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Office of Sustainability Anti-idling Guideline Presentation 2010

Office of Sustainability Anti-idling Guideline Presentation 2010. Idling … is when an engine is running while a vehicle is stationary or a piece of equipment is not performing work. Please take a couple of minutes to complete our survey!!!. Idling Gets You Nowhere.

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Office of Sustainability Anti-idling Guideline Presentation 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Office of Sustainability Anti-idling Guideline Presentation 2010

  2. Idling • …is when an engine is running while a vehicle is stationary or a piece of equipment is not performing work.

  3. Please take a couple of minutes to complete our survey!!!

  4. Idling Gets You Nowhere • … and it can be costly. Excessive idling wastes a significant amount of fuel and money and generates needless greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. If drivers of light-duty vehicles avoided idling by just three minutes a day, over the year Canadians would collectively save 630 million litres of fuel and 1.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

  5. Objectives • The anti-idling guideline aims to support the University Sustainability goal to reduce resource consumption and emissions released through the reduction of unnecessary idling. • Vehicle emissions produce pollutants that contribute to climate change, smog and acid rain affecting the health of people, infrastructure, and the ecology.

  6. The New Guideline • Vehicles shall never be left idling when unattended. • Engine warm up periods should not exceed one minute (provided air pressure for air brake systems are fully charged and all safety provisions are in place). • Light–duty vehicles (passenger size) shall be shut down whenever idling periods are expected to exceed one minute. • Heavy-duty vehicles (such as buses and cargo trucks) shall be shut down whenever idling periods are expected to exceed three minutes.

  7. Exceptions • The exceptions to this guideline have been identified for the following circumstances: • Police, fire or ambulance vehicles • Armoured vehicles • Vehicles with heating or refrigeration systems powered by the engine • Under extreme weather conditions or any other time when the health and safety of the employee or others may be jeopardized • Stop and go traffic

  8. Air Quality Resources

  9. Resources During summer 2009, the Office of Sustainabilityundertook an idling research project and met with a number of organization that work on idling and air quality issues. • DriveWiser a program of Clean Nova Scotia, focuses on motor vehicle fuel efficiency program including idle free programs. • Ecology Action Centeris focusing on reducing idling in small communities around the province. • The Children’s Clean Air Network– a local community group dedicated to reducing the health impacts of idling on children. • Natural Resources Canada – provides information on greening fleet and idling including free stickers, posters, and videos • Dalhousie Atlantic Aerosol Research Centre – Dr. Mark Gibson

  10. Air Quality Information • Provincial/Federal and University air stations are located on the Dunn building and on Terminal Road. • Air Quality information is available through the Air Quality Health Index and locally through smog bulletins.

  11. Health & Environment Not only can you save money and fuel, but you can also help reduce greenhouse gases as well as toxic air pollutants that we all breath.

  12. Save Lives • Poor air quality can affect our health, lead to increased health care costs and also affect natural resources. • Children breath 50% more air than adults which puts them in a more susceptible position, leading to a dramatic increase in childhood asthma.

  13. Save Money • $289,300 in fuel costs (assuming a fuel cost of $1.00/L and observed idling rates) could be saved every year if the Dalhousie Community turned the key off - $17 per person. • A combined total of 7.2 million minutes of idle time results from the Dalhousie community each year – equal to one vehicle idling for13 years.

  14. Save the Planet • Keep in mind that every litre of gasoline you burn produces about 2.3 kilograms of CO2. • If Dalhousie motorists avoided idling every day of the year, CO2 emissions could be reduced by 588.5 tonnes annually, which would fill 588 two-storey houses. • This would be equivalent to taking 134 cars off of the road for the entire year.

  15. Mountain Idle Video http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/transportation/business/documents/idling-newsletters/video/Mountain-Idle-01.wmv

  16. Optional Quiz - Answers • Children breath in 50% more air than adults. • The combined total of idling at Dalhousie is equal to one vehicle idling for 13 years. • every litre of gasoline you burn produces about 2.3 kilograms of CO2. • One tonne of CO2 is enough to fill a two-storey house.

  17. Thank you for your time! You Hold The Key; Be Idle-Free

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