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Inclusive Education for Vision Impairments

Learn about causes of visual impairment in infants, diagnosis methods, treatments, and engage in a hands-on counting activity for visually impaired learners. Resources and strategies included.

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Inclusive Education for Vision Impairments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I N C L U S I V E E D U C A T I O N

  2. What Causes Vision Loss? There are a variety of causes of visual impairment. In babies, congenital blindness - blindness that is present at birth - can be inherited in a number of ways. Infections such as the German measles can cause congenital blindness, as the disease is transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy. Congenital blindness can also be hereditary.

  3. Visual impairmentis a term used by researchers that refers to a “functional loss of vision” SOME CAUSES OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT Cataracts Cortical Visual Impairment Glaucoma Infections Malformations

  4. Ocular-muscle problems Ocular trauma Optic nerve defects /Optic atrophy Refractive errors Retinoblastoma

  5. Vision Impairment Diagnosis An ophthalmologist will analyze the structure of the eyes as well as perform a variety of tests in order to assess your child's vision: visual acuity test: assesses vision at different distances using a reading eye chart visual field test: measures peripheral (side) vision tonometry test: assesses fluid pressure inside of the eye in order to test for glaucoma

  6. Vision Loss Treatment There are a number of different treatments available for children with loss of vision, including eyeglass or contacts and medicine such as eye drops. For children with blindness, vision aid methods, such as guide dogs and Braille, are instrumental tools. Voice-recognition software and microscopic or telescopic eyeglasses can help children with vision loss, particularly in making schoolwork easier.

  7. A Three Way Counting Activity Objective: This activity will reinforce the relationship between numerals 1-10 and the corresponding number of objects in 3 ways. You will need: large foam numbers checkers large wooden beads long piece of thin rope table top abacus

  8. Procedure: The first step of this lesson is to familiarize the child with numerals. Let the child use their hands to explore foam numbers. As they handle each foam numeral, have them try to remember which one they are holding

  9. Choose a foam numeral. Have the student identify the numeral. Then complete the following: 1. Have the student string the correct number of large wooden beads onto a thin rope. 2. Use an abacus to count the correct number out, while saying each number aloud as the student counts. 3. Count out the correct number of checkers and place them beside the foam numeral.

  10. Evaluation: Teacher will observe the student to determine whether a relationship between the numeral and the correct amount of objects is understood.

  11. Strategies Clearly establish rules and give time for questions Describe the classroom to the student Create a routine Use non-verbal signs Provide objects that can be explored by hand Audio equipment

  12. Resources Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired http://www.tsbvi.edu/curriculum-a-publications/1065-some-causes-of-visual-impairment-in-infants-and-toddlers Freedom Scientific Low Vision Facts - Visual Impairments, Causes, and Treatments http://www.lowvisionsolutions.com/resources/visual_impairments.html It’s a moms world one step resources for mommies Visual Impairment http://www.itsamomsworld.com/visual_impairment.html Bright hub education A Great Math Lesson for the Visually Impaired Early Learner http://www.brighthubeducation.com/special-ed-visual-impairments/62707-preschool-math-lesson-and-counting-activity-for-visually-impaired/ Kids health. Org http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions

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