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Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2022 You Should Know About

digital marketing is a highly dynamic domain that keeps on changing and in 2022 Digital marketing trends have a greater potential to digitally engage consumers.

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Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2022 You Should Know About

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  1. Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2022 You Should Know About It is not each passing year, it is with each passing day, digital marketing gets complex because what might have worked as a digital marketing strategy today, might not work a few days later. The pandemic has left a lot of businesses in havoc and now as we enter the New Year 2022, there are a lot of evolutions that took place in the digital market that have a greater potential to digitally engage consumers more effectively. This pandemic has bought a new era of marketing called digital marketing; though this domain has been for long, during this pandemic when the physical stores started to shut down, they were forced to search for alternative business solutions and one such solution that a business could afford is digital marketing. This has completely changed the way a business operates, as it made them aware of the latest trends that work for their business and how to leverage them for their business advantage. We will now get into the 2022 digital marketing trends. 1. Artificial intelligence: This trend has the potential to transform Digital marketing to a greater level and the business world has been buzzing that AI would take over the future of marketing. This is so true, as there are more than 60% of the business owners already started using AI chatbots and more than 90% of the internet users might have already interacted with one. AI can be used and has the capacity for improving communication, analysing the data, predicting consumer behaviour, and yes, of course, it helps in easing out manual stress. Let us look at some of the examples of AI in Digital Marketing ● For customer interaction: AI chatbots are used as live chat interfaces which helps in interacting with the users as if they are talking to a real human being. These chatbots will keep the conversation quick as they would provide the answers to the users’ queries within a second, reducing the time taken in a conversation.

  2. With the introduction of Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, which are known to be AI tools that interact with the users just like a human being and follow the requests that the users give. ● AI in voice search: After the introduction of voice search, there is a super hike in the raise of AI-powered virtual assistants. The users will just have to use their voice search to push a query and Ding! the virtual assistant will provide the answer within seconds. Since the users are being dependent on such virtual assistants, many apps have added these as their key feature and started giving the customers a personalised experience. ● Augmented and virtual reality: Few of the biggies have adopted augmented and virtual reality as a part of their marketing strategy. IKEA is one such business that has adopted this so well, that it has started to give its users an experience that they could feel the furniture that they wanted to purchase right in from of them and try it before purchasing. Even Flipkart has this feature where the user can try how the product looks at their place and then purchase the same. 2. Programmatic advertising: This trend comes very handy for the advertisers to target segmented audiences and use real-time data that yields advertisements delivered at the right time to the right people. Advertisers have the opportunity to target age demographics, on a particular day and at a specific time. What attracts the most of programmatic advertising is, it has the choice of customization, targeting and data-driven technology behind purchasing of impressions on a website. 3. Shoppable content: This trend was introduced by Instagram where the product or service can be marketed in a simple and interactive form rather than keeping boring, long-length product descriptions. The users can find this feature on Instagram, where marketers post shoppable content features through a post or story and the users can simply swipe or click on the link to redirect to the product page on the website. Users have appreciated this feature as it gives a smooth user experience, faster loading visuals and changes the entire experience of shopping on an eCommerce website. 4. WhatsApp Marketing: There is no doubt that every person who has a smartphone would have WhatsApp installed in it and businesses have thought why not take advantage of this and started marketing products and services through WhatsApp. This trend has completely changed how businesses reach consumers and engage with them. Businesses can reach out to the consumers through a WhatsApp business account and inform the consumers about the available products, order status, make payments, etc. This business account will also create trust in the mind of the consumers and will reach out to the business if they require anything else. 5. Micro-influencers: These are the people who have an online presence more than a normal person but less than a celebrity. Micro-influencers are generally thought leaders in their niches, where they keep growing and become an expert in their industry. Businesses step on this new trend where they take the help of micro-influencers and build trust with their followers and create an authentic endorsement of the products and services.

  3. 6. Vernacular SEO: It is no doubt that English is a universal language and in earlier days most internet users were dominantly from English speaking countries since the internet has invaded into a much deeper part of the world, users of different regional languages have flared and to rewrite the internet with regional languages is an alarming need for businesses. With vernacular SEO, businesses have started developing their websites, keyword targeting, advertising and have enhanced their SEO strategy for a different language other than English. This makes the internet more accessible to everyone, as the user can read in their regional language and help build users to build trust that every business desires. Now that you know how these new 2022 digital marketing trends would shape up a business. You can try out these new and exciting trends where the digital marketers would help you in inculcating these and deliver you with the best value.

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