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Best Car Dealerships

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Best Car Dealerships

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MotorsHiFiBest Car Dealerships Portal

  2. What makes us different from other is our innovative approach that aims at making the purchase process easy. Few of these are • We provide a platform where buyers and sellers can communicate regarding purchase and sale of vehicles. • Comprehensive listing of vehicles that cover detailed information regarding a vehicle. Video, images, and vivid description are mentioned in it. Our Unique Features

  3. Affordable price of vehicles as different discounts and deals are applicable. After finalizing the deal, customers can also negotiate the price. • Various listing and marketing tools are used to improve visibility of a vehicle. • There is provision of email alerts for buyers to indicate availability of a dream vehicle. • Search options based on the model, make and Zip code

  4. Sellers can register with our platform and enlist vehicles in different categories. They can choose a package based on their need. Use of different promotional tools and listing ensures better visibility of vehicles. To reach a wider client base, they can provide lucrative deals and offers. Buyers can negotiate directly with sellers. How we Help Personal Sellers

  5. Dealers can register with us and enlist vehicles as per their category. There are different packages available for promoting the sale of a particular vehicle. Dealers can mention discounts in the pricing list. Selling a vehicle is fast through our platform. Options for Dealers

  6. Thank You!

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