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Final Report: Homeless E Hungary Hungarian Maltese Charity Service

Final Report: Homeless E Hungary Hungarian Maltese Charity Service. Sebastian Sanchez Menses Daisy Dirks Ferenc Kvasznicza Vittoria Stoffie Adrian Diez Gutierrez Nicoleta -Alexandra Burche. The Hungarian Maltese Charity.

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Final Report: Homeless E Hungary Hungarian Maltese Charity Service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Final Report:Homeless E HungaryHungarianMalteseCharity Service Sebastian Sanchez Menses Daisy Dirks FerencKvasznicza VittoriaStoffie Adrian Diez Gutierrez Nicoleta-Alexandra Burche

  2. TheHungarianMalteseCharity • The Hungarian Maltese Charity is making its activities int he Karpatian Basin in Hungary. Its 20 years long past have created solutions for problems int he social and health care sphere, these are recognised part of the entire system. In the Humanitarian field they collected several experiences with Romanian and Yugoslavian aid projects. Their task is to give their experiences to those who are in the need. They have foreigner friends from whom they get help, especially in the first years.This leads them to participate in international activities, however this is not their main task.

  3. Executivesummary • Establishment of threesegments for theEnglishcampaign, thenreduced to one (companies) due to loweffectivenes of theothertwo (Institutions and High Earners) • Performance assedwith 3 variables: • Clicks • Cost per click • Clickthroughrate

  4. Overall Performance

  5. Englishcampaign • Target segment: Companieswilling to participatein CSR activities

  6. HungarianCapmaign • Target segment: companies

  7. HungarianCampaign • Target segment: Citizens

  8. Conclusions • Both of the ratios (CTR, CPC) were improved during the campaign while the knowledge in managing the budget increased. • CTR going form 0,08% to 0,72% • CPC going from 2 PL to 0,51 PL • The number of clicks was maintained and increased going from 4 in the first day to 96 in the best day performance, with an overall number of 378 in 7 days, which gives us an average click per day of 54. • The relevance of the search matches improved considerably by giving more specificity to the keywords.

  9. Recommendation • Giving high importance of knowing what the optimal range of price is. • Giving relevancy to linking the social media tools with the operational activity of the organization, to provide stakeholders easy and efficient opportunities to participate. • Maintaining and updating constantly the organization information and economical aspects of virtual campaigns.

  10. Learning component • Buildingawarenessabouttheexclusion • Workingin international team • Familiarizingwith Google Adwords • Finding out aboursocialawarenessinHungary • Websiteis not enough for a properadvertisinginitiative

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