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Psychosocial Risk Management: European Framework. Dr Stavroula Leka CPsychol FRSH Associate Professor in Occupational Health Psychology PRIMA-EF Manager & Principal Investigator Institute of Work, Health & Organisations University of Nottingham. PRIMA-EF.
Psychosocial Risk Management: European Framework Dr Stavroula Leka CPsychol FRSH Associate Professor in Occupational Health Psychology PRIMA-EF Manager & Principal InvestigatorInstitute of Work, Health & OrganisationsUniversity of Nottingham
PRIMA-EF • Developing a European Psychosocial Risk Management Framework • FP6 - 2 year project • 6 partners, 5 CCs: IWHO (lead), BAuA, ISPESL, TNO, CIOP, FIOH • 2 international organisations (WHO, ILO) • 6 liaison organisations: 3 international (US NIOSH, University of South Australia, Singapore Ministry of Manpower) – 3 EU (Institute for Social Policies - Bulgaria, HSE - UK, Cyprus International Institute - Harvard-Cyprus Initiative for the Environment & Public Health) • 9 advisory organisations: DG-Employment, DG-SANCO, EASHW, European Foundation (Dublin), ICOH-WOPS, ETUC, ETUI, ETUI-REHS, BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME,CEEP, UNIZO
Objectives 1 • Develop existing knowledge in evaluating the prevalence and impact of psychosocial risks at work and work-related stress, including physical and psychological workplace violence, harassment, bullying and mobbing • Identify appropriate means of collecting sensitive data in relation to these issues • Develop international standards and indicators on stress and violence at work in order to promote harmonisation in the area of psychosocial risk management and enhance best business practice
Objectives 2 • Develop detailed recommendations and evidence-based best-practice guidance on the management of these issues at the workplace to promote clarity and a unified European approach that will enable stakeholders to put these in practice to improve the quality of working life • Disseminate the results of the project to stakeholders and social partners in order to raise awareness and promote understanding, engagement and best practice
Outputs 1 • Definition of European Psychosocial Risk Management Framework • Development of social dialogue and corporate social responsibility indicators • Survey involving stakeholders on a tripartite basis • Review and analysis of available methodologies to evaluate the prevalence and impact of psychosocial risks at work and work-related stress > indicator models
Outputs 2 • Comprehensive review and analysis of case studies of evidence-based, best practice interventions in different occupational sectors, worker groups, enterprise sizes and European countries • Inventory of different approaches > Special reference to approaches that promote best practice in occupational health and safety and the management of psychosocial risks through corporate social responsibility and social dialogue principles and to gender-friendly approaches
Outputs 3 • Guidelines for: employers; employees; trade unions; occupational health physicians; general practitioners; other applied occupational health and safety professionals (such as occupational health psychologists) • PRIMA-EF book and brochure • www.prima-ef.org
Added Value • Clarity of best practice principles, standards and actions • Indicator models for monitoring • Integrative framework that the EC will be able to use for the EU overall and across member states • Would be possible to use as part awareness campaign linking policy to practice
Actions at the EU level • Promotion of framework across the EU • Monitor the implementation of the framework across member states • Using indicators to identify necessary actions at policy and practice levels (EU, national, sectoral, enterprise) • Identification of gaps and priorities
PRIMA-EF Forthcoming Events • PRIMA-EF Symposium– Washington, APA/NIOSH Work, Stress & Health Conference, March 2008 • Best Practice Workshop– Rome, May 2008 • PRIMA-EF Symposium– Quebec, ICOH-WOPS Conference, September 2008 • Dissemination Workshop– Helsinki, October 2008 • PRIMA-EF Symposium– Valencia, EA-OHP Conference, November 2008
Thank you ! Stavroula.Leka@nottingham.ac.ukwww.nottingham.ac.uk/iwhowww.prima-ef.org