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Vertex Operators and Effective Action of IIB Matrix Model. Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK and Sokendai March 15 2007. Introduction. Spacetime may emerge out of condensations of D-branes. Emergent spacetime Matrix Models are a promising approach to investigate such a possibility.
Vertex Operators and Effective Action of IIB Matrix Model Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK and Sokendai March 15 2007
Introduction • Spacetime may emerge out of condensations of D-branes. Emergent spacetime • Matrix Models are a promising approach to investigate such a possibility. • Gravity is expected to arise through open/closed string duality. • Fuzzy and generic curved spacetime (principle bundle) may be constructed
Role of SUSY • Maximal SUSY plays an important role for IIB matrix model to contain gravity. • Matrix models with the half SUSY may be relevant to little strings. MizoguchiSaito Kitazawa • Supergravity multiplet couple to the vertex operators whose structure is determined by N=2 SUSY. Kitazawa, Iso TerachiUmetsu
Vertex Operators • Vertex operatoprs couple linearly to the fields in the supergravity multiplet • Under N=2 SUSY trasformation, they transform as
Supersymmetric Wilson Loop • Let us consider Hamada • It satsifies
When k2=0, Wilson loop can be expanded in l up to the eighth order • It indeed satisfies Iso Terachi Umetsu
One loop effective action • Supergravity description
Low energy effective action • For generic backgrounds, we postulate • Let us recall diagonal backgrouds
Vertex operators for diagonal backgrounds We also have the phase:
Effective action between i-j blocks • The supergravity multiplet exchanges are consistent with Aoki,Iso,Kawai,Kitazawa,Tada
Effective supergravity action • Integration over fermionic zeromodes gives rise to higher dimensional operators:
Dynamical implications • These operators give rise to network-like structures as • The analysis of this kind of effective theory may be useful to understand the dynamics of IIB matrix model.
Conclusions and Discussions • Low energy effective action of IIB matrix model is given by supergravity and the vertex operators. • The vertex operators can be determined by N=2 SUSY and they are explicitly determined up to the 6-th descent order. • Effective action of Aoki et.al. can be understood in such an interpretation.
Higher dimensional operators are induced in supergravity effective action after the integration over the fermionic zeromodes. • Investigations of such an effective supergravity may be useful to elucidate the dynamics of IIB matrix model