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期中 報告 辨識震顫輔助 器. Active Suppression of User’s Tremor Effect and Intentional Motion Recognition for Laser Pointer 抑制使用者使用雷射筆時所產生的顫抖和識別本身的移動 老師 : 曾慶耀 老師 學生 : 余柏勳 日期 :11/26. Outline. Introduction Experiment for User’s Motion Measurement Recognition Scheme of User’s Intention
期中報告辨識震顫輔助器 Active Suppression of User’s Tremor Effect and Intentional Motion Recognition for Laser Pointer 抑制使用者使用雷射筆時所產生的顫抖和識別本身的移動 老師:曾慶耀 老師 學生:余柏勳 日期:11/26
Outline • Introduction • Experiment for User’s Motion Measurement • Recognition Scheme of User’s Intention • Controller for Effect Suppression • Discussion and Conclusion
Introduction Tremor is an involuntary and rhythmic oscillatory movement which occurs in hands or legs. • 在手腳中會有非自主性或有節奏性的震動就是震顫。 HRI(Human Robot Interaction) • 人機互動 Random Forests • 隨機樹狀分類取樣
Experiment for User’s Motion Measurement • Objective 1.User’s motion could be “Stationary” phase and ”Moving” phase. 2. In Stationary phase, laser beam is disturbed only by tremor. 3.In Moving phase, the situation becomes more complex that blended effect of tremor. 4.In experiment, “Stationary” phase and quad-directional “Moving” phase (right, left, up ,down-ward) were examined, and characteristics of measured signal in each phase were analyzed.
Experiment for User’s Motion Measurement • Setup • 分別測量三個(前中後)三軸向(XYZ)的加速度 • 三相加速度計(ADXL335) • Signals of accelerometers were recorded on PC through A/D converter. • Sampling frequency was 200Hz and low-pass filter (cutoff frequency:30Hz) was used.
Experiment for User’s Motion Measurement • Experimental Procedure 1.Subjects were asked to stand 5m away from the screen and continued to point the target (black circle,20mm dia) projected on the screen using the fabricated laser pointer. 2.When the subject begins to point the target, recording is initiated(at 0 sec). 3.Five seconds later, target at the reference point is disappeared and projected 160mm away from the reference point in one of the right/left/up/down-ward. 4.Seven seconds later, target is disappeared. 5.Repeat the step from 1 to 4.
Experiment for User’s Motion Measurement • Calculation of Acceleration • Am: at a point m on a rigid body is measure by a 3-axis accelerometer • An: at the point n can be obtained as the following • α: an angular acceleration vector of a rigid body • Ω: angular velocity vector • Pmn: a vector from point m to n • By assuming that Ω is sufficiently smaller than other parameters to be neglected, can be rewritten: n,m→y,z
公式緣由 • 由於本篇論文在考慮實驗的方法時,沒有測量旋轉造成的角加速度,故後面的式子可認為在本實驗中非常微小趨近於零,故可直接省略。
取樣資料 Stationary phase Moving phase
Recognition Scheme of User’s Intention • Machine Learning Method -Random Forests • Definition of Indication Vector • Investigation Protocol • Result of the Recognition
Definition of Indication Vector N=32,64,128,256
Definition of Indication Vector • 有兩個步驟 • 一:分類動作為靜態或動態兩個組合 • 二:再分為三種組合-靜態、左右向、上下向。
Controller for Effect Suppression • Model of Laser Pointer 雷射筆距離螢幕越遠,震顫越明顯,為了簡化問題,只考慮一個方向的角動作。
Prediction of Tremor Signal Based on BMLFC • 使用Band-limited Multiple Fourier Linear Combiner改善WFLC(weighted) • 預測的震顫訊號與實驗訊號約有30%的差距 • 預測誤差會逐漸收斂到零
Prediction of Tremor Signal Based on BMLFC • 取樣頻率為500Hz • 在量測預測訊號時,發現有很大的雜訊,這些雜訊放大了預測誤差,實驗平均預測誤差約62.3%
Discussion and Conclusion • 試驗控制器在足夠的樣本下可以有90%的準確預測率 • 不同的使用者也可以達到同樣的效果 • 在使用BMFLC的模擬下,預測誤差為30%,但在實驗中,預測誤差會達到60%,主要的問題是因為使用了兩種不同的設置(圖2和圖11) • 透過BMFLC的模組調整預測,大致上預測的結果是有效的 • 可以有效抑制使用者23%的震顫 • 比其他單回授控制器更出色