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Using App Tethering to enable CodeSite for Tracing Mobile Apps

Learn how to set up CodeSite for tracing mobile apps and leverage App Tethering for seamless data exchange. A comprehensive guide by Dr. Bob Swart for efficient app development.

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Using App Tethering to enable CodeSite for Tracing Mobile Apps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using App Tethering to enable CodeSite for Tracing Mobile Apps Bob Swart (aka “Dr.Bob”) Bob Swart Training & Consultancy www.drbob42.com Bob@eBob42.com

  2. INSTRUCTIONS Record and render at 1920x1080 (or as close as possible, 16:9 if you can) MP4 is ideal, but other standard formats should work. Don’t mess with the framerate, bitrate, etc. Avoid full motion video (anything with a lot of movement) Include a link to your blog post or web page where viewers can find slides, source code, etc. For standard sessions, shoot for 45-50 minutes of content, and 10-15 minutes Q&A. At the end of your video include contact information, links, etc.

  3. Agenda CodeSite CodeSite Editions Installing CodeSite Express CodeSite Tethering Server TetheringManager, TetheringAppProfile CodeSite Tethering Client Data Module with Manager and AppProfile Discovering, Pairing and Connecting Cross-Platform CodeSite Send Sending log messages from cross-platform apps!

  4. CodeSite Originally by Raize Software Acquired by Embarcadero Editions CodeSite Express Included in Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio CodeSite Studio Adds remote logging (among others) Installation CodeSite Express Add-ons from GetIt

  5. CodeSite Tethering Server TTetheringManager AllowedAdapters = Network Text = CodeSiteManager Password = geheim TTetheringAppProfile Manager = TetheringManager1 Text = CodeSiteProfile Group = eBob42

  6. CodeSite Tethering Client Data Module TTetheringManager AllowedAdapters = Network TTetheringAppProfile Manager = TetheringManager1 Group = eBob42 OnCreate TetheringManager1.DiscoverManagers;

  7. CodeSite proxy data module FireMonkey VCL CodeSite proxy class Send class method Sending Msg string from cross-platform client via CodeSiteAppTetheringManager to CodeSite on Windows

  8. References CodeSite Studio https://www.embarcadero.com/products/codesite Dr.Bob’s weblog http://www.drbob42.com/blog Dr.Bob’s webshop http://www.eBob42.com/codegear

  9. Contact Email: Bob@eBob42.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/drbob42 Twitter: http://twitter.com/eBob42 LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/drbob42 Skype: ebob42 and drbob42

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