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There are some common-sense approaches to working in the mortuary that will reduce risk to a minimum.<br>Human remains have a potential hazard and can host various pathogens and hazardous residues. <br>It is ideal to find a funeral home supplier for buying mortuary protective clothing , gloves, masks, body bags, embalming chemicals, and many others. Here you can where to use personal protective equipment are necessary and why.<br>
Why You Should Use Mortuary Protective Clothing in Why You Should Use Mortuary Protective Clothing in Healthcare Industries and Workplace? Healthcare Industries and Workplace? The mortuary presets a wide range of health and safety risks for personnel. The mortuary presets a wide range of health and safety risks for personnel. This includes the risks of illness and accident This includes the risks of illness and accident- -related to working conditions, related to working conditions, as well as risk specific to working with human remains. as well as risk specific to working with human remains. There are some common There are some common- -sense approaches to wo sense approaches to working in the mortuary that rking in the mortuary that will reduce risk to a minimum. will reduce risk to a minimum. Human remains have a potential hazard and can host various pathogens and Human remains have a potential hazard and can host various pathogens and hazardous residues. hazardous residues. It is ideal to find It is ideal to find a funeral home supplier for buying mortuary protective a funeral home supplier for buying mortuary protective clothing clothing , gloves, masks, body bags, embalming chemicals, and many others. , gloves, masks, body bags, embalming chemicals, and many others. Here you can where to use personal protective equipment are necessary and Here you can where to use personal protective equipment are necessary and why. why. Personal Protective Equipment Use in standard Personal Protective Equipment Use in standard Infection Control Infection Control Precautions Precautions • Gloves, long sleeve gowns, surgical masks, eye goggles, face visors, and • Gloves, long sleeve gowns, surgical masks, eye goggles, face visors, and respirator masks are examples of PPE that may be worn in the provision of respirator masks are examples of PPE that may be worn in the provision of healthcare. Protective clothing is used in the healthcare settings for creati healthcare. Protective clothing is used in the healthcare settings for creating a ng a
barrier between healthcare workers and an infectious agent from the patient barrier between healthcare workers and an infectious agent from the patient and for reducing the risk of transmitting micro and for reducing the risk of transmitting micro- -organisms from healthcare organisms from healthcare workers to patients. workers to patients. • And it may sometimes be used by the patient’s family/visitors, especially if • And it may sometimes be used by the patient’s family/visitors, especially if they are providing direct patient care. In these circumstances, they must be they are providing direct patient care. In these circumstances, they must be fully inducted in the use of PPE and hand hygiene. fully inducted in the use of PPE and hand hygiene.
• The choice of protective clothing should be based on a risk assessment of • The choice of protective clothing should be based on a risk assessment of potential exposure to blood, body fluids, and infect potential exposure to blood, body fluids, and infectious agents. ious agents. • They should be available at the point for use both in community and acute • They should be available at the point for use both in community and acute healthcare settings and staff should receive training on the correct use and healthcare settings and staff should receive training on the correct use and disposal of protective clothing. disposal of protective clothing. Legislative Requirement Legislative Requirement • Employers must provide the • Employers must provide the appropriate protective clothing to protect appropriate protective clothing to protect employees against infection risks associated with their work. And employees employees against infection risks associated with their work. And employees are responsible for ensuring that they wear appropriate protective clothing to are responsible for ensuring that they wear appropriate protective clothing to protect themselves from possible exposures to infectious a protect themselves from possible exposures to infectious agents. gents. • And employers should provide and maintain accurate records of training on • And employers should provide and maintain accurate records of training on the appropriate use of protective clothing, And the employees should attend the appropriate use of protective clothing, And the employees should attend mandatory IPC training and know mandatory IPC training and know- -how to use personal protective equipment. how to use personal protective equipment. • The main purpose of u • The main purpose of using protective equipment is to reduce employee sing protective equipment is to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective to reduce the risk of acceptable levels. feasible or effective to reduce the risk of acceptable levels. Safety is the most important factor is to consider keeping yourself away Safety is the most important factor is to consider keeping yourself away from from any infection, disease, and hazard risk. any infection, disease, and hazard risk.
You can find You can find a reliable funeral home supplier a reliable funeral home supplier for buying mortuary protective for buying mortuary protective clothing, gloves, mortuary gowns, body bags, and many others clothing, gloves, mortuary gowns, body bags, and many others.. CONTACT US CONTACT US Call: Call: 866 866- -257 257- -4234/516 4234/516- -681 681- -5280 5280 Address: Address: Alpha Medical Dist., Inc. Alpha Medical Dist., Inc. 70 Commerce Place Hicksville, NY 11801 70 Commerce Place Hicksville, NY 11801 Website: Website: www.mortuarysuppliesusa.com www.mortuarysuppliesusa.com