherwhichbecomesreallytoughandtear-proof.Being manufacturedwith100%virginpolymergranulesthetarpiscompletely repairable.WeofferapremiumqualityPVCCoatedwaterproofplastic tarpaulincoverwhichisflexibleandresilientalthoughverycost-effective. WearehavingarangeofdifferentGSMofPVCCoatedfabrics, i.e.,380,450,550,650and750GSM,availableinbothSheetandReadyRolls. Customerscancustomizethesizeofthetarpaspertheirrequirements. FIRERESISTANT WATERRESISTANT UVRESISTANTHIGHSTRENGTH LIGHTWEIGHT ABRASIONRESISTANT FUNGUS&TERMITEPROOF FLEXIBLE&VERSATILE MAINTAINABLE&REPAIRABLE REINFORCEDEYELETS MULTIPLEAPPLICATIONSAVAILABLE AVAILABE IN MANYCOLORANDSIZES CONTACTUS: +91987456564/+919123634007

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