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Central Region CIC Branch Advisory Council Overview

Learn about CIC Branch Regional Advisory Council - mandate, accomplishments, honors, programs, and resources. Follow us for updates!

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Central Region CIC Branch Advisory Council Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LCdr Luke Charbonneau, OMM, CDCIC Branch Advisory Council (Central) Regional Chair

  2. CIC Branch Regional Advisory Council • What is the CIC Branch Regional Advisory Council (RAC)? • CIC RAC mandate • Accomplishments • Honours and Awards • Programs & Resources • Follow us!

  3. CIC Regional Branch Advisory Council (RAC) Overview The Central Region CIC Branch Regional Advisory Council (RAC) is an advisory body composed of CIC/COATS Officers and NCMs whose mandate is to identify and discuss professional concerns of the members of the CIC/COATS (including NCMS) and provide advice to the RCSU CO and the CIC Branch Advisor.

  4. CIC RAC – MANDATE The mandate of the RAC is to provide an unfiltered platform for members of the CIC/COATS to voice professional concerns and to provide input into policies affecting the Branch. It also acts as the champion for the branch image, pride and visibility. The three pillars that the Central Region RAC are striving to build upon are; • Promotion of the CIC/COATS Branch, • Advice and Advocacy, • Recognition of accomplishments for CIC/COATS Members.


  6. CIC National Advisory Council (NAC) ACCOMPLISHMENTS • CF Pension Modernization. • Realignment of CIC Courses. • CIC Branch Flag & Motto. • Tri-Service hat badge. • Proposed Air Force half-wing. • Establishment of a Central Region Lifetime Achievement Award.

  7. CIC Flag & Motto CIC Flag “ILLUMINATE VIAM” (Illuminate The Way) (Motto)

  8. Tri-Service Hat Badge

  9. Proposed Half-Wing

  10. AccoutrementsCIC Army Buttons

  11. AccoutrementsCIC Cummerbund


  13. Honours and Awards Committee • Need to put forward deserving Pers for Honours and Awards at all levels. • Recognition of Dedication, Professionalism and Volunteerism towards the CAF/CCO. I

  14. Honours and Awards Committee • A vast array of H&A from a CO’s Commendation to the ORMM • Our H&A Committee can be used as a resource to assist you in putting forward a complete package. • It has been found that despite the good intentions of a nomination, the documentation & citation does not reflect the award being nominated for. I

  15. Honours and Awards Aide-Memoire Honours and Awards Aide-Memoire For Officers and Members Of The Cadet Organization Administrative and Training Service (COATS) Created by the Central Region CIC Branch, Regional Advisory Council COATS 30 Jan 2015 Use it as a resource!! Find it in the File Repository

  16. CENTRAL REGION CIC LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD • Reviewed, and Recommendations forwarded by the RAC H&A Committee. • This prestigious award, recognizes members of the CIC, who have advanced the aims of both the CIC, and Canadian Cadet Movement in Central Region, over an extended period of time. • Nine Nominations for 2014 – Three Award Winners


  18. Illuminate Viam Award • Scheduled to be introduced shortly. • Intended to recognize those CIC Officers and COATS NCMs who have less than 12 years of service and have made a significant contribution to the CCM.

  19. Depart with Dignity Located in the File Repository! Located in the File Repository!

  20. CFLC/ Employer Recognition Program This allows you and the Reserve Force to thank your employer or educator for their support. You can nominate your employer, teacher or organization for this award. You might be surprised at how much this kind of public recognition is appreciated.

  21. CFLC/ Employer Recognition Program • Administered by CFLC. • Consists of letters and certificates. • Lt(N) Chris Abram serves as the coordinator. • Info can be found at: forces.gc.ca/doing business/employer support for reservists

  22. https://www.facebook.com/CICBranchCentral

  23. https://mobile.twitter.com/raccentral

  24. Also, don’t forget…. Sporting Events Amusement Parks Movies Museums Theatres/Concerts

  25. CAN THIS BE ME?????????

  26. Let’s Get Fit!!!! www.dndgoodlife.ca USER NAME: dnd PW: fitness

  27. FINALTHOUGHTS We are advocates for the CIC; however, we do not replace the CF chain of command.


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