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Tools for Effective Leadership and Governance in an Era of Constrained Resources

Tools for Effective Leadership and Governance in an Era of Constrained Resources. James P. Honan Senior Lecturer on Education Harvard Graduate School of Education. Key Financial Challenges/Drivers for Independent Schools. Tuition/Financial Aid Fundraising/Capital Campaign

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Tools for Effective Leadership and Governance in an Era of Constrained Resources

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tools for Effective Leadership and Governance in an Era of Constrained Resources James P. Honan Senior Lecturer on Education Harvard Graduate School of Education

  2. Key Financial Challenges/Drivers for Independent Schools • Tuition/Financial Aid • Fundraising/Capital Campaign • Enrollment/Demographics • Salaries/Human Resources • Endowment • Debt • Physical Plant/Facilities • Non-tuition revenues

  3. CAIS Heads Survey: Responses to Economic Downturn • Lower tuition increases, increased financial aid • Expenditure reductions • Decreased revenue assumptions • Extended timelines for giving/pledges • New income/special funding • Increased, personalized, transparent communication to constituents

  4. Prior/Ongoing Work on Financial Sustainability • NAIS/NBOA Symposium- Financing Independent Schools • Financing Schools Institute • Regional/Sector Programs • CFO Symposia • Individual Schools • Other sectors

  5. Financial Sustainability: Emerging Propositions • Not a “one size fits all” concept • Responsibility for it goes beyond CFO’s • No “silver bullet” or simple answer/solution • A multi-faceted issue • Has short-term and long-term dimensions • Brings heightened attention to outcomes/impact/ROI • Requires Board/Head leadership – communication and action

  6. Coping With ConstrainedFinancial Resources Mission? Tactical Responses Strategic Responses Revenue Expense Options: • Across-the-board reductions • Targeted cuts • Reallocation James P. Honan

  7. A program logic model is a picture of how your program works – the theory and assumptions underlying the program. ...This model provides a road map of your program, highlighting how it is expected to work, what activities need to come before others, and how desired outcomes are achieved (p. 35). • W.K. Kellogg • Foundation Evaluation • Handbook (1998)

  8. http://www.wkkf.org/Pubs/Tools/Evaluation/Pub3669.pdf

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