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Ps3. Raul Pallares . what is a ps3. A ps3 is something you can play games on. Who invented the ps3. Ken Kutaragi invented The ps3. The ps3 was released Nov 11, 2006. Where was Ken Kutaragi born . He was born in Japan august,1950 . How did he invent the ps3.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ps3 Raul Pallares

  2. what is a ps3 A ps3 is something you can play games on

  3. Who invented the ps3 • Ken Kutaragi invented • The ps3. • The ps3 was released • Nov 11, 2006

  4. Where was Ken Kutaragi born • He was born in Japan august,1950

  5. How did he invent the ps3 • He invented

  6. Why is the ps3 interesting • The ps3 is interesting because it can play movies and games you can go on the internet

  7. Where can you buy the ps3 You can buy this at best buy, walmart target

  8. WHAT ARE THE POSITIVE THINGS AND NEGATIVE THINGS OF PS3 • You can play movies on the ps3 • A negative thing about the ps3 is the price

  9. Are there different kinds, sizes, or shapes of ps3 available • There are different kinds some have a silver trim

  10. Describe how the ps3 works • You have to plug it in and have a controller

  11. Who is the president of the ps3 • Ken Kutaragi is the president of the ps3

  12. Where is the headquarters of the ps3 • Couldn’t find where there headquarters were at

  13. Is there a website for the ps3 • Gamestop.com

  14. Can anybody operate or purchase the ps3 • Everybody that’s buys it can

  15. How many ps3’s are made each year • Doesn’t say

  16. How much does a ps3 cost • Its $299.99 dollars

  17. Interesting information • The ps3 can play blu ray movies and go on the internet

  18. Is the ps3 still around today • The ps3 is still around it came out in 2006

  19. Websites I used • I used Google

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