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Moravian Bethlehem. Štramberk. The realization of the project CZ.1.07/1.1.07/02.0082 26.11. 2009 - 11.1. 2012 „ Critical T hinking as an Instrument for Pupil‘s P ersonality F ormation “ The project is financed from the European social fund and the Czech R epublic state budget.
MoravianBethlehem Štramberk
TherealizationoftheprojectCZ.1.07/1.1.07/02.0082 • 26.11. 2009 - 11.1. 2012 • „CriticalThinkingas anInstrument forPupil‘s Personality Formation“ • TheprojectisfinancedfromtheEuropeansocialfundandtheCzechRepublicstate budget.
History • 4.12.1359 • Jan Jindřich Lucemburský foundedthe Štramberk town
ThecastleThetower Trúba 40 m high Built in 1359
The Štramberk ears Thereis a legend from 13th centuryconnectedwith Štramberk. Moraviawasoccupied by Mongols, in thosetimes. To avoidtheirattacks, citizensof Štramberk werelookingforsafety on thehill Kotouč. Stormscameandfilledpondsabove a Mongolian camp withwather. The Štramberk citizensdamagedtheponds, thewatherfloodedtheMongolian camp andtheydrowned. Later, whenthewatherwasgone, therewerefoundbagswithhumanears in salt, whichMongoliansused to cutofftheirenemies. Nowadays, socalled Štramberk ears, which are deliciousgingerbreads in a shapeofear, are oneofthe most popularsweets in Štramberk.
495 m n.m. Kotouč Theproductionoflimestone in Štramberk datesback to medieval times,whenpeopleused to getthe stone from more accessibleplaces on hills Zámecký vrch and Skalky. Thelimestonequarry Kotouč wasfounded in 1880 by brothersGuttmann‘s company in Vienna. Theyalsobuilt a railwayfrom Štramberk to Studénka. Soonafteritsbeginning, Kotouč becamethebiggestquary in Austria-Hungary.
Štramberk timberedhousescultural monument ofvernaculararchitecture „Živý skanzen“ becameurban monument preservation area Thetimberedhouses are built on rocky slopeswhereWallahianshepherdssettledin 15th century. Peopleused to builtthetimberedhouses on stone base wallsofvariousheightwithcowshedsinsideit. Someofthehouseshavetwoparts, bothconsistof a hall, a livingroomand a pantry. Theotherhouseshave a biggerpantry, more livingroomsandcowsheds. Many ofsaddleroofsofthehouses are coveredwithshingle.
Museum of Zdeněk Burian • world-famouspainterinspired by primevaltimes • he spent part of his life in Štramberk • the museum wasopened in 1992
Botanicalgardenwith arboretum wasfounded in 1996 in anoldlimestonequarryanditssurroundings • currently, thebotanicalgarden has a collectionof more than 1200 kindsofplants • Žije zde ropucha obecná, ropucha zelená, rosnička zelená, kuňka žlutobřichá, čolek obecný a čolek velký. • saranče modrokřídlé, svižník polní, sou-mračník skořicový, suchomilka bělavá, bělozubka šedá, plch lesní, dlask tlustozobý • more than 1100 butterfly species werefound in the area ofthebotanicalgardenand arboretum so far
Nationalorchard on Kotouč Thegalleryofstatuesandmemorialsofoureminentpersonalities Beautifulviewsof Štramberk NationalNaturalMemorial Šipka – opened on 6th August 1922
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Written in 2010 by Mgr. Jitka Polášková ,ZŠ Hladké Životice