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Patterns in Inherited Traits

Explore the principles of inheritance with Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics, and understand how traits are passed from parents to offspring in predictable patterns. Discover the role of alleles, dominance, and gamete formation in genetic inheritance. Learn about modern genetic terminology, including genotype, phenotype, and genetic variation. Unlock the secrets of Mendel's Law of Segregation and Independent Assortment through examples and Punnett squares. Delve into complex inheritance patterns beyond simple dominance, such as incomplete dominance, codominance, and multiple alleles.

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Patterns in Inherited Traits

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  1. Unit 5 Chapter 13: Patterns in Inherited Traits

  2. Gregor Mendel • Austrian monk, Father of Genetics • Genetics: the study of heredity • Heredity: the passing of traits from parent to offspring (INHERITANCE) • Mendel used pea plants to study heredity • Pea plants self-fertilize, so Mendel cross-pollinated peas by hand to observe traits of their offspring • Started with pea plants that “bred true” for a trait (stays the same every generation), then cross-fertilized pea plants with different traits • Offspring appeared in predictable patterns, he concluded that hereditary information is passed in discrete units

  3. Gregor Mendel • Parent Generation (P): 1st line of crosses • First Generation(F1): offspring of the parent generation • F2 Generation: second cross, using the F1 offspring

  4. Inheritance in Modern Terms • Individuals share certain traits because their chromosomes carry the same genes • The DNA sequence of each gene occurs at a specific location on a particular chromosome

  5. Sexual Reproduction • Alleles: Different forms of the same gene • For example: height • Tall or short • We inherit one allele for a gene from each parent • Offspring of sexual reproducers inherit new combinations of parental alleles which produces new traits • Genetic variation!!!!

  6. Inheritance in Modern Terms • Alleles are either dominant or recessive • Dominant alleles mask recessive alleles, the recessive allele is there, just hidden • A dominant allele is represented by italic capital letters (A) • A recessive allele is represented by italic lowercase letters (a)

  7. Inheritance in Modern Times • Individuals only need to inherit one dominant allele to see that trait – DOMINANCE • TWO recessive alleles must be inherited to see that trait • Homozygous: An individual carrying identical alleles for a gene [true or pure] – AA or aa • Heterozygous: An individual carrying two different alleles of a gene [hybrids] – Aa • Parents of these offspring breed true for a trait • We see the dominant trait, the organism carries the recessive trait

  8. Inheritance in Modern Terms • Genotype: the particular set of alleles that an individual carries [heterozygous or homozygous] • Phenotype: the observable traits, such as flower color • Genotype gives rise to phenotype

  9. Inheritance in Modern Terms • EXAMPLE – • If detached earlobes are dominant, attached earlobes are recessive • TT – homozygous dominant • Tt – heterozygous, since the dominant allele is present, it will show • tt– homozygous recessive T t = Tall GENOTYPE (HETEROZYGOUS) PHENOTYPE ALLELE ALLELE

  10. Mendel’s Law of Segregation • Two alleles for a trait separate during meiosis and are reunited during fertilization • Each gamete will have a different allele

  11. Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment • When homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis, they are randomly assorted in to any nucleus • Gene pairs on one chromosome get sorted into gametes independently of gene pairs on other chromosomes • Every person with brown hair doesn’t have brown eyes • Some genes are inherited together (LINKED) because the genes are very close to each other on the chromosome. • People with red hair are also fair-skinned. • Punnett squares can be used to predict inheritance

  12. Punnett Square • Punnett Square: grid used to predict the genotypic and phenotypic outcome of a cross • Monohybrid: crossing one trait at a time • Dihybrid: crossing two traits • Testcross: Breeding experiments used to determine genotype

  13. Punnett Square • An individual shows a dominant trait (RR or Rr) and is crossed with one that is homozygous recessive (rr) • What is the unknown genotype? • If all offspring have the dominant trait = homozygous dominant • If any offspring have the recessive trait = heterozygous

  14. Dominant Trait (T) is tongue roller • Recessive Trait (t) is non-tongue roller • 2 heterozygous (Tt) parents T t Genotypic Homo Dominant = 1 Heterozygous = 2 Homo Recessive = 1 1:2:1 TT Tt T Tongue roller Tongue roller tt Tt t Phenotypic Tongue Roller = 3 Non-tongue Roller = 1 3:1 Non-tongue roller Tongue roller Probability of having a child who could roll their tongue? [3 of 4 = 75%] A child who could not? [1 of 4 = 25%]

  15. Dihybrid Cross • Individuals identically heterozygous for alleles of two genes (dihybrids) are crossed, and the traits of the offspring are observed

  16. Complex Inheritance • Simple Dominance: dominant allele fully masks the expression of a recessive one • Other patterns of inheritance are not so simple, and cannot be explained by Mendel’s law of inheritance • Incomplete dominance • Codominance • Epistasis • Pleiotropy

  17. Complex Inheritance • Incomplete Dominance: One allele is not fully dominant over another • heterozygous phenotype is a blend of homozygous phenotypes • Codominance: heterozygous genotype expresses BOTH alleles

  18. Complex Inheritance • Multiple Alleles: gene for which three or more alleles exist in a population • Example: an ABO gene for blood type • This doesn’t mean an organism has more than 2 alleles for atrait, just that more than 2 exist in the population

  19. Complex Inheritance • The A and the B allele are codominant when paired • Genotype AB = type AB • The O allele is recessive when paired with either A or B • Genotype AA or AO= type A • Genotype BB or BO= type B • Genotype OO = type O

  20. Complex Inheritance • Epistasis: a trait is influenced by the products of multiple genes • Fur color in dogs – A dominant allele (B) specifies black fur, recessive (b) specifies brown fur, but a dominant allele of a different gene (E) causes color to be deposited in fur and the recessive (e) reduces color • E and B allele =black fur, E and bb = brown, ee = yellow fur regardless of Bor b alleles

  21. Complex Inheritance • Pleiotropy: A gene whose product influences multiple traits, also called polygenic traits • Mutations in pleiotropic genes are associated with complex genetic disorders • Sickle-cell anaemia, Cystic fibrosis, Marfan syndrome

  22. Epigenetics • Potentially inheritable mechanisms that alter genes without changing the DNA sequence • These can cause environmental adaptation faster than evolution, and the changes can be reversed • Chemicals and diet can cause changes, but traumatic experiences in our past, or even our recent ancestors’ pasts, can leave molecular scars on our DNA

  23. Environmental Factors • Epigenetic research is revealing that environment can influence phenotype • Toxic agents, Diet and exercise, Sunlight and water, Temperature, Medications • Conditions can cause a gene to shut down or turn on • Twins have identical genes, scientists conclude that twins with different phenotypes are influenced by the environment • “Nature versus nurture”

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