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Housing Access Services & Coordination: Empowering Independence

Housing Access Services, a partnership of The Arc Minnesota and MN Dept. of Human Services, helps individuals secure housing through various services. Eligible individuals can receive assistance with finding, moving, and settling into their own place. Contact for more information.

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Housing Access Services & Coordination: Empowering Independence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Housing Access Services and Housing Access Coordination Presenter: Ellen Baudler

  2. Housing Access Services is a partnership of The Arc Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Human Services Housing Division

  3. Housing Access Services is about privacy… one-person at a time

  4. Over 2,100 movers!

  5. Karli’s parents worried about her moving out on her own

  6. Housing Access Services helped Karli find her own place!

  7. Stable Public Funding How did Karli afford her own place?

  8. What do Housing Access Services staff do?

  9. Who is eligible? Any person over 18 who is receiving Medical Assistance, was assessed and determined eligible for certain state plan services in Minnesota.

  10. Housing Access Services can: Help people move to a place of their own from an independent setting, a group home or assisted living facility.

  11. Housing Access Services can:Accompany people when looking for housing

  12. Housing Access Services can: Help complete rental applications and lease agreements.

  13. Housing Access Services can: Meet and negotiate with landlords or property staff.

  14. Housing Access Services can: Help with applications for publicly financed housing.

  15. Housing Access Services can: Assist with finding affordable furnishing and related household matters.

  16. Housing Access Services can: Pack and move your belongings.

  17. Housing Access Services can: Assist with application fees and deposits.

  18. Housing Access Coordination is another service that Arc Housing Coordinators can provide. Coordinators will bill HAC to all eligible waiver recipients.

  19. Housing Access Coordination is also available to people with eligible HCBS waivers. These waivers include: • CADI • CAC • DD • BI

  20. Housing Access Coordination can: Assist with four stages: • Plan (50 hours or 200 units) • Find (50 hours or 200 units) • Move (50 hours or 200 units) • Follow-up (50 hours or 200 units per year)

  21. Housing Access Coordination Stage 1. Plan This stage may include: • Develop a person-centered housing plan • Creating a budget • Applying for housing/utility vouchers • Searching for housing • Meeting with landlords • Completing rental agreements

  22. Housing Access Coordination Stage 2. Find This stage may include: • Continue to search for housing • Helping the person understand and negotiate a lease • Signing a lease • Arranging deposits and scheduling moving/packing • Assessment by an OT for modifications or AT if needed • Getting household goods

  23. Housing Access Coordination Stage 3. Move This stage may include: • Pack • Move • Unpack

  24. Housing Access Coordination Stage 4. Follow-up This stage may include: • Going with the person to housing related meetings with his or her landlord • Helping him or her understand and follow notices form his or her landlord about community rules • Following up about housing benefits

  25. For more information contact our intake line at 952-915-3632. They can answer questions and help find you the appropriate region to assist.

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