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Until We Meet Again. January 29, 2013. First Do THIS. Come in QUIETLY . Place your ELA notebook, binder and a pen or pencil on your desk . Please put your backpack and other belongings under your desk or on the back of your chair.
Until We Meet Again January 29, 2013
First Do THIS • Come in QUIETLY. • Place your ELA notebook, binder and a pen or pencil on your desk. • Please put your backpack and other belongings under your desk or on the back of your chair. • Now create a new journal entry and label it “Some Adults Really Don’t Understand”
Warm Up • When Darcy tells her father that she is concerned about Hakeem’s moving away, he responds in a way that makes her think he just doesn’t understand. (page 31 & 32) • When have you told a parent or other adult about a problem, then felt that he or she didn’t understand how important it was to you? • Write a paragraph describing the situation. Explain what your problem was, how the adult responded to you, and how you wish he or she had responded instead.
Essential Questions • In what ways can readers use prior knowledge to make and confirm predictions? • In what ways can readers infer the meaning of unknown words? • In what ways does responding to what you read impact your understanding of a novel?
I Must Be Able To. . . • ELACC7L4: Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech. • C. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech. • ELACCRL1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. • ELACC7SL1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners. • A. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
Work Session 7-3 • For the next 10 minutes minutes you must continue reading chapter 3 that you did not finish yesterday. • If you finish before 10 minutes, please get out your Chapter 1 & 2 questions and finish the questions. (We will be going over the questions as a class.)-Remember Text Evidence! • I person from each group will present the group’s questions and talk about how they came up with the answer. • The worksheet is due in the inbox at the end of class.
Work Session 7-4 • Please take out your chapter 1 & 2 questions that should be completed. If not you MUST complete the questions by the end of class. • One person from each group collect the worksheets and turn them into the inbox please. • It Says, I Say, And So activity for chapter 3 READ ALOUD! I will read part of Chapter 4 aloud to you as you follow along in your book. • We will stop to discuss along the way. When I stop reading, you will pick up reading to yourself.
IT Says. . I Say. . And So. . • Take out a sheet of paper • You will create chart with 4 columns • The first column will be labeled “Question” • The second column will be labeled “It Says” • The second column will be labeled “I Say” • The third column will be labeled “And So” Question It Says I Say And So. .
IT Says. . I Say. . And So. . • Take out a sheet of paper • You will create chart with 4 columns • The first column will be labeled “Question” • The second column will be labeled “It Says” • The second column will be labeled “I Say” • The third column will be labeled “And So” Question It Says I Say And So. .
It Says.. I Say.. And So.. • In the questions column, you will write down the question I ask you. • The “IT SAYS” column, you will write down what the book says as it relates to the question. (Info from the book that will help you answer the question) • In the “I SAY” column you will you think about you know about that information. • In the “AND SO” column you will combine what the text says with what you know to come up with an answer to the question.
Questions Ch 3 • Why would Darcy mumble, “ Oh great here comes Brisana”? (p.35) • Why would Brisana give Darcy advice about Brian? (p.37) • Why would Darcy be upset about her father’s comment about Hakeem? (p.32) • Why would Darcy have mixed feeling after Brian gave her a rose? (p.41) • Why would there be more tears ahead? (p.39)
Work Session 7-4 • Please take out your chapter 1 & 2 questions that should be completed. If not you MUST complete the questions by the end of class. • One person from each group collect the worksheets and turn them into the inbox please. • It Says, I Say, And So activity for chapter 3 READ ALOUD! I will read part of Chapter 4 aloud to you as you follow along in your book. • We will stop to discuss along the way. When I stop reading, you will pick up reading to yourself.
Chapter 3 & 4 Discussion Questions • What advice would you give Darcy about Brian Mason? Do you think she should get involved with him? Why or why not? • Do you think that Mrs. Willis is right to trust Mr. Willis again? What would you do if you were in her position? Before making your decision, make a list of arguments both in favor of and against trusting Mr. Willis. • Mr. Willis tells Darcy that most high school romances don’t last, and that she will probably like a lot of other guys before she finds the right one. Do you agree with him? What are some reasons high school romances are not likely to be permanent?
STOP! Write down the page number you stopped at! Take out your frayer model vocabulary!
Closing--Vocabulary Discussion • Using your frayer models, take a look at the words Civil and Trivial. • In your group complete the four boxes: • Definition • Characteristics • Examples • Non-Examples