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What is organic clothing

Organic clothing is made from organic cotton that has been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides, thereby improving the quality of the land, prevent water contamination, and conserve biodiversity. A fabric can be called organic as long as 95% of the fabric contains cotton, jute, silk, ramie, or wool. Here are few benefits of organic clothing:

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What is organic clothing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Boho Boho Indian Indian

  2. Company Overview • Fashion is often seen as a ‘value’ added to clothes to make them desirable to consumers. It is a contradiction: homogenizing, encouraging everyone to dress in the same way, but also it stands for individuality. • we design all our products in-house and produce them only in limited editions so that our customers can stand out in a sea of mass manufactured trends.

  3. What is organic clothing? • Organic clothing is made from organic cotton that has been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides, thereby improving the quality of the land, prevent water contamination, and conserve biodiversity. • A fabric can be called organic as long as 95% of the fabric contains cotton, jute, silk, ramie, or wool. Here are few benefits of organic . • clothing: • It is better for the earth - Choosing cotton that has been organically grown reduces the amount of chemicals used to grow and process the fibre. This means fewer chemicals to leach into ground water, steams and oceans.

  4. Boho Indian • It is better for the farmer and producers – If farmers and producers harvest organic cotton, they are not exposed to the toxic chemicals that can cause serious health issues including cancer. • It is better for you - The chemicals used to clean, process and dye cotton for use in garments come in direct contact with your skin posing health risks such as reproductive disorders, birth defects and weakened immune systems. On the other hand, organic clothing is harvested with no such chemicals, hence posing no threat for you. • It lasts longer - Organic cotton that is harvested by hand (rather than machines) doesn’t require chemicals to clean and bleach it which makes organic clothing more durable when turned into textiles.

  5. Thank You https://bohoindian.com/

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