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Guiding Framework for Policy Approaches to School Bullying and Violence. Mona O’Moore Education Department, Trinity College, Dublin A joint OECD, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Stavanger University College Conference, Stavanger, Norway, September 5-8, 2004.
Guiding Framework for Policy Approaches to School Bullying and Violence Mona O’Moore Education Department, Trinity College, Dublin A joint OECD, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Stavanger University College Conference, Stavanger, Norway, September 5-8, 2004
School Bullying and Violence: Complex and Multi-faceted Most powerful risk factors [Commission on Children & Violence Gulbenkian Foundation, 1995] • Violent and humiliating forms of discipline • Attitudes that approve of violence in the home and world outside • Adults behaving violently towards each other • Adults behaving violently towards children • Macho role models • Preferences for violent images on TV & Film • Racial Hatred • Violence in Sport • Poverty & poor living conditions
Towards Making A Difference Contributing Factors • Commitment of Government • Commitment of Stakeholders at all levels of decision making: • Local • National • International
“Upstream investment brings downstream results” W.H.O, 2002 Example: National Intervention campaign against school bullying in Norway [Olweus & Roland, 1983] Inspired: Belgium: Stevens & Van Oost, 1995 – 1997 Canada: Pepler & Craig, 1991 -1993 England: Smith, Sharp, Cowie, Boulton, Thompson, 1991 -1993. Finland: Salmivalli, 1999 Germany: Hanewinkel, 1994 -1996 Ireland: O’Moore, 1999; Lawlor, 2003 Spain: Ortega, Lera, Del Ray, Mora-Merchan, 1995 – 2004 Switzerland: Alasker & Volkanover, 1998 Sweden: Svenson, 2001 U.S.A: Limber, 1994 -1995
Steps towards a Guiding Framework • Draw up, implement and monitor a National Plan of Action to prevent school bullying and violence. • Enhance the capacity to collect data on school bullying and violence. [To do this some discussion takes place in relation to definitional issues.] • Define priorities for and support research on the causes, consequences, costs and prevention of school bullying and violence. • Develop a national strategy to assist schools to prevent bullying and violence. • Create a media campaign to promote non-violent values, attitudes and behaviour. • Integrate School Bullying and Violence Prevention into Teacher Education at both Pre-Service and In-Service Levels. • Establish an Advisory Body (Centre of Excellence) for Partners in Education. • Contribute to an International Research Network. • Promote legislation to deal effectively with school bullying and violence.
1. Draw up, implement and monitor a National action plan to prevent school bullying and violence.
Key Elements of a National Plan to Prevent & Reduce School Bullying and Violence {World Health Organisation, 2002} • Review and reform existing legislation and policy • Build data collection and capacity building • Strengthen services for victims • Develop and Evaluate prevention responses • Set a timetable • Develop a mechanism of evaluation • Establish an organisation to monitor and report on progress
Role of Monitoring Authority • To co-ordinate efforts at local, national and international levels • To collaborate with sectors that have potential to contribute to the prevention of School Bullying & Violence e.g. : • Education • Labour • Health • Social Welfare • Criminal Justice
2. Enhance the capacity to collect data on school bullying and violence Why? • To influence policy making • To set priorities • To guide programme design • To monitor progress
How can comprehensive and reliable data be secured? Develop a universal accepted definition of school bullying and violence. Mobbing Bullying Ijime Faits de Violence Violenca na escola Il bullismo Victimisation
Towards a New Definition The Construct of Abuse would help… • To overcome the theoretical and cultural diversities • To target more effectively the problem behaviour i.e. the process as well as the product • To avoid unnecessary policies and programmes. e.g. racial, sexual A Proposed Definition: School Bullying and Violence can be defined as: “Incidents where an individual or a group are abused, threatened or assaulted. The abusive behaviour involves an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well being and health.”
