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Enhancing Student Engagement with Technology. Dr. Jay Wilson University of Saskatchewan. Thanks for the invitation. Overview. I am here to share my thoughts on the idea that increased engagement is beneficial for our students and…
Enhancing Student Engagement with Technology Dr. Jay Wilson University of Saskatchewan
Overview I am here to share my thoughts on the idea that increased engagement is beneficial for our students and… one way we can increase engagement is through the use of technologies.
I Believe Actively engaged students are able to achieve far greater success in class or where ever they are learning. Technology may not always the answer.
My other beliefs about engagement • More art than science. • Intentionally • If you don’t promote it no one will. • Increasing engagement should be the aim of all educators.
One Students’ engagement in their learning.
Our expectations matter. • How much? • Level of engagement must suit who they are as learners. • Assess their RCD levels.
What do we want for them? • Expectations of, and options for, students are changing. • The world of teaching and learning needs to change as well. • But…we live in a human created world. • It is not perfect so should be expect perfection? • Literacy levels
What has changed? • Students having more control over their learning • Problem-based learning, • Assessment for learning, and • Social constructivist approaches.
There was a time when the only options for learning engagement were in the classroom, maybe the library or most recently the computer lab. Not any more.
We now have multiple opportunities for engagement through the use of technology.
They are never without their D’s! Powerful, connected, mobile.
Let us use this connectedness. For good not bad. Effective connectedness. Powered Up schools
Think about a recent experience related to student engagement? What were some key aspects? Discuss with your area or elbow partner.
Two The student-teacher relationship.
Student-Teacher Engagement • Not always constant • More independent and asynchronous learning. • Depth not amount. • Different ways to craft and share thoughts, messages and assignments. • Potential for connections outside of regular school day.
Engagement time Think about a time in the past when you were deeply engaged with a teacher or educator. What did they do to make the experience a successful one for you?
Hey Jay • What I am doing is already successful. • Why is making the extra effort important? • More technologically-mediated learning might ruin a good thing.
Don’t worry. • I am not here to convince you to radically change what you are doing. • Maintain • Opportunities • Can you do betterfor your students?
Pushing the ‘teaching with technology’ agenda is a valid concern. • Adds a layer. • Impact on personal contact. + and – Potential to develop a ‘community of learners’ among students. Face-to-face may be less.
It’s a big decision • The education system and the learners in it are constantly changing. • Increasing engagement using technology is an opportunity for students to look at their education differently. • SPS places an emphasis on effective mix of technology and inquiry in all learning situations.
10,000 hours Why not initiate that technology journey for our students now?
Increasing engagement using technology • Starts with your desire to become a more effective teacher. • Is based on a solid foundation of teaching. • Will be learned from others. • Allows you to utilize new ways to share.
Engage students by inviting them to have input into decisions around: • Content • Evaluation • Process • Not abdicating but involving.
What Do Students Want • Ask them. • Determine what works for them. • What do they use already? • What would they like to try? • Exit slips, course evaluations, dialogue.
Practical considerations In theory it sounds fine. How do we do it for reals?
You are a key component Impact • Don’t be afraid to be a person. • Be passionate. • Share and they will share. • Set the foundation for engagement.
Have expectations around being engaged with technology. • Make them work hard and support them. • Modify your plan as you go. • You will make mistakes. • “Do you trust me?”
Driven by the interest of the learners. • ‘learning technology’ = bad • Discovery = good • Move from skill development to transformation • Beware of the garlic press • What is already out there?
Before you use any technology learners need to know • How to be good consumers • Use time wisely • Online etiquette • Digital citizenship • Personal profile management • Utilize SPS supports SPS gold mine
Make learning authentic • Bring them to places through the technology. • Make connections to the larger community. • Engage experts and others in the community. • Let students choose.
Technological Engagement(Big Five) Most are easy to use web-based tools There was a time… Advantages
Technological Engagement(Big Five) • Subject • Course content • Each other • Teacher • Broader community
Subject • Encourage students to explore subject matter. • Have them follow someone on a blog. And then share it with the rest of the class. • TEDtalks. • Slideshare • Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest • iPads
Content • Access to course content • Social bookmarking • Blackboard • ‘Flipping the classroom’? • Creating Podcasts, Screencasts, Wildcat video • Flipcams, iPods or anything that captures • Connect with tall foreheads and the students will will see how easy it is. • Learn to create not just consume.
Each other • Discussion boards • Social networking - Twitter • Collaboration on work • Wikispaces • Google docs • Collaborate/Elluminate/Skype/FaceTime/GoogleHangout • Explore together.