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Pacific Islands Bycatch Initiatives in Coral Triangle Fisheries Forum

Join us at the 2010 Bali forum for insights on deep setting techniques, impacts of altering hooks, and more bycatch strategies. Learn from real-world experiments and operational plans to protect marine life. Explore innovative tools and databases for sustainable fishing practices. Gain valuable lessons and collaborate for a brighter future for fishers and the environment.

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Pacific Islands Bycatch Initiatives in Coral Triangle Fisheries Forum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Coral Triangle Fishers Forum 15-17 June 2010 Bali, Indonesia

  2. Bycatch Initiatives forPacific Islands from SPC Steve Beverly, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

  3. Themes • Fishing gear experiments • Protected species ToT workshop • Awareness materials • Tools • Databases • Lessons learned

  4. Deep setting technique, or • Effects of eliminating shallow hooks from tuna longline sets on target and non-target species in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery

  5. No shallow hooks • Reduce bycatch of epipelagic and protected species • Ensure that all hooks fish below 100 meters of depth • Determine if method is operationally feasible within existing fishery • Analyze changes in catch composition

  6. Method • Uses mainline as floatline • 3 kg lead weights are attached directly to mainline to sink all gear below 100 meters • TDRs attached to all sets at first and middle hook positions • 2000 hooks per set

  7. Operational plan • 7 trips • 90 sets - alternated • 45 control vs 45 deep sets • No running or time break between paired sets • Used same gear/bait for all sets • 14 sets per trip • Most trips lasted 21 days • Trips ran from June-December 2006

  8. Catch % by gear type Deep setting: Increases  No effect Decreases 

  9. Lessons learned • Fisheries dependent experiments work better if the vessel has been chartered or otherwise compensated • Just because a mitigation method works well does not mean that it will be taken up or put into regulations • Fishermen are very concerned about cost – in time and money of mitigation methods • Fishermen come up with solutions

  10. Large circle hook experiments • Establish cooperative research relationships • Test large circle hooks in existing Pacific Island domestic longline fisheries • Determine the efficacy of large circle hooks at catching target species compared with the hooks currently in use in the fisheries • Promote the use of large circle hooks in the fisheries

  11. What is a circle hook? Polynesian hook Steel circle hook Point/shank 90o Rotating hook

  12. Other longline hooks Japan tuna hook J hook/Spanish hook Terashima hook

  13. Method • Change half of vessels’ hooks to16/0 stainless steel offset circle hooks • Begin first set by alternating hooks • All other sets have a random mixing of hooks • Maintain a 50/50 ratio • Monitor all catch by hook type • Make no other changes to fishing operations • Utilize local observers

  14. Lessons learned • Many fishermen are already using circle hooks • Cooperative research involving fishermen, fisheries departments, RFMOs, IGOs, and NGOs can work well • Identification of hooks by type and size is very important • 50-100,000 hooks needed for analysis

  15. Protected species ToT workshop 2009

  16. Lessons learned • Training of Trainers probably needs to be an ongoing activity because of turnover • Resource materials and/or protected species course should be delivered as a generic finished product that can be amended according to individual country needs and practices • Fulfills obligations of exporting countries

  17. Awareness materials • Manuals • Brochures • Posters/stickers • Species ID guides

  18. Lessons learned • Print limited numbers of awareness materials as things change rapidly and mistakes are made (eg, teracima/Terashima) • Initial bi-lingual or tri-lingual material saves translation and reproduction costs down the road • Include distribution costs in budget proposals • Ship as cargo not as baggage

  19. Tools given out by SPC • De-hookers • Line cutters • Bolt cutters • Dip nets

  20. Alternative tools

  21. Lessons learned • Money can be saved by being innovative. Line cutter made with seat belt cutter cost $2.50. Commercial line cutter costs $200. • De-hookers can be made from common materials • Buying in bulk saves money. • De-hookers, line cutters, and dip nets have other useful applications on a longline boat so are an easy sell.

  22. Bycatch Databases • Catch and effort database from logbooks and observer reports – in progress at SPC • Document database – in progress at SPC • Lessons learned – budget a lot for this kind of activity – it takes longer than you think, set up data bases as living documents, and hire a webmaster

  23. Terimah Kasih dan Sampai Jumpa

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