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U.S Postwar challenge: containment - stopping the Communist spread into Korea

U.S Postwar challenge: containment - stopping the Communist spread into Korea. The Forgotten War 1950-53 1945 Japanese forces North of 38th paralle l surrender to Soviets forces, South - surrender to U.S. forces.

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U.S Postwar challenge: containment - stopping the Communist spread into Korea

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  1. U.S Postwar challenge: containment- stopping the Communist spread into Korea The Forgotten War 1950-53 • 1945 Japanese forces North of 38th parallel surrender to Soviets forces, South - surrender to U.S. forces. • Soviets influenced Northern Korea to communism - U.S. influence Southern Korea to democracy. • Northern and Southern Korea attempt to unite the peninsula with their adopted style of gov’t. • This created tension among the super-powers as well for the Korean people.

  2. 1950-North Korea invades the South • N. Korea is equipped with Chinese and Soviet weapons, crosses 38th parallel • N. Korea achieved surprise and quick successes, captures 90% of the peninsula. • Truman feared WWIII had started. • U.S. troops in Japan come to S. Korea’s aid.

  3. U.S./ United Nations React • U.N passes resolution to send forces to Korea. • President Truman places U.S. General Douglas MacArthur controls American/U.N. forces. • MacArthur recaptures S. Korea and most of N. Korea. • China feels threatened by massive # of U.S./U.N troops, China reacts with 200,000 troops pushing U.S back to the 38th parallel.

  4. The War Drags-on • War front shifted several times. • Jet air-craft entered battlefield U.S. F-86 pilots confronted MIG-15 Soviets pilots. • War became a deadly stalemate, no side claims clear victory. • MacArthur repeatly suggested using A bomb on China: Truman relieved MacArthur of command.

  5. A Divided Korea - Still • No peace treaty has been signed to this date!!!!! The two Koreas are divided by a heavily armed DMZ - demilitarized zone. • North Korea still vows they will someday united the North and South. • Today about 34,000 U.S. troops still stand guard on the Korean peninsula - troop strength is being diverted from Korea to Iraq.

  6. The Final Resolution in Numbers • Casualties South Korea: 673,000 deadUnited States: 36,516 dead(33,686 combat, 2,830 non-combat),103,000 wounded, 8,142 MIAUnited Kingdom:1,078 dead, 2,674 wounded, 1,060 MIA/POWTurkey:721 dead, 2,111 wounded, 168 MIATotal: 1,271,244 to 1,818,410 • North Korean: 200,000+ deadChinese: 171,687 dead (combat +non-combat), 260,000 woundedSoviet:315 dead • Total: 1,858,000 to 3,822,000

  7. Photo references • Korean map http://web.utk.edu/~hchoo/personal/korea2001.jpg • 38 parallel http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Crossing_the_38th_parallel.jpg/250px-Crossing_the_38th_parallel.jpg • MacArthur http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Douglas_MacArthur_smoking_his_corncob_pipe.jpg • Aircraft http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/history/generations/mig15-f86.jpg • A divided Korea http://www.korea-is-one.org/IMG/DMZ-400.jpg, http://www.hq.usace.army.mil/cepa/pubs/jul00/dmz.jpg • Korean War memorial http://www.ga.wa.gov/visitor/korean/KoreanWar02.jpg http://z.about.com/d/godc/1/0/J/1/koreanmmgal.jpg

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