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Learn about the performance evaluations and planning process at TRIUMF, Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics. Discover the importance of work plans, performance measures, and setting clear standards for evaluation.
CANADA’S NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada LABORATOIRE NATIONAL CANADIENPOUR LA RECHERCHE EN PHYSIQUE NUCLÉAIRE ET EN PHYSIQUE DES PARTICULES Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada Performance Evaluationsat TRIUMF Performance Planning and Review (TRIUMF Scientists) March 4, 2009
APPOINTMENT CLASSIFICATIONBAE • refers to a person who has been appointed to a full or part-time position for which formal approval of the TRIUMF Board of Management is required • expected to provide the intellectual leadership of the laboratory • must be free to explore new avenues of research (referred to as "Intellectual Freedom") as long as these are consistent with TRIUMF's mission statement, statement of work in the NRC Contribution Agreement, and supported by "peer-reviewed funding" • expected to submit proposals to the Experiments Evaluation committees (EEC), the Life Sciences Proposal Evaluation Committee (LSPEC), and the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) • expected to apply, where appropriate, for funding from outside agencies to support their research programs
APPOINTMENT CLASSIFICATIONResearch Associate refers to a Ph.D appointed primarily to conduct research on a term basis provide research opportunities to the individual that may enhance qualifications for permanent employment 3
MANAGEMENT’S PPR GOALS Achieve TRIUMF’s goals and mission Communicate positive & constructive feedback Recognize accomplishments and reward strong performance Document performance issues Correct deficiencies and improve performance Communicate expectations Develop and motivate employees 4
Some PPR IssuesIdentified by Management • Supervisors are often reluctant to: - identify poor performance - address behavioural issues in a timely manner - review and update job descriptions on a regular basis • There are inconsistencies in: • conducting the review • developing work plans • measuring performance • Some employees do not sign or initial their review forms • Some employees fill out their own forms • Some employees do not know what they are evaluated on
2009 LAB GOALS 2009 LAB GOALS The Director has outlined his 2009 goals for the lab, including goals and priorities for each Division. • Division Heads to translate Division Goals to Senior Managers • Senior Managers will translate Group goals to Group Leaders and/or Supervisors • Group Leaders/Supervisors to translate to employees through the “work plan”
Why Are We Doing Performance “Planning” Planning = WORK PLANS • Translate TRIUMF’s overall goals into results • Prioritize the Division’s or Group’s objectives • Align employee’s work plan with desired group results • Help employee understand how his/her work relates and contributes to the group’s goals and the overall goals of the organization • Work together to determine and communicate the measurements and standards for evaluating each of the objectives at the end of the performance year
The Work Plan • The work plan for the Division or Group will be used to develop the individual work plans and goals for the current year (2009), and then used to evaluate performance results and accomplishments. • Not all supervisors have been using the work plans. (~ 30%) • All Supervisors are expected to develop “Work Plans” for their staff for the 2009 performance year. YES! IT IS possible to have a work plan for all positions!
Performance Measures & Standards Every Goal or Objective in the Work Plan must have a Measure and Standard. These are the basis for performance evaluation and should clearly state how your supervisor will recognize when expectations have been met or not met. • The Measure evaluates the outcome of the your work • The Standard evaluates how you go about achieving the work results Measurements and Standards are normally specified in terms of quality, quantity, timeliness, impact or cost.
Performance Measures Measures and Standards can be both: Numeric and Descriptive The Numeric measures - provide a quantifiable and objective means to evaluate Descriptive standards - are observable behaviors or actions which explain how the job is to be done. They tell the employee what a good job looks like when performance is fully competent. Example: Finish data analysis of Expt SNNN and submit paper to Phys. Rev. Lett. Take data for Expt.SNNN. Submit new EEC proposal for measuring X(p,)Y Numeric and Descriptive measures and standards complement each other. Used individually they are: - difficult to measure - only communicate general expectations - completely open to interpretation Example of no measures or standards: Prepare paper on new resultsX
Setting Your Objectives/Goals Example of a work objective: • Finish analysis of data for Expt. SNNN and submit paper • Submit new EEC proposal on X(p,)Y Measure & Standard: • By no later than July 1st, 2009, finish analysis of data for Expt. SNNN • By November 1st submit paper on Expt. SNNN • Submit new proposal to December 2009 EEC on the reaction X(p,)Y
The PPR Form What’s New Same form to be used for all employee groups Page 1 of the 2008 form begins with a brief summary of the 2008 work plan goals. (Some supervisor’s may not have prepared work plans last year. That’s ok) Part 1: Accomplishments – Work Summary this section is now separated into part 1(A) and part 1(B). 1(a) is to summarize accomplishments, and 1(b) is to summary any extracurricular activities not specifically in your job description or in your work plan, such as committee participation, social activities, conference or workshop attendance; special publications etc.. Part 2: Personal Competencies are now separated into (A) and (B). Part A applies to ALL employees, regardless of position or job category. Part B applies to those employees in supervisory and leadership management positions, or who are developing these skills. NOTE: It is not the responsibility of the employee to complete the competency section. While there is a tendency for the employee to want to complete the competency section, it is the reviewer who should be critiquing this with the employee and having a dialogue. It is the supervisor/reviewer who is responsible for evaluating your competencies as they relate to his/her expectations of you for the position. Part 5 – Key Area of Focus for 2009 This area should summarize and support what is, or what will be, itemized in the “Work Plan” ,
