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The Impact of Divorce On Children. Student X studentx@mail.plattsburgh.edu. Impact of Divorce on Children. A child going through a divorce within their family may need a lot of comforting and love shown to them due to the living situations resulting from divorce.
The Impact of Divorce On Children Student X studentx@mail.plattsburgh.edu
Impact of Divorce on Children • A child going through a divorce within their family may need a lot of comforting and love shown to them due to the living situations resulting from divorce. • “Children’s ability to empathize with their parents may make them especially vulnerable to adjustment problems following divorce” • Children may go through periods of anger and loneliness resulting from a parental divorce. Cooney, T. M., & Smyer, M.A. (1991). Divorce (parental) during adolescence. Encyclopedia of Adolescence, (Vol. 1, pp. 244-247). New York: Garland Publishing, INC.
Library Of Congress Classification • Impact of divorce on children falls under the Social Sciences discipline. • For Family Divorce you would look under subject area Child- Family Studies – HQ • For the impact on children which has to deal with behaviors you would look under subject area Psychology – BF.
Library of Congress Subject Headings • Divorced Parents • Children of divorced parents • Parenting – part – time • Family conflict • Parent & Child
KEYWORD TERMS: Family, separation, divorce, children, behaviors, actions, moods, departure, loneliness, influence, family impact, feelings, change, adjustment, young adolescence, and youth. BOOLEAN SEARCHES: Divorce AND (Children OR Youth) Divorce AND Children “Impact on Children” AND Divorce (Behaviors OR Actions) AND Separation Divorce AND Children NOT Violence Psychological AND Behaviors AND (Children OR Kids) Most Effective Keyword Terms & Boolean Searches Palmia Computer Club. (2004). Search engines. Retrieved March 12, 2006, from http://www.palmia.org
Most Effective Databases • JSTOR • Pro Quest • EBSCO Host Research Database: Professional Development Collection I noticed when I typed in, “Impact of Divorce on Children,” I got too many results so I had to narrow down my topic. After putting in searches with just “children and divorce” or “behaviors and children and divorce,” I ended up with a detailed amount of results. After looking at the articles from my results I noticed other subject headings that I could have used for my Boolean searches. When I clicked on them, I found more articles that explained my topic in more depth then the others.
Best Book: Chadwick, B. A., & Heaton, T. B. (1999). Statistical handbook on the american family. Phoenix, ARIZ: Oryx Press.
Best Book Cont’d: Teyber, E. (2001). Helping children cope with divorce (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Best Book Cont’d: Amato, P. R., & Thompson, R. A. (1999). The post divorce family: children, parenting, and society. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Best Periodical: Brodie, K. (2005). Between two worlds: the inner lives of children of divorce. Library Journal,130, 100-102. Retrieved February 26, 2006, from EBSCO Host Research Database.
Best Periodical Cont’d: Self, J. (2006, January 24). Take time to consider effects of divorce on children. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, A.11. Retrieved February 14, 2006, from Pro Quest Newspapers database.
Best Periodical Cont’d: Vandewater, E. A., & Lansford, J. E. (1998). Influences of family structure and parental conflict on children’s well being. Family Relations,47,321-330. Retrieved February 14, 2006, from EBSCO Host Research Database.
Best Periodical Cont’d: Kanoy, K., &, Miller, B. C. (1980). Children’s impact on the parental decision to divorce. Family Relations, 29, 309- 315. Retrieved February 25, 2006, from JSTOR database.
Best Internet Source: Fagan, P.F. (2004). The social scientific data on the impact of marriage and divorce on children. Retrieved March 8, 2006, from http://www.heritage.org/Research/family/tst051304a.cfm
Best Internet Source Cont’d: Linaman, T. E. DR. (n.d.). The effects of divorce on children and families. Retrieved March 8, 2006, from http://www.flc.org/hfl/marriage/mar-flf03.htm
Best Non - Print Source: Symons, J., & Sablosky, L. (2002). Daddy & papa. United States: New Day Films.
From Best to Least: Scholarly articles seemed to be the best choice. I had used 3 scholarly journal articles. They gave very detailed and thorough information on my topic. Most articles were written from a student or psychologist of the child- family studies major. The journal explained the topic to the point where it gave a lot of facts and charts. These articles went into depth with my topic. I was able to receive more results from the journal periodical source then from a lot of the other sources. Bookswere my second best choice. I used the same about of books as I did for scholarly journals. Books explained ideas of my topic in many different ways such as using real life dialogues, scenarios, graphs, opinions and illustrations. It wasn’t hard finding many results in the Feinberg library catalog. Magazines was my third choice. I only used one because there weren’t many results on my topic to choose from. I believe magazines from sources such as Family Relations, and Parents magazine will give reliable information on the topic “Divorce and Children.” Since magazines are also short articles some important information that should be known about my topic might be left out from some articles. The internet was my forth choice. Using the internet for research work is very questionable, which was why I only used two websites. Not all of the articles showed great accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency and coverage. The internet was good for pictures and for lists of ideas but not thought out paragraphs because the information not always gave citations for what was written down. My last choice was using a non-print source. The only information you get out of finding a non-print source online is the abstract. The abstract may tell a little bit about what the source is about but doesn’t completely give the description in full detail. As many times that I tried to change my Boolean search for my topic, I only found one video for my topic. “Daddy and Papa,” is about Divorce and remarriage but within a gay family. That is also good to know about , but that was not part of my topic. I don’t believe this movie shows how children’s behaviors change and react to the divorce, I believe it show’s how children react and feel about living with two parents of the same sex.
Some facts I learned from my sources. The Impact of Divorce on Children: The divorce rate in the US has increased rapidly over the past two decades. Children are very important when it comes to divorce and they usually are the first ones forgotten. Without two parents involved in the family, children of divorce may drop out of high school, become teen mothers and even may become job less. Children may struggle through a divorce feeling lonely, unwanted, not loved, depressed, and may even go through extreme anxiety. Children go through complex patterns during and after a divorce. That is why the relationship status between children and parents needs to be strong. Many financial and emotional resources of parent’ young adult offspring will change. Depending on the age of the child some may have more rights then others during a divorce.
The Research Process & Future Learning I noticed that just from going to the subject data base menu and clicking on the Child-Family services category or just Psychology can bring you directly to many different databases to find information on divorce in children. It wasn’t that my research process was hard, it was just that every article or website usually talked about the same thing, just rephrased differently. I found information on children’s behaviors, and actions during divorce, but I still wanted to know how children can cope with these feelings and the right person to talk to for help. I plan on using this power point to show professors of classes that I may be taking within the child family studies major. I also plan on using it as some sort of resume attachment if I were to get a career with in this field. The information here and the way it is all set up shows that I am trying to research the background of Divorce in Children, and if I were to look into a career dealing with it. Also I am trying impress and catch audience’s eyes by using a power point to present this topic.
Image Citations: Singer, G. (n.d.). Healing the broken heart. Retrieved March 7, 2006, from http://www.childrenofdivorce.com MSU News Service. (2000). Student scholars present their studies on hutterite health and other topics. Retrieved March 7, 2006, fromhttp://www.montana.edu/wwwvr/discovery/DiscSprin g2000/discpverySpring2000.html Symons, J. (2002). About the production team. Retrieved February 6, 2006, fromhttp://www.daddyandpapa.com/productionTeam.html Three Sides. (n.d.) 2/3 Sides to every story. Retrieved March 12, 2006, from http://www.three-sides-to-every-story.org.