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Blanket Gold Mine Analyst Visit - 7 February 2014. Disclaimer.
Disclaimer Thispresentationdoesnotconstitute,orformpartof,anyoffertosell orissueoranysolicitation ofanyoffertopurchaseorsubscribe for,anysharesinCaledonia,norshallit (oranypartofit)or thefactofits distribution,formthebasis of,orbereliedoninconnectionwith,oractas an inducement toenterintoanycontractoragreementthereto. Certainforwardlookingstatementsmaybe containedinthepresentationwhichinclude,without limitation,expectations regardingmetalprices,estimatesofproduction,operatingexpenditure, capital expenditureandprojections regardingthecompletionofcapital projectsaswell asthefinancialpositionofthecompany. Although Caledonia MiningCorporation(“Caledonia”)believesthattheexpectationsreflectedinsuchforward-lookingstatementsarereasonable,noassurance canbegiventhatsuchexpectations willprovetobeaccurate.Accordingly,resultscoulddiffer fromthoseprojectedasaresult of,amongotherfactors,changesineconomic andmarket conditions,changesintheregulatoryenvironmentandotherbusiness andoperationalrisks. Accordingly,neitherCaledonia,noranyofits directors,officers,employees, advisers,associated persons orsubsidiaryundertakingsshall beliableforanydirect,indirect orconsequentialloss or damagesufferedby anypersonas aresultofrelyinguponthis presentationoranyfuture communications inconnectionwiththis presentationandanysuchliabilitiesareexpressly disclaimed
Contents • GroupOverview • ResultsHighlights • SummaryFinancials • Safety • A low cost producer • Geology • Mining • Metallurgical processing • ExplorationandDevelopment • No. 6 Winze • Outlook
CaledoniaGroup Overview TSX: CAL. OTCQX:CALVF. AIM:CMCL. • CaledoniaGroup • Robustcashposition:$25matSeptember30,2013 • Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe(49%) • Low-cost: • Cash-costUS$554/oz • AISC:US$873/oz • All-inCostUS$999/oz • 2014productionguidance48,000oz • Internally fundedexpansionplans • Fully indigenised • NamaBaseMetals Project, Zambia (100%) • AdjacenttoVALEcoppermine development(Lubambe)
Caledonia Group OverviewResults Highlights i. Production relatesto 100%oftheBlanketMinein Zimbabwe. Followingtheimplementationof indigenisationinSeptember2012, Caledoniaowns49% of Blanket C1 costs per ouncecomprisinglabour, electricity, consumables and on-mineG&A. All-inSustainingCostsincludesoff-mineG&A and sustainingcapitalinvestment 2012attributableprofitisafter $14.1mnon-cashchargeinrespectoftheimplementationof indigenisation Normalised profitfor2012excludesany expensesassociatedwiththeimplementationofindigenisationand unrealised foreign exchangeitems. Per sharenumbershave beenadjustedforthe1-10shareconsolidationeffectedonApril 122013 ii. iii. iv. v. vi.
Blanket Gold Mine, ZimbabweSafety • Blanket’saccidentandinjuryrateis lowby Zimbabwean,internationalandregional standards. • Regrettably,anaccidentin Q3 2013resultedinthe fatality of one employee. • Blanketmanagementis workingto ensurethatsafe- workingproceduresare observedandimplemented Can we show a comparative figure say for SA to re-inforce the point that we are safer?? TotalInjuryIncident Rateisa measurementofall accidentsthat haveoccurred regardless ofinjuryornot,expressed per200,000 man-hoursworked. Thisincludes accidentsthatcould havecaused injuries.
