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Moreton Bay Boy’s College Year 6. Parent Information Night Thursday 5th February 2009 Miss Helen Nafranowicz and Mr Jack Pincott. Welcome. A warm welcome to all and thank you for coming. Our Teaching Philosophy.
Moreton Bay Boy’s CollegeYear 6 Parent Information Night Thursday 5th February 2009 Miss Helen Nafranowicz and Mr Jack Pincott
Welcome A warm welcome to all and thank you for coming.
Our Teaching Philosophy • We recognise that all children are different and, therefore, learn differently • Holistic Approach to education • A wise teacher encourages parents to be involved in the learning process • A passionate teacher strives to learn more • A great teacher inspires students to achieve their potential • A teacher needs to make the learning process an enjoyable one to inspire lifelong learners
Teaching and Learning in Year 6 • 3 Rs - Research, Reasoning, Relationships • Higher order thinking strategies • Critical literacy and numeracy • Deep level knowledge and understanding • High student expectations/intellectually demanding tasks • Fostering of social and emotional intelligence
Teaching Strategies To ensure we match the individual needs of the students, we use a variety of teaching strategies including: • Class and small group instruction • One-to-one teaching • Independent work • Group work (same and mixed ability grouping) • Peer tutoring • Activity/house/seating/friendship-based groups
Literacy • Reading for meaning, with fluency and expression • Comprehend texts and complete tasks using higher order thinking skills • Read independently a wide range of texts on increasingly challenging topics and can justify own interpretation of ideas, information and events. • Develop effective communication skills - confidence and fluency in a variety of situations ranging from prepared to impromptu speaking • Develop the skills to compose written texts that are fluent appropriate and effective for a wide range of purposes • Recognise the generic features of text types • Develop proofreading and editing skills
Mathematics • Number facts and mental mathematical skills • Number applications • Fractions and Decimals • Cash transactions • Patterns and Algebra • Space – 2D and 3D shapes, position • Measurement - length, area, volume, mass, time • Chance and Data • Problem solving
Specialist Teachers • Music Mr Rob Peterson • Art Mrs Lynn Joubert • LOTE Ms Katchia Avenell • RE Mr Shane McCarthy
Year 6 Camp 2009 Term 1 Emu Gully Camp, Helidon Monday 16th February – Wednesday 18th February, 2009 Please arrive at school by 7:45am for an 8:00am departure Bus will return to MBBC at approximately 2:45pm Please consult the ‘Packing Checklist’ for necessary camping items
Behaviour Management • Every student has the right to learnwithout hindrance and everyone has a responsibility to make this happen. • Foundation of Year 6 is based on RESPECT • Negotiated positive and negative consequences (whole class/individual) • Management works from least intrusive to most intrusive • Expectations are consistent • Whole College approach (please see Parent Handbook for flow chart)
Positive Consequences • Consequences are consistent and fair • Good choices and positive behaviours recognised and acknowledged as often as possible • 10 signatures in diary = 1 Award Card • House points – College perpetual trophy
School Houses • Nicholls– named in honour of Sir Douglas Nicholls and to affirm MBBC’s commitment to assist our boys to be young men of faithful service • Doherty– named in honour of Professor Peter Doherty to affirm MBBC’s commitment to academic excellence • Dunlop– named in honour of Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop because he embodied the qualities the College seeks to develop in the young men at MBBC • Flynn– named in honour of Reverend John Flynn to recognise MBBC’s commitment to Christian education
You Can Do It!Keys to Success • Confidence • Persistence • Organisation • Getting Along
Food • Nut-free College • Food consumed before and during school has a profound effect on students’ ability to concentrate and be prepared for learning • Please ensure your child eats a substantial breakfast and nutritious snacks throughout the day so we have the best chance of maximising his learning opportunities
Homework • Daily and weekly homework tasks are set at the • beginning of each week. • Homework is to be completed, daily or weekly, and presented at school the following morning for marking and monitoring of progress • Students are encouraged to seek help with any difficulty or concern with regard to homework • Spelling Tests are given on Fridays • Class-related projects (research reports, construction of models, interviews, speaking presentations, class poetry recitals, and so on) will be set during the year, and will require particular attention outside of school hours • Students are encouraged to spend a minimum of 30 minutes to complete homework tasks per night
Reading • Home reading is a necessary part of each student’s homework with a minimum of fifteen - twenty minutes per day being advisable • Regular reading practice is vital as reading affects every area of learning. It is important that students are confident readers who demonstrate a high level of both fluency and comprehension, which are essential skills throughout the school years but especially as they approach high school • Please encourage your son to see that reading is also a pleasurable and relaxing habit • Nightly reading should be recorded in your son’s homework log and signed off by a parent/carer
Communication • A strong connection between home and school is vital: • Student Diary: please check daily for reminders and notes • Classroom Newsletters: issued periodically during the year • Emails: nafranowiczh@mbbc.qld.edu.au and pincottj@mbbc.qld.edu.au • (Please allow 48 hrs for a reply email or phone call) • Parent-Teacher Interviews: Term 1, Week 9: 24 – 26th March 2009 • Appointments: secure a time to see either Helen or Jack at a mutually convenient time • Year 6 website: www.mbbc.qld.edu.au