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What is new at Vexcel Imaging GmbH

What is new at Vexcel Imaging GmbH. UltraCamXp (WA) Camera System. Sensor Unit SXp (WA). UltraCamXp Wide Angle 70mm lenses PAN 23mm lenses RGB+NIR Large scale & low altitude small scale At 10,000’ AGL 10.3” GSD 14,834*9712 feet.

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What is new at Vexcel Imaging GmbH

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is new at Vexcel Imaging GmbH

  2. UltraCamXp (WA)Camera System

  3. Sensor Unit SXp (WA) • UltraCamXp Wide Angle • 70mm lenses PAN • 23mm lenses RGB+NIR • Large scale & low altitude small scale • At 10,000’ AGL • 10.3” GSD • 14,834*9712 feet

  4. UltraMap v. 2.0 will be released in December and available in January 2010. • Beginning immediately, Vexcel Imaging GmbH is selling end to end camera systems that will include • POSTRACK 410 and 510 systems • UltraMount (GSM3000)

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