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The infertility specialists by doing male factor infertility diagnosis, it is found that not only the age of a woman but also the age of the man affects the fertility of that individual. To clear all the doubts, we are doing some male factor infertility diagnosis and find out some results.<br>
How age affects the malefertility? It is a common ideal of all that age plays a vital role in women’s fertility. But the infertility specialists by doing male factor infertility diagnosis, it is found that not only women’s age but also the age of the man affects the fertility of that individual. Very less people know that the age of a man is also one of the vital causes of male infertility. It is a fact that the older a man becomes, the more his fertility diminishes. That’s why, here we, Motherhood fertility centre, a renowned IUI fertility clinic investigate about this issue by the best infertility specialists in Hyderabad and how it affects the male factor infertility treatment also. To clear the doubts, we are doing some male factor infertility diagnosisand find out some results givenbelow: 1. Ageing is an unavoidable condition and when a man ages, he may have a problem in getting his partner pregnant. When some couples may want to conceive, some couples may not conceive if the man’s age is above35.
Our infertility specialists showed that if the age of the man is above 45, then the chances of having a miscarriage are much higher, the age of the woman does not matter in thiscase. If the age of the man is above 45, then there are more chances of the occurrence of autism, mental health problems, and also learning disabilities in the baby becomes muchhigher. To know thecauses of male infertility, the infertility specialists are doing male factor infertility diagnosis and found that at the age of 25 of a man, the average time for conceiving is just 4.5 months. But after the age of 40, this figure increases to 2years. For couples who have opted forIn Vitro Fertilization treatmenthave 5 times less chance of conceiving if the man is above the age of45. The risk of a miscarriage for female partners is twice as high with partners who are above the age of 45 than having male partners who are 25 years old. 8. Men above 45 years old who become fathers have children who have been 5 times more than at risk of falling in the autismspectrum. From the above points, now you can understand how vital the age of a man is in terms of fertility. When you are thinking about starting a family together, then it is best that you keep all of these above factors in mind. With age, the body functions are also slow down, the lifestyle choices can also have a negative impact onfertility. Male infertility is one of the major causes of depression. If you have doubts about fertility, please contact with our infertility specialist in Hyderabad working in the Motherhood fertility centre. They will guide you with the proper treatmentofmalefactorinfertilitytoensureyourmentalhealthistakencare of
along with your physical health. Remember to consult with a good infertility specialist and about your options indetail. Contact Us: Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/ Email:motherhoodfertility@gmail.com Phone No: +919490026462