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Pemrograman Jaringan. Routing Concept. Aurelio Rahmadian. Objektif. Pengenalan Router = Komputer WAN Protocol Bagian-bagian Router Dokumentasi Perancangan Konsep Routing Static Routing Dynamic Routing Prinsip Routing Table. Pengenalan.
Pemrograman Jaringan Routing Concept Aurelio Rahmadian
Objektif • Pengenalan • Router = Komputer • WAN Protocol • Bagian-bagian Router • DokumentasiPerancangan • Konsep Routing • Static Routing • Dynamic Routing • Prinsip Routing Table
Pengenalan • Router merupakanperangkat yang beradaditengahjaringan • Secarasederhana, dapatdikatakanbahwa router menghubungkansatujaringandenganlainnya • Router bertanggungjawabuntukpengiriman packet melaluijaringan yang berbeda
Pengenalan • Saatini router jugaditambahkanpadasatelitdiluarangkasa. Router inimampumenjalurkan traffic IP antarasatelit-satelit yang adadengancara yang samaseperti packet yang bergerakdibumisehinggadapatmengurangi delay danmemberikanfleksibilitas yang lebihbaik
Pengenalan • Tanggungjawabutamanyaadalahmeneruskan (forwarding) packet darisatujaringankejaringan lain • Hal inidimungkinkankarenakemampuan router untukmenjalurkan packet antarjaringansehinggadivais yang beradapadajaringan yang berbedadapatsalingberkomunikasi
Router = Komputer • Router memilikibanyakkomponen hardware dan software yang jugaditemuidiperangkatkomputer lain, mencakup: • CPU • RAM • ROM • Operating System
Router = Komputer • Router menghubungkanbeberapajaringan, artinya router memilikibeberapa interface yang masing-masingmerupakanbagiandarijaringan yang berbeda • Ketikamenerima packet IP padasalahsatu interface, router menentukan interface mana yang akandigunakanuntukmeneruskan packet tersebut agar sampaiketempattujuan. Interface yang digunakanuntukmeneruskandapatberupa: • the network of the final destination of the packet (the network with the destination IP address of this packet) - LAN • network connected to another router that is used to reach the destination network - WAN
Router = Komputer • Tanggungjawabutama router adalahmeneruskan packet ketujuannya, dengancara: • Menentukanjalurterbaikuntukmengirim packet • Meneruskan packet ketujuan
Router = Komputer • Router menggunakan routing table yang dimilikiuntukmenentukanjalurterbaik • Saatmenerima packet, router memeriksa destination IP address dari packet tersebutdanmencocokkanalamattersebutdengan routing table • Routing table mencakup interface yang digunakanuntukmeneruskan packet
Router = Komputer • Sangatmemungkinkanbahwasuatu router akanmenerima packet yang dienkapsulasidengansuatujenis data link fram, seperti Ethernet, tetapikemudianmeneruskan packet tersebutdenganjenisenkapsulasidata link frame yang berbeda, misalnya Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) • Enkapsulasi data link tergantungpadajenis interface pada router danjenis media yang terhubungdengannya
WAN Protocol • High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) • Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) • Frame Relay
Bagian-bagian Router Power Supply WIC Shield WIC Shield NVRAM CPU SDRAM Fan
Bagian-bagian Router Console Port High Speed WIC (HWIC) USB Port Flash Memory Power Cable Connector Fast Ethernet Port Auxiliary Port
Bagian-bagian Router • CPU The CPU executes operating system instructions, such as system initialization, routing functions, and switching functions. • RAM RAM stores the instructions and data needed to be executed by the CPU. RAM is used to store these components: • Operating System: The Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) is copied into RAM during bootup. • Running Configuration File: This is the configuration file that stores the configuration commands that the router IOS is currently using. With few exceptions, all commands configured on the router are stored in the running configuration file, known as running-config. • IP Routing Table: This file stores information about directly connected and remote networks. It is used to determine the best path to forward the packet. • ARP Cache: This cache contains the IPv4 address to MAC address mappings, similar to the ARP cache on a PC. The ARP cache is used on routers that have LAN interfaces such as Ethernet interfaces. • Packet Buffer: Packets are temporarily stored in a buffer when received on an interface or before they exit an interface.
Bagian-bagian Router • RAM is volatile memory and loses its content when the router is powered down or restarted.
