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Delivering Sustainable Housing for Eco Towns: Learning from Exemplar Projects

Delivering Sustainable Housing for Eco Towns: Learning from Exemplar Projects. Presented by Jayne Lomas – HCA Exemplar Programme Manager. Date 11 th February 2010 . Improve supply and quality of housing in England

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Delivering Sustainable Housing for Eco Towns: Learning from Exemplar Projects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Delivering Sustainable Housing for Eco Towns: Learning from Exemplar Projects Presented by Jayne Lomas – HCA Exemplar Programme Manager Date 11th February 2010

  2. Improve supply and quality of housing in England Secure the regeneration or development of land or infrastructure in England Support in other ways the creation, regeneration or development of communities in England or their continued well-being Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and good design in England HCA Statutory objectives

  3. The HCA vision • For people to live in homes they can afford in places they want to live • For local authorities and communities to deliver the ambition they have for their own areas • A national agency that works locally…

  4. Building on our strong inheritance

  5. HCA Exemplar Programmes • Millennium Communities • Design for Manufacture • Carbon Challenge

  6. Caption 18pt Arial, corporate purple colour

  7. Hanham Hall

  8. Hanham Hall

  9. South Bank

  10. QualityStandards

  11. Developing New Core Standards • Build on inherited standards • Sustainable design from first principles • Code Levels inc Lifetime Homes • Building for Life • Secured by Design • Space Standards • Encourage innovation and efficiency • Retrofit • Non housing

  12. “In an uncertain market it is more important than ever that we maintain our focus on the creation of quality places to live and work” Robert Napier, 2 July 2008

  13. “A lot done, a lot still to do.” Robert Napier, 26th November 2009

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