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Cultural Competence Video Facilitator: Natasha Chatman

Join Natasha Chatman as she explores the importance of cultural competence in healthcare. Learn about different aspects of culture and why it is essential to discuss and practice cultural competence. Engage in interactive activities to enhance understanding.

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Cultural Competence Video Facilitator: Natasha Chatman

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultural Competence Video Facilitator: Natasha Chatman Health Careers Program Coordinator Lowcountry AHEC

  2. Learning Objectives Define culture and cultural competence. Identify the importance of not pre-judging others. Discuss different aspects of culture Identify the importance of cultural competence in the healthcare field. Identify reasons why one should discuss cultural competence.

  3. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Pre Test

  4. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Pause video To complete Pre-test

  5. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Divide into groups of 2-3 students What is Culture?

  6. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity

  7. A Word About Culture Culture is defined as customary beliefs, social norms, and material traits of a religious, social or racial group. Reference: Merriam-Webster (www.merriam-webster.com)

  8. Culture includes…(Handout 2) How we meet How wegreet strangers Our rewards Metaphorswe use How we communicate How we deal with mistakes Our humor Time issues Our symbols Ourcelebrations Our heroesand heroines Our storiesand rituals How we learn Our use of space

  9. Same Gesture ….. Different Meaning What does this symbol mean in the : United States: United Kingdom: Japan: Brazil: Russia: Okay Okay Money Insult Zero

  10. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Handout 1: Keep your Culture

  11. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity

  12. Diversity Beans In teams, you are going to each get six jelly beans. Your goal is to write both the color and the flavor of the bean.

  13. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Diversity Bean Group Activity Handout 3: Diversity Beans

  14. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity

  15. The Point of the Activity We should never judge others. We must learn to accept and respect the differences of others.

  16. Tolerance Pledge I will: “Examine my own biases and work to overcome them, set a positive example for family and friends, work for tolerance in my own community, speak out against hate and injustice.” (Handout 4)

  17. Now You See It …Now You Don’t!

  18. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Handout 5:Visible/Invisible

  19. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity

  20. The Point of the Activity Culture is like an iceberg. Most aspects (or influences) of culture are beneath the surface

  21. “People hate what they don’t understand.” - Anonymous Change Your Mind! Change the World!

  22. Cultural Competence is … being able to effectively work with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

  23. Why Talk About Cultural Competence?How is it important to the healthcare field?

  24. We talk about Cultural Competence…. To respond to projected demographic changes in the US. To eliminate long-standing disparities. To improve quality of services and healthcare outcomes. To meet federal mandates. To gain competitive edge in the world. Source: National Center for Cultural Competence

  25. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity Handout 6: What do you do when…

  26. Cultural CompetenceClass Discussion / Activity

  27. To Improve Quality of Services and Healthcare Outcomes Healthcare providers: Must provide holistic care and work with all types of people. Must be respectful of and to all types of people. Realize that each person is unique.

  28. Questions??Post-test

  29. The South Carolina AHECHealth Careers Academy Benefits • Opportunities to: • Participate in regional and state activities • Secure letters of reference for college • Network with health professionals How? • Sign up at WWW.SCAHEC.NET • Contact your regional Health Careers Program Coordinator

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