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benevolent – adj. generous, kind

benevolent – adj. generous, kind. Example: The benevolent stranger gave the homeless man a blanket and some food. benevolently – adverb benevolentness - noun . scrutinize – verb. To examine very carefully

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benevolent – adj. generous, kind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. benevolent – adj.generous, kind Example: The benevolent stranger gave the homeless man a blanket and some food. benevolently – adverb benevolentness - noun

  2. scrutinize – verb • To examine very carefully Example: The teacher scrutinized the papers to ensure that the students understood the material. scrutinization- noun scrutinizingly - adverb

  3. histrionic - adj • Overly dramatic Example: My histrionic niece throws herself down on the floor when she doesn’t get her way. histrionically - adverb

  4. didactic - adjective • Intended to teach; morally instructive Example: Fables were written to be didactic and give readers a life lesson. didactically - adverb

  5. dialect - noun • Any variety of language spoken by a group of people. (the grammar and pronunciation of words due to a geographical location – accent)

  6. Affixes Prefix: pseudo Definition: false, pretend, unreal Examples: pseudonym, pseudoscience, pseudointellectual Suffix: -y Definition: characterized by or inclined to; creates adjectives Examples: juicy, grouchy, rumbly, rainy

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