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe ALow-CostAfricanGoldProducer: On Mine Costs • ThelowestcostlistedgoldproducerinAfrica:cashcostperounceofUS$554/oz • Goodcost control, amenablemineenvironment,efficientmetallurgicalplantand labour structure
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe ALow-CostAfricanGoldProducer:All-InclusiveSustainingCosts Est.Industry Average AISC $1,150/oz • • Q3 2013AISC:$873/oz • (estimatedindustry average: $1,150/oz) • 60%ofon-minecostsand 100%of corporateG&Aare fixed • As Blanketincreases productionfrom2014,AISC per ounceshouldfallas fixedcosts arespreadover moreouncesproduced Source: CaledoniaQ3 2013MD&A. 1.AISC includeson-minecashcosts,sustainingcapitalinvestment,headofficeG&A androyalty
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe ALow-CostAfricanGoldProducer • Insert explanations for people with an assumed high degree of technical knowledge why the costs are so low. We are an underground mine with frankly un-exceptional grades so how do we get such low costs per ounce?: • Low cost labour – get data for average employee cost compared to A • Efficient and productive labour – show our production rate per employee with average for SA • Beneficial mine environment • Blanket Mine is relatively shallow mine with the bottom most tramming level at 750m below surface. • The • No cooling requirement • Little need for roof support • ? Mining methodology? • High metallurgical recovery rates • Cost efficient supply-chain • Caxton Mangezi Source: CaledoniaQ3 2013MD&A. 1.AISC includeson-minecashcosts,sustainingcapitalinvestment,headofficeG&A androyalty
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe ALow-CostAfricanGoldProducer • Insert an analysis of historic costs – we have disclosed this in the MD&A so it is not new – labour, electricity, consumables, other. Also add in capex and royalty. • No need to talk to this, but they will need it for reference if they decide to write on us Source: CaledoniaQ3 2013MD&A. 1.AISC includeson-minecashcosts,sustainingcapitalinvestment,headofficeG&A androyalty
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe Geology • Get Trevor to put together a page talking about the geology • Include the reserve and resource statement as they will only ask for it Source: CaledoniaQ3 2013MD&A. 1.AISC includeson-minecashcosts,sustainingcapitalinvestment,headofficeG&A androyalty
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe Mining • Use this long section, but take out the all development stuff - highlight the main areas of production as being AR Main and AR South L14 Haulage L18 Haulage L22 Haulage Planned L26 Haulage No. 6 Winze Planned L30 Haulage
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe Mining • Decsription of mining methodology – underhand stoping or whatever it is
Blanket GoldMine,Zimbabwe Metallurgical Plant Insert the flow chart – analysts asked for this after the last visit. Print it as A3 and fold it into the A4 presentation
Blanket gold mine, ZimbabweMETALLURGICAL RECOVERY % High Metallurgicalrecovery
Blanket gold mine, ZimbabweMETALLURGICAL RECOVERY % Explain what we have done to increase recoveries and reduce cyanide consumption: agitators, etcetc
Blanket Gold Mine, ZimbabweExploration and Development: Blanket on-mine activity L14 Haulage L18 Haulage L22 Haulage Planned L26 Haulage No. 6 Winze Planned L30 Haulage • Extensions to the 14 and 18 Level Haulages will open up new mining areas • No. 6 Winze Project (sinking to 1080m) & develop new 26 and 30 level haulages • Level 22 Haulage will provide platforms for exploration drilling below 750m
Blanket Gold Mine, ZimbabweExploration and Development: Satellite Projects 18 exploration projects located on the Gwanda greenstone belt • GG Project (7km from Blanket) • Shaft sunk to 120m. • Underground development continues on 60m, 90m & 120m levels • Lateral drilling to define resources • Metallurgical test work in progress • Mascot Project (42km from Blanket) • Shaft infrastructure refurbished • Underground development and exploration on 4 Levels • Lateral drilling to define resources • Metallurgical test work in progress • Sabiwa and Abercorn • Next projects to be addressed Blanket Sabiwa Abercorn GG Mascot
Blanket Gold Mine, ZimbabweExploration and Development: No.6 Winze Project • Exploration to improve our understanding of the inferred Blanket ore body below 750m • First 2013 program hole intersected 3.57g/t over 4.7m • Additional drilling machine to be commissioned shortly [update?] • Shaft sinking to access the existing inferred resource on the Blanket ore body below 750m has commenced • Deepen the existing No.6 Winze from 750m to 1,060m • Two new haulage developments at 870m (28 Level) and 990m (30 Level) • Ore hoisted up No.6 Winze will be transferred into the No 4 shaft crushing and loading system for hoisting to surface using existing surplus hoisting capacity • Target production: 600tpd (24Koz pa) • Pre-production capital cost: US$xmillion 19
Blanket Mine, Zimbabwe 6 winze project BEFORE Collar level for Atlantis Winches before installation AFTER Collar level completed installation
Blanket Gold Mine, ZimbabweOutlook • Goldproductionhas quadrupledsinceQ12010 • IncreasedproductioninQ3 2013was duetoincreasedgradeandrecovery Increasedfullyearproduction guidancefrom40,000ozto 44,000ozin August2013 Source:CaledoniaMD&A’s
Outlook • Continuedstrongoperationalperformanceat Blanket • Operational production andcostswellundercontrol • Continuedprogressas plannedondevelopmentandexplorationat Blanket • Target2014productionof48,000oz; • Target2015productionof52,000oz • Caledonia’sfinancialpositionremainsrobust: $25m of externalcash • Expansion program progressing well with sinking of 6 winze gaining momentum • Blanketis fully compliantwithZimbabwe’sindigenisationrequirementsandits indigenisationarrangementsareworkingas envisaged
Contacts • Website:www.caledoniamining.com • Tickers:TSE-CAL; OTCQX–CALVF; AIM- CMCL • StefanHayden,Presidentand CEO Tel: +27114472499 Email:shayden@caledoniamining.com • MarkLearmonth,Vice PresidentInvestor Relationsand CorporateDevelopment Tel: +27114472499 Email:marklearmonth@caledoniamining.com • Nomadand JointAIMBroker:Numis Securities Tel +442072601000 • JointAIMBroker:WHIreland Tel +442072201751 UKCorporateand InvestorRelations GrahamHerring,AdamLloyd Tel: +442076539850 Research:EdisonInvestmentResearch www.edisoninvestmentresearch.co.uk/research