Personal Competencies, Behaviour and Attendance • The list of competencies is designed to give your supervisor an opportunity to convey his/her expectations with respect to the standard of performance that is expected of you in your position. It will help you to understand what areas your supervisors see as strengths, and what areas may need improvement. • Behavioural expectations will be addressed through the competency review. COMPETENCIES and BEHAVIOUR PATTERNS APPLY TO EVERYONE
Performance Ratings • Review revised rating description criteria - Unsatisfactory - Needs Improvement - Fully Competent - Commendable - Outstanding • Rating Must Reflect what is documented in the PPR form • Ratings also reflect behaviour
Performance Ratings The following rating categories are used to describe the performance of an employee during the calendar year of review. The rating must correlate with what has been recognized and documented in the performance review Unsatisfactory - This rating represents performance that is overall unacceptable, and the need for immediate improvement is required. This rating may reflect serious deficiencies in the quality of the work, the quantity of work, or the results of the work. It may reflect behavioral issues, unsafe work practices, or consistent breach of policies or procedures. Employees receiving an Unsatisfactory rating will be placed on immediate probation during which time he/she must demonstrate the effort and willingness to correct the identified deficiencies. Needs Improvement - Performance in this category identifies a need for improvement in some, but not necessarily all areas of work.This rating indicates that further development or improvement in certain areas of the job will be necessary in order for the employee to achieve a fully competent level of performance. Areas of improvement may relate to technical aspects of performance, motivation or productivity, unsafe work practices, or behavioral issues.
Performance Ratings A Fully Competent performance rating represents solid performance during the review period, and full competence with respect to the application of knowledge, skills, education and training required to perform the job. In reviewing the practical and behavioral aspects of the employee’s performance, this category is selected when the expectations for execution or completion of work plans, goals or objectives, and the way they were achieved, have been met, and are fully in line with the expectations for the level of the employee. A fully competent performance rating also reflects ,work habits and behavioural attitudes which are fully in line with TRIUMF’s policies and procedures . A Commendable performance rating not only meets the criteria for the fully competent rating, it also represents a noteworthy initiative or noteworthy innovation during the year that is recognized as being above the normal expectations for the level of the employee. A commendable performance rating also reflects the employees effective interpersonal skills and respectful relationships with colleagues and /or subordinates.
Performance Ratings An Outstanding performance rating represents 1 or more special accomplishments which occurred during the performance year that were beyond the expected work plan or objectives, and were exceptional in the way in which they were achieved, particularly in terms of quality, performance standards or impact to TRIUMF. These accomplishments would also have been supported by strong behavioural standards such as a high level of responsiveness to users and effective and respectful communication and interpersonal skills.
Reviewer Responsibilities • Meet one-on-one with each assigned employee • Review job description • Review accomplishments, performance and personal competencies with employee; Review sick time and attendance record if identified as a problem; Review work schedules and flex time • Invite feedback from employee • Identify performance deficiencies and provide assistance and support for correction • Solicit 3rd party input where necessary - IMPORTANT • Establish group goals and objectives for 2009 • Develop 2009 individual work plan • Provide employee with clear expectations, consistent measures and achievable results aligned with the work plan • Identify career development and training needs for 2009 • Provide support, resources and training as required
EMPLOYEE Responsibilities Employee Responsibilities • Meet one-on-one with your reviewer • Discuss your accomplishments • Be prepared to discuss your job responsibilities • Identify any barriers to your performance, or tools and resources you need to make you more efficient • Discuss your Safety Training needs • Participate in developing your 2009 work plan • Make sure you understand what your supervisor’s expectations are of you • Sign the PPR to acknowledge you went through the process
Conducting the PPR The PPR Meeting Prepare for the meeting - Come to the meeting prepared • Bring all relevant documentation and notes on your accomplishments throughout the year • Be open and honest in your communication with your reviewer • Discuss your strengths and shortfalls
Safety Training Requirements Training records for each employee are available online https://admin.triumf.ca/d2w-vdl/training.d2w/require Review the records for each employee Use the Individual Training Plan form to identify any additional or refresher training that should be completed by the employee in the coming year 23
4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 2A3 Tel: 604 222-1047 Fax: 604 222-1074 www.triumf.ca Thank You