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Windows Azure for SharePoint people

Windows Azure for SharePoint people. Dennis Mulder @ dennismulder – dmulder@microsoft.com Solution Architect Microsoft Windows Azure Center of Excellence. Session Objectives And Takeaways.

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Windows Azure for SharePoint people

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  1. Windows Azure for SharePoint people Dennis Mulder @dennismulder – dmulder@microsoft.com Solution Architect Microsoft Windows Azure Center of Excellence

  2. Session Objectives And Takeaways • Continue to discuss the different ways in which you can leverage Windows Azure in your SharePoint 2013 project • Demonstrate how you build and deploy an advanced SharePoint 2013 cloud-hosted app • Understand how to leverage Windows Azure as your development & testing environment

  3. Scenarios When should I think about Windows Azure in the context of my SharePoint implementation?

  4. Scenarios Thissession! • Cloud Hosted SharePoint apps • Apps natively integrated into SharePoint, but hosted elsewhere • Developer, Test and Staging Environments • Quickly provision and un-provision entireenvironments • Hybrid Applications • Applications that span your data center and the cloud • SharePoint for Internet Sites (FIS) • Public facing, anonymous access sites • Disaster Recovery • Quickly recover from a disaster, only pay for use

  5. Windows Azure • Your Datacenter • Virtual Machines • Cloud Services • Web Sites & Apps Applications Applications Applications Applications Data Data Data Data Firewall Firewall Rules Firewall Rules Network Virtual Network Virtual Network O/S O/S Virtualization Hardware Focus on the Application

  6. Scenario: Cloud apps

  7. SharePoint 2013 App models Three hosting options to provide the flexibility and scalability your app needs SharePoint-hosted Build and run your whole app inside of SharePoint Autohosted When you need server code and SQL Azure for your app but don’t want to get into the hosting business. Provider-hosted Use for apps requiring the greatest amount of flexibility and scalability and toolset and backend services that cross app instances. App models:

  8. Provider Hosted App - Advanced Sharepoint App Catalog Deploy your app Register your app Windows Azure SharePoint Online Retrieve data using OData/REST calls Documents Search Workflow Feeds User Profile and more… Notify app using event receivers

  9. SharePoint O365 – Azure Integration SharePoint 2013 Internet Bakery store Client App Part (Trust) Azure Web Sites Azure App REST + OAuth and OData + client object models Database…. O365 Provider-hosted

  10. Demo Running a cloud hosted SharePoint application in Windows Azure websites

  11. Web Sites Capabilities Web Role vs. * * Cloud Apps (Web or Worker roles) can integrate with ClearDB’s MySQL as a Service via connection string but not via seamless portal/provisioning workflow

  12. Windows Azure web sites offering web hosting focused multi-tiered enterprise connected applications Migration * all can use other Azure services

  13. Scenario: Dev/Test

  14. Developer & Test environment Frameworks Etc. Visual Studio SharePoint SQL Server Windows Server 8 CPU, 16GB etc.

  15. Windows Azure Virtual Machines SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 SharePoint 2010

  16. Persistent Disks and Highly Durable Windows Azure Storage (Disaster Recovery) Virtual Machine Windows Azure Storage

  17. Persistent Disks and Highly Durable Windows Azure Storage (Disaster Recovery) Virtual Machine Windows Azure Storage Virtual Machine

  18. Disks and Images • OS Images • Microsoft • Partner • User • Disks • OS Disks • Data Disks Base OS image for new Virtual Machines Sys-Prepped/Generalized/Read Only Created by uploading or by capture Writable Disks for Virtual Machines Created during VM creation or during upload of existing VHDs.

  19. Migrating a Simple Virtual Machine Migration Steps 1) Upload VHDs CSUpload or other Tools 2) Create VM OS Disk=APP-OS.vhd 3) Configure Data Disks Data Disk 1 = APP-Data.vhd Data Disk 2= App-Logs.vhd 4) Adjust App for Drive Letters 5) Add Input Endpoint(s) 80, TCP, http 443, TCP, https Cloud Service Name: myapp1.cloudapp.net On-Premises Virtual Machine Machine Name: APPSRV1 Memory: 8 GB Cores: 4 Ports: 80/443 for http/https Deployment Slot Production Virtual Machine Role Name: appsrv1 4 Cores 7 GB Ram Guest: C:\ Host: C:\VMs\APP-OS.vhd Windows Azure Storage TCP Endpoints 80 and 443 Guest: D:\ Host: D:\VMs\APP-Data.vhd Guest: C:\ WAStorage\VMs\APP-OS.vhd Guest: E:\ Host: E:\VMs\APP-Logs.vhd Guest: E:\ WAStorage\VMs\APP-Data.vhd Guest: F:\ WAStorageVMs\APP-Logs.vhd

  20. Demo Migrating a SharePoint environment in Windows Azure Virtual Machines

  21. Demo - SharePoint configuration LB WFE/APP SQL AD/DC/DNS Azurecoe AD subnet 80 Cloud Svc – azurecoe.cloudapp.net Virtual Network Azure

  22. Demo A SharePoint environment in Windows Azure Virtual Machines

  23. SharePoint Farm Configuration AppSvr SQL WFE AD/DC/DNS LB AD/DC/DNS Cloud Svc 80 VPN Tunnel Cloud Svc Virtual Network 2012 OnPrem Azure

  24. Summary • Windows Azure is an easy friction free platform to start with based on your existing knowledge • Windows Azure functionality can be hosted in many different ways to support your SharePoint projects: • Running Cloud Hosted applications in Windows Azure Websites and Web/worker roles supporting both on-prem, Virtual Machines and O365 based solutions • Running dev/test/staging environments in Windows Azure Virtual Machines • Leveraging all the other Windows Azure functionality inside your cloud hosted applications • Windows Azure websites is a good platform to get started with your first SharePoint apps and start earning some money!

  25. Resources • Windows Azure Virtual Machines • Windows Azure Training kit • Apps for Office and SharePoint Blog • How to: Create a basic provider-hosted app for SharePoint • How to: Create high-trust apps for SharePoint 2013 using the server-to-server protocol (advanced topic)

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