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Learn about the crucial role of a facilitator in the planning and development process. Understand the criteria for selecting a facilitator, training requirements, and detailed responsibilities involved in facilitating P&D sessions.
43 Overview of Role & Responsibilities • The facilitator plays a key role in the P&D process. S/he: • Works with the sponsor to define decision-making authority, empowerment, and follow-up steps • Helps to design and plan the session, including identifying potential barriers to achieving desired outcomes and ways to overcome them • Helps to identify key participants, outcomes, parameters, and team leaders • Is a neutral third party who can provide a non-biased view • Helps to set the tone for the event • Is responsible for maintaining ground rules, keeping the focus on results, and keeping the group on schedule • Asks difficult clarifying questions • More information on selecting a facilitator • A more detailed description of the facilitator’s role and responsibilities
44 Selecting a Facilitator • P&D facilitators have been selected to meet the following criteria: • Respected leader • Consistently accomplishes results • Outstanding listener • Superior group “guide” • Optimizes results and values • All the facilitators have: • A thorough understanding of the P&D process, including its functioning, its potential, and its limitations • The organization skills and experience to plan for the P&D session • The creativity and experience to take the lead in designing the P&D session • The expertise to facilitate the session so that the group achieves its desired outcomes • The experience and dedication to structure and support the follow-up steps • Some things that you may want to consider when selecting among the available facilitators include: • Internal vs. external — you may want to use an external facilitator for more complex, boundary-spanning P&Ds, and/or those with direct involvement of senior management • Matching operational or past P&D experience to the P&D’s type or central issue • Matching the seniority of participants with the seniority / experience of the facilitator • Learn about facilitator training • Contact experienced P&D facilitators
45 Facilitator Training • (Anything to include?)
46 Experienced Facilitators Name Organization Phone / email Experience • You can call on any of the following people to facilitate a P&D session, or to provide insights into the techniques that have proven effective in facilitating a P&D session:
47-a Detailed Roles & Responsibilities • Understanding the following: • What the P&D process is designed to do • How and when it can be applied effectively (and when it cannot) • How much flexibility there is in the process • What are realistic expectations for the methodology • The role of the facilitator • Assist with planning and designing the P&D session, which involves: • Identifying key participants, outcomes, parameters, team leaders • Selecting the most effective sponsor leadership style • Generating an appropriate design for the issue / opportunity / group • Structuring communication to potential participants • Defining and communicating participants’ roles • Identifying potential barriers to achieving objectives (organizational, individual, motivational, financial, etc.) and ways to help the group overcome these barriers • Identifying key motivational factors that need to be addressed in order to generate commitment and enthusiasm • Tailoring the specifics of the session to suit the particular group (e.g. type and degree of interaction, specific tasks to perform, specific questions to be addressed, composition of sub-groups, timing, type of facilitation required, etc.) • Identifying knowledge/skill development that may be required by the group (e.g. process mapping, Gantt charting, brainstorming, etc.)
47-b Detailed Roles & Responsibilities (cont’d) • Facilitating the P&D session itself, which is likely to require: • Understanding the group dynamics • Handling conflict and contention • Generating enthusiasm and commitment, and fostering creativity and innovation • Asking the right questions at the right time, and challenging the group in ways that are not seen as negative • Guiding the group without exerting undue influence over the outcome, and acting as a non-biased third party in the process • Communicating clearly, concisely, and effectively • Coaching the executive sponsors and team leaders on their roles and relationships • Stimulating the group to commit to specific action plans, personal work plans, and time lines for completing the work • Identifying and fostering lines of communication among appropriate individuals or groups • Helping the group relate their work to the profitability of Enron and to their personal success
47-c Detailed Roles & Responsibilities (cont’d) • Structuring and motivating the group to take effective follow-up steps, which will involve: • Helping the group to identify next steps • Building follow-up into the work process • Insuring accountability for pieces of work and for the achievement of the goal overall • Continuing to coach the sponsor and team leaders • Identifying and providing any additional tools, processes or consultation that the group, or sub-groups, might require • Helping the group to document positive outcomes, change, impact on the organization, profitability, cost reduction, time to market, etc. • Learn about facilitator resources
48 Facilitator Resources • (Anything to include?)
49 Detail on Facilitator Resources • (Anything to include?)