Bagian-bagian Router • ROM ROM is a form of permanent storage. Cisco devices use ROM to store: • The bootstrap instructions • Basic diagnostic software • Scaled-down version of IOS • Flash Memory Flash memory is nonvolatile computer memory that can be electrically stored and erased. Flash is used as permanent storage for the operating system, Cisco IOS. In most models of Cisco routers, the IOS is permanently stored in flash memory and copied into RAM during the bootup process, where it is then executed by the CPU.
Bagian-bagian Router • NVRAM NVRAM (Nonvolatile RAM) does not lose its information when power is turned off. This is in contrast to the most common forms of RAM, such as DRAM, that requires continual power to maintain its information. NVRAM is used by the Cisco IOS as permanent storage for the startup configuration file (startup-config). • ROM, flash memory, and NVRAM does not lose its contents when the router loses power or is restarted.
DokumentasiPerancangan • When configuring a router, certain basic tasks are performed including: • Naming the router • Setting passwords • Configuring interfaces • Configuring a banner • Saving changes on a router • Verifying basic configuration and router operations
Konsep Routing • Remote networks ditambahkanpada routing table dengankonfigurasi static route ataumenggunakan dynamic routing protocol • Ketika OS mengetahuiadanyasebuah remote network dan interface yang akandigunakanuntukmencapaijaringantersebut, jalurtersebutakanditambahkanke routing table selama interface tersebutaktif
Static Routing • Static route mencakup network address dan subnet mask dari remote network, diikutidengan IP address dari next-hop router atau exit interface • Static route ditandaidengankode ‘S’ pada routing table
Static Routing • Keuntungannya: • Meringankankerjaprosesor yang adapada router • Tidakada bandwidth yang digunakanuntukpertukaraninformasi routing table antar router • Tingkat keamananlebihtinggivsmekanismelainnya • Kekurangannya: • Admin harusmengetahuiinformasitiap-tiap router yang terhubungjaringan • Jikaterdapatpenambahan/perubahantopologijaringan, admin harusmengubahisi routing table • Tidakcocokuntukjaringan yang besar
Static Routing Saat-saatuntukmenggunakan static routing: • A network consists of only a few routers. Using a dynamic routing protocol in such a case does not present any substantial benefit. On the contrary, dynamic routing may add more administrative overhead. • A network is connected to the Internet only through a single ISP. There is no need to use a dynamic routing protocol across this link because the ISP represents the only exit point to the Internet. • A large network is configured in a hub-and-spoke topology. A hub-and-spoke topology consists of a central location (the hub) and multiple branch locations (spokes), with each spoke having only one connection to the hub. Using dynamic routing would be unnecessary because each branch has only one path to a given destination-through the central location.
Dynamic Routing • Dynamic routing protocols digunakan router untukmembagiinformasitentangjaringan yang dapatdijangkau. Routing protocol melakukanbeberapaaktifitasmencakup: • Network discovery • Updating and maintaining routing tables
Dynamic Routing • Kategorialgoritma routing: • Distance vector • Link state
Dynamic Routing • Distance Vector • Routing information is only exchanged between directly connected neighbors • This means a router knows from which neighbor a route was learned, but it does not know where that neighbor learned the route; a router can't see beyond its own neighbors • This aspect of distance vector routing is sometimes referred to as "routing by rumor.“ • Also known as Bellman-Ford algorithm
Dynamic Routing • Link State • Requires that all routers know about the paths reachable by all other routers in the network • Link-state information is flooded throughout the link-state domain to ensure all routers posses a synchronized copy of the area's link-state database • From this common database, each router constructs its own relative shortest-path tree, with itself as the root, for all known routes • Also known as Dijkstra’s algorithm
Dynamic Routing • Distance Vector
Dynamic Routing • Link State
Dynamic Routing • Link State
Dynamic Routing • Adabeberapa routing protocol yang tersedia. Berikutadalahbeberapa routing protocol yang umumdigunakanuntukmenjalurkan packet IP: • RIP (Routing Information Protocol) • IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) • EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) • IS-IS (Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System) • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
Dynamic Routing • Routing protocol interior didesainuntukjaringan yang dikontrololehsuatuorganisasi. Kriteriadisainuntuk routing protocol interior untukmencarijalurterbaikpadajaringan • Routing protocol eksteriordidesainuntukpenggunaanantaraduajaringan yang berbeda yang dikontrololehduaorganisasi yang berbeda. Umumnyadigunakanantara ISP dengan ISP atauantara ISP denganperusahaan
Prinsip Routing Table • Every router makes its decision alone, based on the information it has in its own routing table. • The fact that one router has certain information in its routing table does not mean that other routers have the same information. • Routing information about a path from one network to another does not provide routing information about the reverse, or return, path.