3.Define priorities for, and support research on, the causes, consequences, costs and prevention of school bullying and violence. Background: The Nature of School Bullying : A Cross-National Perspective.Eds. Smith, Morita, Junger-Tas, Olweus, Catalona & Slee (1999) Violence in Schools: The response in Europe.Ed. Smith, 2003. Nordic Council: Research Conference,Stockholm ’03 Review of Good Practice in preventing and reducing Bullying At School In The E.U. Member States – Report to the European Commission (2003/S179-161416) - Eds. Minton & O’Moore, 2004
Research Priorities Needed is a greater understanding of: • Contextual characteristics • The elements that are most desirable for inclusion in programmes of prevention and intervention • The causes, consequences, costs and prevention of teacher-teacher, pupil-teacher, teacher-pupil, parent-teacher abuse. • Systematic and rigorous evaluations of initiatives to prevent and reduce school bullying and violence • Sports and violence.
Who Undertakes The Research? • Government Departments • Academic Institutions (inclusive of schools) • Individual researchers • Network of researchers [local, national, international]
4. Develop a National Strategy to assist schools to prevent and reduce school bullying and violence. Criteria for success: • Statutory requirement • Commitment of School Personnel • Commitment of School Community inclusive of Parents • Whole School Approach • Supplementary Therapeutic Services
Elements of a Whole School Approach • Evidence Based Policy Aims: (Department of Education & Science, Ireland, 1993) • To create a school ethos which encourages children to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour. • To raise awareness of bullying as a form unacceptable behaviour with school management, teachers, pupils, parents/guardians. • To ensure comprehensive supervision and monitoring measures through which all areas of school activity are kept under observation. • To develop procedures for noting and reporting incidents of bullying behaviour. • To develop a programme of support for those affected by bullying behaviour and for those involved in bullying behaviour. • To work with and through the various local agencies in countering all forms of bullying and anti-social behaviour. • To evaluate the effectiveness of school policy on anti-bullying behaviour.
Underpinning a School Policy to Prevent and Reduce School Bullying and Violence : 1 The Promotion of a co-operative school ethos • respect • trust • caring • consideration • support The Promotion of high standards of Behaviour • pupil – pupil • teacher – pupil • teacher – teacher • parent – teacher
Underpinning a School Policy to Prevent and Reduce School Bullying and Violence : 2 Promoting Confidence & Self Esteem • Pupils • School Personnel Promoting Curricula to Foster • Respect for human dignity • Tolerance and respect for the values and beliefs of others • Celebration of diversity
School Based Interventions Survey, prepare policies or code of discipline reduce risk factors, establish student council, peer support, mediation, counselling, school home liaison • Primary – reducing the risk of bullying and violence. • Secondary – responding to incidents of bullying and violence • Tertiary – treatment and rehabilitation for those involved in incidents. Method of shared concern, No Blame approach, Restorative Justice, Denial of Privileges, Suspension, Expulsion Child – focused Teacher – focused Family – focused Community - focused Monitoring incidents, Counselling, referral to specialists
Whole School Approach – A Continuous Process • Self Audit. e.g. Varnava (2000) • Regular Audit • Monitoring Authority e.g school inspectorate • Regular Evaluation • Expert Advisory Organisation
The Design Team Student Council National Curriculum Development Unit Teacher Unions Education Parent Councils Ombudsman The Design Team Voluntary Sector Victim Support Groups Crime Prevention Community Safety Police Juvenile Justice Probation Corporate Social Welfare Researchers Mass Media School Psychological Service Health Training Institutions & Services for Children
5. Media campaign to change attitude, behaviour and social norms Challenges to be tackled {Commission on Children & Violence, Gulbenkian Foundation} • Gender Issue • Macho Male Images • Those at risk of violence Infants; young people with a disability; minority ethnic groups Design Team to Promote Media Campaign An Inter-Departmental Ministerial Group Besides a Media Campaign “Build values that make for a non-violent society into services that work with and for children.”
