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The Kite Runner. By Khaled Hosseini. Biography – Early Childhood. Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan His father worked with the Afghan Foreign Ministry His mother taught taught Farsi and History at a girls high school In 1970, Hosseini moved with his parents to Paris, France
The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini
Biography – Early Childhood • Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan • His father worked with the Afghan Foreign Ministry • His mother taught taught Farsi and History at a girls high school • In 1970, Hosseini moved with his parents to Paris, France • In 1973 the family returned to Kabul • In 1980 the family sought political asylum in The United States
Biography - Education • Hosseini graduated high school in 1984 • Obtained his bachelor’s degree in biology from Santa Clara University in 1988 • Earned his medical degree in 1993 from the University of California
Biography – Interesting Facts • In June 2006 he was awarded the 2006 Humanitarian Award from the UN Refugee Agency. There are currently more than 3.6 million paperback copies of The Kite Runner in print
Biography - Influences • As a child, Hosseini read a great deal of Persian poetry as well as Persian translations of novels • His memories of peaceful pre-Soviet era Afghanistan, as well as his personal experiences with Afghan Hazaras, led to the writing of The Kite Runner Statue of Khayyam, Persian poet and philosopher at his mausoleum in Neyshabur.
Biography - Novels • The Kite Runner is Hosseini’s first novel • It is also the first novel published in English by an Afghan • The novel, tells the story of two young boys in an Afghanistan that precedes the bloody communist coup, Soviet invasion, and the rise of the Taliban. The novel traverses decades—and continents—bringing American readers into a world they’ve rarely glimpsed, of violence and poverty and tragic betrayal. At the same time, it’s a universal tale of friendship, redemption and profound hope. • The novel was the number three best seller for 2005 in the United States • A movie by the same name is set to be released in November 2007 • A Thousand Splendid Suns is due to be released in May of 2007
Biography – Perspective on American Agenda in Afghanistan • The two major issues in Afghanistan are a lack of security outside Kabul (particularly in the South and East) and the powerful warlords ruling over the provinces with little or no allegiance to the central government. • The other rapidly rising concern is the narcotic trade which, if not dealt with, may turn Afghanistan into another Bolivia or Colombia. • Equally important is the lack of cultivable land for farmers • Afghanistan has always largely been an agricultural country, and that even before the wars destroyed lands and irrigation canals, only 5 per cent of the land was cultivable. • The Bush administration tripled its aid package to Afghanistan. Karzai finally (and courageously) announced that warlords will be forbidden from holding office in the future government. • NATO agreed to expand the peacekeeping forces to troubled areas outside of Kabul
Biography - Links • http://www.newsline.com.pk/newsnov2003/newsbeat4nov.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled_Hosseini • http://www.khaledhosseini.com/ • http://www.bookbrowse.com/biographies/index.cfm?author_number=900 • http://www.scu.edu/visitors/speaker2.cfm • http://www.unhcr.org/news/NEWS/45d574692.html
The People and Cultural Atmosphere of Afghanistan English 4U: The Kite Runner
Culture: Definition(s) • The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, racial or ethnic group. (ie. Pashtun) • Also, a particular form or stage of civilization (as it pertains to the development of a nation). • Further, the development or improvement of the mind by education or training. (ie. Miss McKee is cultured!)
Introduction: • Afghanistan lies across ancient trade and invasion routes from central Asia into India. This geographic position has been the greatest influence on its history and culture. Invaders often came there and stayed.
Present Population • For the most part, Afghans are farmers, although a significant minority follows a nomadic lifestyle. In the years since the Soviet invasion and the later civil war, a large number of Afghans have fled the country and become refugees in neighboring nations, most typically in Iran and Pakistan. • Present Estimates place Afghanistan’s population at approx. 25 million
The ‘Afghans’ • The population of Afghanistan is comprised of a variety of ethnic groups called ‘Afghans.’ • The largest of these groups are: - Pashtun - Tajiks - Hazara
Borders? What Borders? • The people of Afghanistan are related to many of the ethnic groups in Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan; the borders drawn between these groups are arbitrary.
The Pashtuns • The Pashtuns (Pushtuns), who make up the majority of the population, have traditionally been the dominant ethnic group. Their homeland lies south of the Hindu Kush, although Pashtun groups live in all parts of the country. • Male Pashtuns live by ancient tribal code called Pashtunwali, which stresses courage, personal honor, resolution, self-reliance, and hospitality. The Pashtuns speak Pashto, which is one of the two official languages of Afghanistan.
The Tajiks • The Tajiks (Tadzhiks), are the second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan. They live in the valleys north of Kabul and in Badakhshan. They are farmers, artisans, and merchants. The Tajiks speak Dari (Afghan Persian), the 2nd official language.
The Hazaras • In the central ranges live the Hazaras. Although their ancestors came from a region in northwestern China, the Hazaras speak an archaic (old) Persian. Most are poor farmers and sheepherders. • The Hazaras have long been discriminated against. In part, this is because they are minority Shiites (followers of Shi’a Islam) within a dominant Sunni Muslim population. • Most Hazaras live north of the Kabul River in an isolated, wooded, mountainous region known as Noristan.
The Hazaras • The Hazaras are of particular importance in our study of The Kite Runner… for reasons that will become apparent as you read the novel.
The strongest tie among these various ethnic groups is their religion: Islam. The majority of Afghans (99 percent) are Muslims. The population is thus split along religious lines: Sunni (84%) and Shi`a (15%). Each of these two religious groups has its own set of beliefs and traditions. Ostensibly, each has its own “culture.” Note: The minority Shiites are made up of the Hazaras and Tajiks, whereas the Sunnis are Pashtun. Religious Divisions
Islam • An outline of the belief system of Islam is far beyond the scope of this presentation, of course, though indeed we can list some major tenets, as well as some differences between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims.
