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Culture in a Hybrid Workplace

While these models have many advantages, including increased productivity, lower office costs

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Culture in a Hybrid Workplace

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  1. Culture in a Hybrid Workplace The US is undergoing the most radical labour reorganisation in history. Following recent events, many businesses have adopted a remote or hybrid work model. While these models have many advantages, including increased productivity, lower office costs, and access to a larger talent pool, they have one major flaw: A gnawing sense of worker disconnection. It's easy to bond with coworking space when you work alongside them every day. But when you work from different locations — or even continents and time zones — it can feel lonely. There are no spontaneous water cooler chats or chance encounters with coworkers. In a remote setting, every interaction is planned ahead of time. How do you make remote or hybrid employees feel like a team? So, how do you make your employees feel like they're part of a team? To keep or improve company culture in a remote or hybrid model, read on. Let's begin. Why is Company Culture Important? Company culture is fast becoming a buzzword. But what does it mean in reality? Here's how to define culture: It's your company's personality and how you choose to implement your mission. Cultur isn't pet-friendly workplaces or ping pong tables Those perks are a natural

  2. expression of your brand, but not its definition. But culture is how you embody and express your values as a company. How does transparency inform your interactions with employees and customers? Do you actively share business information? Do you encourage feedback from employees and customers? How do you support one of your values, curiosity, within your organization? Do you hire naturally curious people? Do you encourage employees to solve problems creatively? Do you provide them with resources to pursue hobbies and interests by paying for their college tuition? Company culture describes how employees interact and express corporate values. That's why culture matters. Workplace culture influences productivity. Your company's culture will influence how your employees work, relate to each other, and view their jobs. Employees who feel connected to each other and to the company's values are more engaged and effective. It's vital to hire people who can fit into your culture. Do they share your values? Will they be comfortable interacting with others who represent your brand? People who fit will be more engaged in your organization. Those who don't fit will be miserable, and likely make others miserable. Culture affects your employees directly. And loyal employees are more likely to stay if your company has a strong culture with strong values. When asked why they stayed with a company, 66% said it was because of the culture. The Millennial generation values culture even more (those born between 1981 to 1996). In terms of job satisfaction, they value culture over pay. And 74% of Americans will leave their jobs if the culture declines. But don't be alarmed. Your corporate identity can survive a distributed workforce. Let's talk about retaining culture with a remote team.

  3. Culture in a Remote Workplace As stated at the outset of this article, our workplace is entering a new era of employees working from home. This has changed both how employees work and what they expect from their employers. It's critical to maintain company culture while figuring out this new normal. This is critical given the Great Resignation and the glut of jobs. Workers have many options and aren't afraid to change jobs if they don't like the working conditions. First, the Top Start with your leadership to build culture with your remote team. Your leaders must exemplify and convey your organization's values of fun, humility, integrity, and support. It's difficult to know if your leadership team is communicating these values without honest employee feedback. Allow employees to anonymously express their views on your company's leadership to get the most honest responses. Goals of Your Company It's critical to reaffirm your company's mission and values when moving to a remote work environment. Describe your company's short- and long-term goals. Virtual Group Events You can hold virtual meetings as well as other group activities. Group games, happy hours and team lunches are all good examples. With video conferencing tools like Google Hangouts, your entire team can meet virtually and strengthen emotional bonds. Employee Polls Find out what your employees think about your company and their jobs, especially if you've gone remote or hybrid. It's critical to gauge employee sentiment because it can reveal areas of your culture that need improvement. Solicit employee responses in three words. These words should reflect your company's overall vision. If they don't match, the words reveal how employees view your company. You can either build on this foundation or use it to reintroduce and reinforce the workplace culture you want to create. Allow for Weekly Meetings Meetings are maligned, but they aren't that bad. The only “bad” meetings are the ones that waste time. Nobody wants to hear about topics and projects that have nothing to do with their job. Adding weekly one-on-one meetings with each employee instantly makes meetings more relevant and engaging. Meetings conducted via video and face-to-face help to foster a sense of

  4. connection. Use Values-Based Tools Do you value communication? Use Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Slack to communicate throughout the day. Do you value collaboration? Remote team collaboration tools include Trello, Asana, and Google Workplace. Introduce apps like Calm for Business, Remente, and Talkspace to support employee wellness and mental health. If your hybrid team still works with customers in person, you need tools to help them provide the same level of service. Salesforce, LiveChat, and The Receptionist for iPad can help you stay in touch with your customers. Conclusions Culture creation is a dynamic process that evolves as you learn what works and what doesn't. A remote or hybrid workplace requires extra effort to maintain company culture, but it benefits both you and your employees. Your company will benefit from more engaged, productive, and loyal employees.

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