6. Integrate School Bullying & Violence Prevention into Teacher Education at Pre-Service and In-Service Levels Rationale • The commitment of teachers is critical to the effectiveness of intervention programmes [Roland 2000] Aim • To enhance competence • To detect • To intervene • To prevent • To understand the critical role of their own behaviour in shaping attitudes and behaviour of their students
Key Elements in a Teacher Training Module on School Bullying & Violence Elements proposed by O’Moore (2000); Nicolaides, Toda & Smith, (2002) What is bullying and violence? The extent of bullying and violence The signs of victimisation, bullying and violence. The ill-effects The causes Preventative strategies Strategies to deal with incidents, inclusive of teachers and parents Developing a school policy. Use the curriculum to promote pro-social attitudes; Enhance self-esteem
In-Service Training Rationale To improve quality and efficiency by learning about the scientific advances in the field of school bullying and violence. Successful Experience of In-Service (O’Moore & Minton, 2003) ABC Model adapted from Roland, 1997 • Develop a Network of Trainers • Provide Regional Training • Provide Local Support • Provide Professional Accreditation Example: Diploma in Aggression Studies, Trinity College Dublin
7.To Establish a National Advisory Unit for Partners in Education Rationale: Need for evidence based advice and guidance to guide policies and intervention strategies and research. Example: Anti-Bullying Centre Research & Resource Centre Education Department Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland ABC Provides: • Advice and guidance [website, helpline, drop in centre] • Professional Counselling • Mediation • Resource Materials for parents, schools and organisations • In-service and staff development for schools and organisations • Day conferences and workshops for pupils, parents, teachers and adults in the workplace • Investigations • Expert Witness • Legal Advice • Reference library • Conducts research If the Centre cannot provide the necessary therapeutic help it refers on to experts in the field The Centre refers on to legal firms if the clients are considering litigation
To Ensure Comprehensive Service Of National Advisory Unit (Centre of Excellence) • Provide Government Funding • Give An Official Status • Establish International Links with Comparable Centres • Establish an Alliance with Other Advocacy Groups To share and exchange information To pool experiences To increase collaboration
8. To Contribute to an International Research Network Rationale: • Identify and examine important issues on a global scale. • Facilitate the development of global preventative approaches Potential Areas of Research:[Roland, personal communication] • Conduct national baseline investigations using same definition and tools of measurement • Analyse results according to defined standards • Conduct indepth case studies of national policies • Monitor and evaluate prevention and intervention approaches • Assist OECD and National Authorities in awareness raising and National Research
Leadership of International Research Centres Criteria: That the Centre is located in a country that reflects the highest political commitment to tackling school bullying and violence. This will ensure the necessary funding and support.
9. Promote Legislation to Deal Effectively With School Bullying & Violence Article 19: Convention On The Rights of Children State Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s) legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.
The Way Forward – Legal Reforms Examine with a view to adopt the recommendations of the Commission on Children and Violence[Gulbenkian Foundation, 1995] • Remove legal tolerance to any level of violence to children • Ensure that response to violent behaviour contribute to the solution rather than the problem • Prohibit physical punishment and humiliation of children • Review criminal justice system for young offenders to ensure rehabilitation and protection of public from serious harm. • Provide consistent obligations to act against bullying in all institutions • Review and simplify the law on possession and use of firearms and other offensive weapons.
Advantages of Legal Reform Create a climate of opinion that reinforces a zero tolerance to bullying and violence. [Ananiadou & Smith (2002)] Requires all schools to develop policies and to act on them. Create a healthy and positive school climate. Disadvantages Compensation Culture (Binchy, 2004) Preventative Action Provide clear guidelines to schools to how litigation can be avoided. Appoint an Ombudsman for Child & Labour Relations.
Office of Ombudsman • To initiate investigations of Unresolved Complaints • To refer to appropriate agencies, organisations for follow up, support and rehabilitation. • To meet the requirements set out in the U.N Convention on the Rights of Children. [e.g. Norway]
Conclusions • School Bullying and Violence is a worldwide problem • Imposes mental and physical ill health • Undermines and dilutes the quality of education • Action needed at local, national, international level • Framework for National Approach to Include • Data Collection and Research • Training of Professionals • Whole School Approach • Media Campaign • International Research Network • Legal Reform Success will depend on strength of political will “When planning for a year plant corn, when planning for a decade plant trees, when planning for life, train and educate people” (Yves Beernaert, Lisbon, 2001)
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