…from the Qur’an • The Messenger of God said, “Islam is built on five pillars: bearing witness that there is no god but God and Muhammad is His prophet, establishing the prayer, giving zakat, hajj, and fasting during Ramadan.”
The Five Pillars of Islam • The Testimony of Faith (Shahadah) - the declaration that there is none worthy of worship except Allah (God) and that Muhammad is his messenger. • Ritual Prayer (Salat) - establishing of the five daily Prayers. • Obligatory almsgiving (Zakat) - which is generally 2.5% of the total savings for a rich man working in trade or industry, and 10% or 20% of the annual produce for agriculturists. This money or produce is distributed among the poor. • Fasting (Sawm) – from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan. • The Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) - this is done during the month of Zul Hijjah, and is compulsory once in a lifetime for one who has the ability to do it. If the Muslim is in ill health or in debt, he or she is not required to perform Hajj.). Note: Mecca is in Saudi Arabia.
Sunni vs. Shi’a in Afghanistan • Sunni Muslims comprise the vast majority of the population of Afghanistan. • Shiites are in the minority and suffer under the domination of the stronger group. • Elsewhere in the world, this is often reversed. In Iran, for example, Shiites are the more powerful group. • To complicate things, a minority group can also have the power as was the case in Iraq, and is still is in places such as Bahrain.
Sunni vs. Shi’a Continued… • Shi’a Muslims believe that the descendents from Muhammad through his beloved daughter Fatima Zahra and his son-in-law Ali (the Imams) were the best source of knowledge about the Qur'an and Islam, the most trusted carriers and protectors of Muhammad's traditions. • In particular, Shi’a Muslims recognize the authority of Ali - Muhammad's cousin, son-in-law, and the first young man to accept Islam. He is the father of the Prophet Muhammad's only bloodline. • This is directly opposed to that of the caliphate recognized by Sunni Muslims. Shi’a Muslims believe that Ali was appointed successor by Muhammad's direct order on many occasions, and that he is therefore the rightful leader of the Muslim faith.
The Caliphs (Sunni Tradition) • A Caliph is the head of state in a Caliphate, and the title for the leader of the Islamic Ummah, or global Islamic nation. It means "successor" or "representative". • The early leaders of the Muslim nation following Muhammad's (570–632) death were called "Khalifat ar-rasul Allah", meaning the political successor to the prophet of God. • After the first four caliphs, the title was claimed by various political leaders including the Ottomans, and at times, by competing dynasties in Spain, Northern Africa, and Egypt. Most historical Muslim governors were called sultans or amirs, and gave allegiance to a caliph.
The Issue • It is this issue of ‘political succession’ vs. that of ‘rightful authority’ that has divided the Muslim world for centuries. • This issue has been the cause of many civil wars (like that in Afghanistan in the 1990’s). • Note: The civil antagonism presently brewing in Iraq is essentially over this very issue. • War…what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again…
A real friend is one who takes the hand of his friend in time of distress and helplessness. One flower does not bring spring. No rose is without thorns. The first day you meet, you are friends. The next day you meet, you are brothers. Some Afghan Proverbs:
References: • http://dictionary.reference.com • http://www.afghanistans.com • http://avalon.unomaha.edu/afghan/afghanistan • http://en.wikipedia.org
A Brief History of Afghanistan English 4U: The Kite Runner
The Middle of the World • Afghanistan's history– itspolitical development, foreign relations, and indeed, its very existence as a state- has largely been determined by its geographic location at the crossroads of Central, West, and South Asia.
Ancient Crossroads • Since the dawn of prehistory, waves of migrating peoples have passed through the region described by historian Arnold Toynbee as a "roundabout of the ancient world,” leaving behind a story of conquest and retribution, conquest and retribution...
The Terrain • Afghanistan is shaped roughly like a clenched fist with the thumb extended out to the northeast. The country covers an area of about 650,000 sq km. Its maximum length from east to west is about 1250 km; from north to south approx.1000 km. • The northwestern, western, and southern borders are primarily desert plains and rocky ranges, whereas the southeast and northeast borders rise progressively higher into the major, glacier-covered peaks of the Hindu Kush - an extension of the western Himalayas. • Only the northern border is formed by a river, the Amu Darya.
Afghan History: ‘A Tournament of Shadows’ • It is safe to think of Afghanistan as the ‘center square’ of a chess board. In its long history, the region has rarely known peace for any substantial period of time. Afghanistan has been invaded from all sides. • Any outline of the History of Afghanistan will necessarily focus on vast armies of the world passing through the territory, temporarily establishing local control in an endless ‘tournament of shadows.’ • "Frontiers are the razor's edge on which hang suspended the issue of war or peace and the life of nations.” –Lord Curzon
Pre-Historical (The Stone Age) • Archaeologists have identified evidence of stone age technology around present day Kabul. • Settlement remains at the foothills of the Hindu Kush mountains indicate that Northern Afghanistan was one of the earliest places on earth to domesticate plants and animals.
Historical Firsts… • Zoroastrianism - the world’s first monotheistic system of belief was founded in Afghanistan. Judaism and Christianity would later borrow many ideas from this religion (including that of Heaven and Hell). • It has been indicated that Bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) may have been invented in ancient Afghanistan 3000 years BCE. • Many Historians believe that the earliest great ‘civilizations’ (Babylonia, India, Egypt, Persia) were started by people (theAryans) who migrated from and through Afghanistan.